An Estate Plan for the Business Owner-Manager: Why and How
If you are a business-owner-leader whose years of hard labour earned him substantial wealth, you certainly wish to maximize the value of the assets that will be transferred to your heirs. You also want such transfer to proceed harmoniously and at the lowest tax cost possible. To achieve these goals, (…)
Has the contractor with whom you are doing business paid his assessments to the CSST? You could be held responsible as the employer who retained his services ...
Has the contractor with whom you are doing business paid his assessments to the CSST? If he hasn’t, you could be held responsible for payment of these assessments as the employer who retained his services!An employer who receives a notice of assessment or a request for information from the (…)
Watering down class actions? Not really?
Watering down class actions? Not really?
Has the contractor with whom you are doingbusiness paid his assessments to the CSST? You could be held responsible as the employer who retained his services ?
Has the contractor with whom you are doingbusiness paid his assessments to the CSST? You could be held responsible as the employer who retained his services ?
Notice to all employers! Do you provide prescription drug insurance? Important changes come into effect on January 1, 2007
Notice to all employers! Do you provide prescription drug insurance? Important changes come into effect on January 1, 2007
Recent developments in the area of psychological harassment: an overview of the decisions pertaining to the interpretation of the new provisions of the Act respecting labour standards
The new provisions pertaining to psychological harassment that were added to the Act respecting labour standards on June 1, 2004, have given rise to many arbitration awards and interpretations over the last two years that have expounded on the concept of psychological harassment.In the light of (…)
Recording in the work environment: do your telephone conversations belong to you?
Recording in the work environment: do your telephone conversations belong to you?
An Act to amend the Consumer Protection Act and the Act respecting the collection of certain debts: is your Website ready?
This publication was authored by Luc Thibaudeau, former partner of Lavery and now judge in the Civil Division of the Court of Québec, District of Longueuil. On November 9, 2006, the Minister of Justice introduced Bill 48, entitled An Act to amend the Consumer Protection Act and the Act respecting (…)
Can a foreign court compel the examination of witnesses and the production of documents located in Quebec?
Assuming that a foreign court exercises the power to issue letters rogatory or to appoint a commission to examine a witness in Quebec and to ask him to produce some documents, how can that be carried out in Quebec and is there a "blocking statute" protecting some of the documents? We (…)
The Federal Government's New Green Approach
The new federal strategy respecting greenhouse gas reduction was finally unveiled on October 19, 2006. A few days later, on October 21st, the Government published its Notice of Intent which outlines the measures that it intends to develop and implement to reduce air emissions. We invite you to read (…)
Reflexions on the legal framework applicable to land use planning (Available in French only)
Reflexions on the legal framework applicable to land use planning (Available in French only)
The Court of Appeal clarifies the extent of a financial institution's duty to inform in situations involving loan insurance
On July 17, 2006, the Court of Appeal rendered a judgement concerning the duty of financial institutions making loans to inform and advise their clients. This decision sheds further light on the obligations of group loan insurance policyholders.
Directors of Quebec non-profit organizations (NPOs)
A person who agrees to be a director of a non-profit organization should not consider his role to be a honorary one or think that his obligations are limited to giving or collecting money or providing advice to its officers. All directors have the same duties and are ultimately subject to the same (…)