The New Commission des relations du travail Soon in Operation
The New Commission des relations du travail Soon in Operation
The New Jurisdiction of the Office of the Labour Commissioner General Over the Dismissal of Municipal Officers
The New Jurisdiction of the Office of the Labour Commissioner General Over the Dismissal of Municipal Officers
Can a Unionized Employee Go Before the Superior Court to Contest an Arbitration Award - If His Union Refuses To Do So?
Can a Unionized Employee Go Before the Superior Court to Contest an Arbitration Award - If His Union Refuses To Do So?
Dismissal: Just Cause and Fair Treatment
Dismissal: Just Cause and Fair Treatment
Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases - The Case Law on Applications for the Transfer of Costs Following an Atttack by a Beneficiary: A Change of Course?
Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases - The Case Law on Applications for the Transfer of Costs Following an Atttack by a Beneficiary: A Change of Course?
Recent Amendments to the Québec Labour Code
Recent Amendments to the Québec Labour Code
The Importance of Directors following Proper Resignation Procedures in order to Minimize their Statutory Liability
The Importance of Directors following Proper Resignation Procedures in order to Minimize their Statutory Liability
An Ontario employer is held liable for an employee's intoxication
An Ontario employer is held liable for an employee's intoxication
The Supreme Court of Canada revisits the notion of freedom of expression in a labour dispute context
The Supreme Court of Canada revisits the notion of freedom of expression in a labour dispute context
The Tobacco Act becomes more severe as of July 17, 2000
The Tobacco Act becomes more severe as of July 17, 2000
Pay Equity: Will your Business be Ready in Time?
Pay Equity: Will your Business be Ready in Time?
The Ville de Montréal case - The Supreme Court examines the notion of handicap
The Ville de Montréal case - The Supreme Court examines the notion of handicap
Quebec Changes the Rules of the Game: No Difference in Treatment
Quebec Changes the Rules of the Game: No Difference in Treatment