Lavery is pleased to announce that Cirque du Soleil’s restructuring transaction was named Insolvency & Restructuring Deal of the Year at the Canadian Law Awards.
Lavery represented the ad hoc committee of first lien lenders to Cirque du Soleil in connection with the acquisition of Cirque du Soleil pursuant to a credit bid under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (the “CCAA”) for $1.2 billion. This transaction involved one of the most well-known Canadian corporation and brand world-wide.
Lavery advised and assisted the group of creditors in the CCAA proceedings, the sale of Cirque du Soleil’s Canadian assets to its creditors and the organization of the new corporate and legal structure, including the governance structure. The transaction took place primarily in Canada and the United States, but also involved work in Luxembourg, Russia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China and Australia, among other jurisdictions.
The Lavery team was led by Sébastien Vézina and included Éric Gélinas, Guy Lavoie, Jonathan Warin, Josianne Beaudry, Stéphanie Dubois, Ali El Haskouri, Florence Fournier, Annie Groleau, Emma-Sophie Hall, Chantal Lefebvre, Jean-François Maurice, Joëlle Montpetit, Martin Pichette, Jean-Paul Timothée, Bernard Trang, André Vautour.