Mr. Luc Thibaudeau, a Litigation partner at Lavery, gave a conference entitled “L’application de la Loi sur la protection du consommateur au domaine immobilier”, that took place on November 7, 2013 during the Seminar of the Fondation Claude Masse under the theme Protecting the real estate consumer. Acknowledging that the housing sector accounts for 15% of all complaints filed with the Office de la protection du consommateur yearly, the conference speakers discussed the legal protections granted to real estate consumers and the extent of those protections.
Established to recognize the exceptional contribution of a great legal scholar to consumer law, the mission of the Fondation Claude Masse is to support research, promote education and improve the administration of justice with regards to consumer protection.
For more information about the Seminar (in French), click here. The Collected Papers of the Seminar will be published during the upcoming months.