Léonie Gagné leads a discussion at the Journée de l’assurance de dommages 2017

Léonie Gagné On March 14, Léonie Gagné, a lawyer in the Litigation and Conflict Resolution Group, led a discussion as part of the sixth annual Journée de l’assurance de dommages (damage insurance conference) at the Montréal Convention Centre organized by the Journal de l’assurance, this year’s theme being “Connectés à l’assurance réinventée” (Connected to reinvented insurance). Over the years, the Journée de l’assurance has become an event not to be missed in the insurance industry.

The panel discussion, entitled L’économie collaborative change la société : l’assurance en fera-t-elle partie ? (the sharing economy is changing society: will insurance be part of that change?), saw panelists examine the business potential for insurers and insurance brokers in the emergence of the sharing economy.

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