Committed to placing clients at the centre of all its actions, Lavery – the leading independent law firm in Quebec – recently appointed Jean-François Lévesque as Chief Client Officer for all its operations.
Working closely with the managing partner and the board of directors, Mr. Lévesque will play a leadership role in the firm’s client-focused approach, business development, marketing, and communications.
“The creation of the position of Chief Client Officer (CCO) was inspired by the firm’s strategic plan, which places client service at the focus of all Lavery’s concerns,” explained Don McCarty, managing partner. “Client needs and interests are at the heart of all our initiatives, so we decided to make it the primary responsibility of one of our executive officers.”
With degrees in both law and literature, and resolutely focused on the business of law, Mr. Lévesque is known for his ability to find creative solutions to the specific challenges facing companies in the B2B sector. In fact, he will be a panelist at the “Sommet marketing B2B” organized by Les Affaires newspaper on November 24.