
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Élisabeth Pinard of Lavery, speaker at a symposium on the rights of the child

    Ms. Élisabeth Pinard, a Family Law, Personal Law and Estate Law partner at Lavery, will give a conference entitled “The right of the child to have a relationship with his grandparents” during the Second Symposium on the Rights of the Child organized by the Éditions Yvon Blais, a Thomson Reuters publication.The conference will take place in Montreal on November 11, 2013 and Quebec City on December 2. More specifically, Ms. Pinard will discuss section 611 of the Civil Code of Québec, which deals with the relationship between the child and his grandparents, as well as the related case law.

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  2. Webinar given by Guy Lemay, Luc Pariseau and Audrey Gibeault of Lavery

    Mr. Guy Lemay, a Labour and Employment law partner at Lavery, as well as his colleagues, Mr. Luc Pariseau and Ms. Audrey Gibeault, Business Law partner and associate, respectively, recently gave a webinar on managing an errors and omissions insurance in the context of taxable benefits and deduction at source.This webinar was presented on the site of Québec Municipal, a web portal that connects together all municipal stakeholders (government departments, municipalities, regional county municipalities, urban communities as well as associations and other municipal entities), enabling them to share information, provide services and execute transactions.

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  3. Benjamin Gross and Étienne Guertin of Lavery, authors of an article in National Insolvency Review magazine

    Mr. Benjamin David Gross and Mr. Étienne Guertin, Business Law partner and associate at Lavery, respectively, are the authors of an article entitled “Sale by Judicial Authority : Conflict of Interest Rules Governing the Designation of the Officer Entrusted with the Sale”, that was published in the October 2013 edition of National Insolvency Review magazine.In this article, Mr. Gross and Mr. Guertin analyze a decision rendered by the Québec Superior Court in 2013. The ruling clarifies the role of the person entrusted with the sale by judicial authority (the “Designated Seller”) as an officer of the court, as well as the extent of the discretion that a court has, in light of the rules pertaining to conflicts of interests, when asked to ratify a hypothecary creditor’s recommendation to appoint a Designated Seller that is an employee of its legal counsel to act in this quality.To read this article*, click here (*Reproduced with permission of the publisher from National Insolvency Review, Vol. 30, No. 5, October 2013).

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  4. Gérard Coulombe of Lavery, panelist at a CBA-Québec conference lunch

    Mr. Gérard Coulombe, Q.C., Ad. E., a Business Law partner at Lavery, acted as panelist during a conference lunch, jointly organized by the Québec Branch of the Canadian Bar Association and the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association, that took place on October 15, 2013 in Montreal.This event was held under the theme “The interactions between the corporate counsel and the board of directors: Legal, operational and political considerations” (Les interactions entre le conseiller juridique et le conseil d’administration : aspects juridiques, opérationnels et politiques). This activity was the first of a series of six panels that will discuss issues of interest for corporate counsel, including the interactions with the board of directors, crisis management, internal inquiries, conflicts of interest and performance indicators.

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  5. 2013 Lavery Private Discussion Event of the Distribution of financial products and services Group: A successful conference!

    The 2013 Lavery Private Discussion Event organized by the Distribution of financial products and services Group was a success. More than 50 financial institutions professionals gathered in the Lavery Conference Centre on October 16, 2013 to take part in this conference entitled “Class actions and complex litigation for financial institutions”.Three renowned panelists took part in this event: Ms. Kathleen Rhéaume, Senior Legal Advisor, National Bank of Canada; Mr. François Reneault, Corporate Vice President, Claims, Intact Insurance; and Mr. J. Serge Sasseville, Senior Vice President, Corporate and Institutional Affairs, Québecor Média inc. Mr. Jean Saint-Onge, Ad. E., a Litigation partner at Lavery, acted as moderator for the conference. The panelists discussed relevant topics, including some major class actions that took place in Quebec, risk management issues, the conduct of complex litigation and the management of media relations.From left to right: Jean Saint-Onge, J. Serge Sasseville, Kathleen Rhéaume et François Reneault

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  6. 2013 Inductees to the IIAC Investment Industry Hall of Fame

    On October 3, 2013, the Investment Industry Association of Canada (IIAC) announced the names of the inaugural inductees to the Investment Industry Hall of Fame. Eight businessmen were honoured for their strong contribution to the growth and prosperity of Canada and the wealth of all Canadians.Mr. Jean Martel, a Business Law partner at Lavery, is a member of the inductees’ Selection Committee. Chaired by the former Premier of Manitoba, Gary Filmon, the committee is made up of five distinguished Canadians from diverse professional backgrounds. To know the names of the 2013 inductees, click here.

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  7. Lavery, host of the event Femmes de talent

    Hosted by Lavery, the event Femmes de talent took place at the Lavery Conference Centre on October 8, 2013. Organized jointly by the firm and its business partner, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton (RCGT), this successful event drew more than 60 people who were given the opportunity to hear the guest speaker, Ms. Christine Marchildon, Senior Vice President, Branch Banking and Chair, Quebec Market, TD Bank Group.Ms. Marie Cossette, a Litigation partner at Lavery, acted as MC while Ms. Louise Martel, a partner at RCGT, introduced the guest speaker. Ms. Marchildon’s conference focused on the role of women in business and on TD’s three-pronged view of diversity and inclusion: recruitment, management and development of employees; servicing customers and marketing itself; and community involvement.From left to right: Ms. Marie Cossette, Litigation partner at Lavery; Ms. Christine Marchildon, Senior Vice President, Branch Banking and Chair, Quebec Market, TD Bank Group; and Ms. Louise Martel, partner at RCGT

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  8. Bernard Larocque, speaker and author of an article on the obligation to defend in liability insurance

    Mr. Bernard Larocque, a Litigation partner at Lavery, gave a conference entitled “L’obligation de défendre de l’assureur : quel rôle joue l’avocat ?” (The insurer’s obligation to defend: The lawyer’s duty), which took place on October 4, 2013 during the Seminar on Recent Developments in Insurance Law that was organized by the Barreau du Québec.Mr. Larocque is also the author in co-operation with Mr. Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin, an associate at Lavery, and with the participation of Ms. Sylvie Demers, a student at Lavery, of an article entitled “Obligation de défendre en assurance de responsabilité : quel rôle joue l’avocat ? ” (The obligation to defend in liability insurance: The lawyer’s duty), in the latest volume Développements récents en assurance published by the Barreau du Québec Continuous Training Program at the Éditions Yvon Blais.

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  9. Martin Bédard joins Lavery as an associate

    Lavery is pleased to announce that Mr. Martin Bédard has recently joined the firm as an associate. Called to the Quebec Bar in 2010, Mr. Bédard will practise in our Business Law Group, particularly in the area of taxation.Mr. Bédard holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Université de Montréal and is currently completing a Master’s degree in taxation at HEC Montréal. Before joining Lavery, he practised for two years at an international law firm.

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  10. Lavery creates a new area of legal practice: Corporate and Business Integrity

    Lavery is pleased to announce the creation of a new area of practice, "Corporate and Business Integrity" whose team will be headed by Marie Cossette, a Litigation partner at the firm.The Corporate and Business Integrity team is composed of the following partners: Daniel Bouchard Jules Brière, Ad. E. Marie Cossette Gérard Coulombe, Q.C., Ad. E. Philippe Décary Jean-Simon Deschênes Raymond Doray, Ad. E. Philippe Frère Nicolas Gagnon André Laurin Don McCarty Katia Opalka Raphaël H. Schachter, Q.C., Ad. E. André Vautour The legal services provided by the team include risk management and media relations with respect to contentious disputes, directors’ and officers’ liability, management of reporting and whistle-blowing processes as well as crisis management."Issues related to corporate ethics and social responsibility are both frequent and ever-present. The main objective of our Corporate and Business Integrity area of practice will be to help corporations implement appropriate mechanisms to ensure their business integrity and compliance with applicable laws in Quebec, Canada and abroad", said Don McCarty, Lavery’s Managing Partner.For more information, visit the Corporate and Business Integrity page of Lavery’s website.

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  11. Jean-Philippe Lincourt, speaker on the issue of class actions at the Lavery Conference Lunch

    Mr. Jean-Philippe Lincourt, a Litigation associate at Lavery, gave a conference entitled “Le recours collectif : Guide de survie 2013” during a conference lunch that was held at Lavery’s Conference Centre on October 2. During this event, which drew more than 40 professionals from the insurance industry, Mr. Lincourt discussed various topics of interest, such as class action proceedings, recent case law and the prevention of class actions.   From left to right: Louis Charette, partner at Lavery; Jean-Philippe Lincourt, associate; and Anne Bélanger, partner at Lavery

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  12. Richard Burgos, author of an article on real estate in Lawyers Weekly

    Mr. Richard Burgos, a Business Law partner at Lavery, is the author of an article on real estate entitled “The Quebec due diligence rules of the game”, that was published in the October 4, 2013 edition of the magazine Lawyers Weekly.In this article, Mr. Burgos discusses the issue of due diligence reviews in real estate transactions in Quebec as compared with real estate requirements elsewhere in Canada. To read this article, click here.

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