New notification process at the Trademarks Office
The new provisions of the Trademarks Act allow for earlier intervention with the Registrar in an attempt to prevent the registration of trademarks that create confusion with registered or applied-for trademarks through a notification system. As the owner of pending or registered trademarks in (…)
The countdown is on to protect your trademarks in Canada
A few weeks before the coming into force of the amendments to the Trade-marks Act, the following is a reminder of the actions you should consider taking before June 17, 2019 to protect your rights and save costs. Actions To Take Benefits Renew your registrations and classify your (…)
The Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is coming into force today!
It is today, September 21st 2017, that Bill C-30 1 comes into force. As a result of its provisions, several Canadian laws are amended in order to allow for implementation of the Canada–European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement “CETA” 2. Chapter 20 of the CETA deals with the (…)
Update: Metatags at the Federal Court of Appeal
In December 2015, the Federal Court of Appeal rendered its judgment in the case of Red Label Vacations Inc. ( v. 411 Travel Buys Limited ( 1. The Court dismissed all grounds of appeal and upheld the decision of the Federal Court. Background and Federal Court decision Red (…)
Federal Court of Canada examines metatags under copyright and trademark law
In the decision Red Label Vacations Inc. ( v. 411 Travel Buys Limited (411 1, the Federal Court examined whether metatags attract copyright protection and whether use of a competitor’s trademark or trade name in metatags constitutes a violation of trademark rights in Canada. (…)
The Oasis case: When juice turns to vinegar – The impact of social media on justice
Two Lassonde companies (hereinafter Lassonde), holders of the OASIS trade-mark used mainly to identify fruit juices, instituted legal proceedings against Oasis d’Olivia Inc., requesting that the Quebec Superior Court order it to stop using the OLIVIA’S OASIS trade-mark for soap, and to pay exemplary (…)