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  • Impact of technology on the practice of law

    Technology is now a part of our day-to-day lives, and we’ve learned how to use it. But what about our judicial institutions? What impact does technology have on the administration of proof and the practice of law? The Court of Appeal provides us with some solutions (and grounds for discussion) in (…)

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  • Dr. Robot at your service: artificial intelligence in healthcare

    Artificial intelligence technologies are extremely promising in healthcare.1 By examining, cross-referencing and comparing a phenomenal amount of data,2 AI lets researchers work more quickly at a lower cost3 and facilitates doctors’ decision-making with regard to diagnosis, treatment and choice of (…)

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  • The City of Montreal revises its by-law on contract management

    Redefining and expanding the concept of conflict of interest, clarifying situations of “ineligibility to contract”, introducing a principle of supplier rotation, increasing the eligibility threshold for the award of a private contract. These are the main changes that the City of Montreal has made to (…)

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  • Increased risk: the importance of questions to policyholders

    On 23 January 2018, in a case in which Marcelin Fortier (hereinafter the “applicant”) sued his insurer, the Superior Court rendered a decision1 whereby it reiterates the principles applicable to the notion of increased risk in insurance, and insisted on the importance of the questions asked by (…)

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  • Influencers Must Disclose Who Is Influencing Them

    This publication was co-authored by Luc Thibaudeau, former partner of Lavery and now judge in the Civil Division of the Court of Québec, District of Longueuil. The rise of social media and influencers has led us to consume incredible quantities of content every day, often without realizing that (…)

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  • Is an audio recording on magnetic tape a technological document?

    This publication was co-authored by Luc Thibaudeau, former partner of Lavery and now judge in the Civil Division of the Court of Québec, District of Longueuil. Despite its coming into force in 2001, the courts have frequently avoided commenting on the application and interpretation of the Act to (…)

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  • No municipal tax reductions for mining companies

    What is a mine’s equipment? What does it include? What is considered an access road to a mining operation? These are, you might think, simple, perhaps even banal questions.  Think again: the answer to these questions represents the difference between millions of dollars in property taxes pouring (…)

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  • Ars Ex Machina: Artificial Intelligence, the artist

    Similarly to human beings, machines are now capable of creating. They can write poetry, compose symphonies and even paint canvasses. They can also take photographs without any human assistance and perform musical pieces with flexibility and expression. On the technical front, such (…)

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  • Autonomous cars in Quebec: the legal uncertainty is clarified at last

    With the enactment on April 17th 2018 of Bill 165, An Act to amend the Highway Safety Code and other provisions1, the driving of autonomous vehicles in Quebec is finally regulated, although a number of uncertainties remain. Indeed, the driving of autonomous vehicles of automation level 3, such as (…)

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  • Latest developments in the Canadian infrastructure market

    The Canadian infrastructure market has had a busy few weeks! The industry's latest news, from new funding policies to major transport and energy projects, is identified in this edition of the Infrastructure Insider. 1. The latest developments in the Canadian infrastructure market New developers (…)

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  • Class actions to watch for in the air transport sector

    Many Canadians travel by airline. Aside from the pleasure of travel, certain inconveniences may sometimes occur, for both air carriers and passengers alike. A class action suit is often the preferred procedural vehicle for customers to assert their rights. Recent class actions authorized by the (…)

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