
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Lavery collaborates with the Centre d’accès à l’information juridique

    Lavery will collaborate with the Centre d’accès à l’information juridique (CAIJ), an organization associated with the Barreau du Québec, to make its publications available, free of charge, On the CAIJ Web site. Beginning in June, members of the Bar and the Judiciary will be able to access the publications of the seven participating law firms.This CAIJ initiative meets a need often expressed by lawyers to have greater on-line access to doctrine. The law firms’ publications, available in digital format, will incorporate links to Canadian legislation and case law. The publications will be easily accessible from the Web site’s home page as well as via the JuriBistroTM UNIK search engine and the eDOCTRINE tool.

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  2. Katia Opalka of Lavery, contributor to the Canadian Bar Association blog NATIONAL

    Ms. Katia Opalka, an Environmental and Aboriginal Law partner at Lavery, is a regular contributor to the Canadian Bar Association blog NATIONAL Legal Insights & Practice Trends. This blog includes articles on various issues of interest to the legal community. Moreover, Ms. Opalka is the sole contributor on environmental issues for this blog. She also writes articles about natural resources and energy matters. To consult Ms. Opalka’s articles, click here.

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  3. Guillaume Synnott joins Lavery as an associate

    Lavery is pleased to announce that Mr. Guillaume Synnott has joined the firm as an associate on April 28, 2014.Called to the Quebec Bar in 2012, Mr. Synnott will practise in our Business Law Group, particularly in the areas of securities, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate law. He will regularly be called upon to perform due diligence reports, draft and negotiate commercial agreements as well as advise clients of the firm on corporate law matters.Mr. Synnott holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Université de Montréal and a Certificate in Chinese Law from the China University of Political Science and Law.

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  4. Pierre Marc Johnson of Lavery, guest speaker at the dinner-meeting of the Lord Reading Law Society

    Mr. Pierre Marc Johnson, G.O.Q., FRSC, counsel at Lavery, acted as guest speaker at the dinner-meeting of the Lord Reading Law Society that was held on April 29, 2014. He was introduced before an audience of more than 100 people by Carl M. Ravinsky, a Business Law partner at Lavery. Entitled “Canada-EU: The CETA – A Long-awaited and Promising Agreement”, Mr. Johnson’s conference focused on the main issues raised by the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union. Mr. Johnson is the chief negotiator of CETA for the Government of Quebec.

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  5. Diana Darilus and Jean-Philippe Latreille of Lavery, speakers at a Canadian Tax Foundation event

    Ms. Diana Darilus and Jean-Philippe Latreille of Lavery, speakers at a Canadian Tax Foundation event Ms. Diana Darilus and Mr. Jean-Philippe Latreille, Business Law associates at Lavery, acted as speakers during the Conference Luncheon for young tax professionals organized by the Canadian Tax Foundation on May 2, 2014.The conference of Ms. Darilus and Mr. Latreille was held under the theme “Détention d’immeubles par l’intermédiaire de sociétés prête-noms : enjeux et développements récents en matière de taxes à la consommation”. Both speakers discussed various issues such as the recurring problems pertaining to real estate transactions involving nominee corporations, the general rules with respect to consumption taxes as well as the temporary and conditional administrative tolerance applicable to nominee corporations that were announced by tax authorities in February 2014.

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  6. Magali Cournoyer-Proulx of Lavery, co-speaker at the Seminar on recent developments in ethics, professional law and disciplinary law

    Ms. Magali Cournoyer-Proulx, a Labour Law partner and member of the Health Law team at Lavery, acted as co-speaker during the 17th edition of the Seminar on recent developments in ethics, professional law and disciplinary law that took place at the Palais des congrès de Montréal on May 2, 2014.Ms. Cournoyer-Proulx’s conference, which was held under the theme “The Top 10 of the Tribunal des professions for 2013-2014”, focused on the leading decisions rendered in the past year by the Tribunal des professions and appellate courts with respect to ethics, professional law and disciplinary law.

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  7. Lavery supports the private equity and venture capital industry

    Dedicated to helping investment fund managers, investment advisors as well as all other industry stakeholders and relying on our in-depth expertise, Lavery is proud to announce the creation of a team practising in the areas of private equity, venture capital and investment management. This new team gives the firm the opportunity to widen the scope of the legal services provided to industry stakeholders and their various partners who are active in a vast array of sectors, including advanced technology, infrastructure and renewable energy. The Private Equity, Venture Capital and Investment Management team is comprised of the following lawyers: André Vautour Jean Martel, Ad. E. Luc Pariseau Édith Jacques Jean-Sébastien Desroches Josianne Beaudry Guillaume Lavoie Philippe Décary Francis Desmarais Robert La Rosa Simon Bisson The legal services provided by this team include the establishment and development of tax structures for investment funds, capital raising initiatives, the drafting of private placement offering memorandums or prospectuses, corporate governance advice, information disclosure and regulatory compliance, the implementation of various exit strategies, the creation and completion of bank financing transactions as well as the preparation and implementation of infrastructure projects and public-private partnerships. Lavery’s enviable expertise in this field enables the firm to support a wide range of players in the private equity, venture capital and investment management industry such as promoters, investors, fund managers, securities brokers, businesses and their various partners. "For more than 100 years, Lavery has been supporting companies doing business in Quebec. Our new practice team reflects our century-old commitment and the firm’s Law/Business positioning whose objective is to promote growth by strengthening the range of our services to business clients", said Don McCarty, Managing Partner of the firm. For more information, consult our Private Equity, Venture Capital and Investment Management Web page.

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  8. Gérard Coulombe of Lavery profiled in the Canadian International Organ Competition newsletter

    Mr. Gérard Coulombe, Q.C., Ad. E., a Business Law partner at Lavery, is profiled in the Spring 2014 edition of Voix humaine, the newsletter of the Canadian International Organ Competition (CIOC).In this profile focused on Mr. Coulombe, who was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of the CIOC in September 2013, we learn that he is already working hard to ensure the success of the third edition of the Canadian International Organ Competition that will be held in Montreal in October 2014.To consult the bilingual Spring 2014 edition of Voix humaine, click here.

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  9. Yvan Biron and Sophie Prégent of Lavery, speakers at the 2013 Annual Review of Environmental Law

    Mr. Yvan Biron and Ms. Sophie Prégent, partner and associate at Lavery, respectively, acted as speakers at the 2013 Annual Review of Environmental Law. Their presentation was given before the members of the National Environmental, Energy and Resources Law Section of the Canadian Bar Association – Québec Branch.During this case law review, Mr. Biron and Ms. Prégent discussed various issues, such as the Minister’s powers, authorizations, municipal powers in environmental matters, contaminated soils and administrative monetary penalties.

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  10. Julie Cousineau, Caroline Harnois and Nadine Landry appointed partners at Lavery

    Lavery is pleased to announce the appointment of Julie Cousineau, Caroline Harnois and Nadine Landry as partners at the Montreal office of the firm. Ms. Julie Cousineau has developed expertise in the areas of civil litigation, commercial litigation and construction law. In the course of her practice, she represents clients who are active in the public, private and financial sectors. Ms. Cousineau has acted in many contract litigation raising complex and various issues pertaining to non-competition and confidentiality clauses as well as extraordinary recourses such as injunctions. Her long-standing experience also enables her to advise private corporations at all stages of their product distribution and sales business. Ms. Cousineau’s litigation expertise helps her develop practical and efficient strategies that are focused on her clients’ business objectives.        Ms. Caroline Harnois is a member of Lavery’s Family Law, Personal Law and Estate Law team. Her practice is focused on all aspects of family and estate law, which comprises private international family law, including international child abduction. Before joining the firm, she worked as a lawyer at The Hague Conference on Private International Law in the Netherlands, where she developed expertise in extraterritorial conflicts and the application of international conventions, particular with regards to international child abduction, recovery of maintenance abroad, inter-country adoption and international protection of children and vulnerable adults. Ms. Harnois is also the author of numerous articles on family law.       Ms. Nadine Landry practises in the firm’s Labour Law Group where she specializes in employee mobility and economic immigration matters. She represents and advises a number of businesses with respect to the process of hiring foreign workers and transferring key employees to Canada. She also represents entrepreneurs, investors, senior executives and skilled workers wishing to settle in Canada on a temporary or permanent basis. In addition, Ms. Landry has work experience in the cultural field and several years of involvement with national and international sports communities. She was a member of the boards of directors of various organizations in these fields and also held the position of President of Synchro Canada for several years.       "We are very proud to welcome Julie, Caroline and Nadine as new partners of Lavery. This appointment, which represents an important milestone in their career, recognizes the quality of their work with clients and their solid expertise in their respective areas of practice. Moreover, the appointment of three women as partners recognizes the firm’s commitment to the growing presence of women in the legal profession", said Don McCarty , Managing Partner of the firm.  

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  11. Marie Cossette of Lavery appointed ambassador of a committee of the Conseil de la culture des régions de Québec et de Chaudière-Appalaches

    Ms. Marie Cossette, a Litigation partner at Lavery, was recently appointed as ambassador of a committee of the Conseil de la culture des régions de Québec et de Chaudière-Appalaches. The committee’s objective is to design an action plan aimed at encouraging young people to have access and participate in the cultural life of their region.Member of the Comité Affaires-Culture of the Chambre de commerce de Québec since 2012, Ms. Cossette decided to become involved in this initiative launched by the Conseil de la culture and which regroups various sectors, including business and culture. Among other things, ambassadors will be required to mobilize their sector, to gather through their own contact networks ideas and recommendations for their sector, and to submit them to other committee members for approval.

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  12. Caroline Roberge joins Lavery as an associate

    Lavery is pleased to announce that Ms. Caroline Roberge has recently joined the firm as an associate. Called to the Quebec Bar in 2008, Ms. Roberge will practise in the firm’s Administrative Law Group.Recipient of a Master’s degree in environmental law, sustainable development and food security and of awards for academic excellence, Ms. Roberge’s expertise is focused on municipal law, environmental law and agricultural law. Before joining Lavery, she was a municipal councillor and worked as legal advisor for the Fédération des producteurs de lait du Québec.

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