
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Lavery leads the sale of the Omaha Lancers hockey club by Benoît Robert and his partners

    Lavery is pleased to announce that it acted as counsel to Benoît Robert and his partners in the sale of American Hockey Group, LLC (“AHG”), the operating company of the Omaha Lancers hockey club of the United States Hockey League (USHL). Under this transaction, all of the membership interests of AHG were sold to Crossbar Down, LLC, a Nebraska company. Previously to  the closing, the Omaha Lancers had been managed by Benoît Robert who resigned from his position as managing partner further to his appointment as President and CEO of Montreal-based Quebecor Media Sports and Entertainment Group. Lavery’s transactional team was led by Sébastien Vézina (Sports Law and M&A) and included  Guillaume Synnott (M&A), Éric Gélinas (Tax Law) and Anne-Sophie Lamonde (M&A, articling student). Dorsey & Whitney LLP acted as special counsel with respect to American legislation.

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  2. Odette Jobin-Laberge, of Lavery, appointed at the Conseil de la magistrature du Québec

    Lavery is pleased to announce that the appointment of Ms. Odette Jobin-Laberge, Ad. E., litigation partner at Lavery, as member of the Conseil de la magistrature du Québec has been recently renewed by the Québec Cabinet. Created in 1978, the Conseil de la magistrature’s mandate is to ensure respect of the judicial code of ethics and organize training programs for judges. Fifteen members sit at the Conseil.

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  3. Daniel Bouchard speaker at a conference on the acquisition of immovable rights by a municipality

    On September 20th, Mr. Daniel Bouchard, Managing Partner of Lavery’s Quebec City office, was speaker at a training event organized by Juris Conseil, an association of Quebec notary firms. Many were present at Montreal’s Novotel Hotel to attend Me Bouchard’s lecture on the acquisition of immovable rights by municipalities. Amongst Me Bouchard’s points of discussion were factors of jurisdiction, required authorizations and applicable conditions that must be met in this type of transactions.  

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  4. Conference on the reform of procedure: the new Code of Civil Procedure in ten points

    Ms. Julie Cousineau, Mr. Jean-Philippe Lincourt and Ms. Laurence Bich-Carrière, lawyers at Lavery, acted as speakers on September 23rd, 2014 at a breakfast-seminar on the topic of the reform of civil procedure, presented at the Lavery Conference Centre. Their conference, entitled “What you need to know about the reform of civil procedure: the new Code of Civil Procedure in ten points” («Ce que vous devez savoir de la réforme de la procédure : le nouveau Code de procédure civile en dix temps ») presented the highlights of the new Code.

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  5. Daniel Bouchard, speaker at a conference for the Committee for continuing education of municipal judges

    On September 19th, Mr. Daniel Bouchard, Managing Partner of the Quebec City office, was speaker at a conference for the Committee for continuing education of municipal judges. The conference, which took place at Times Hotel in Sherbrooke, was entitled "Nuisance et bruits / Salubrité et biens laissés sur le carreau" ((translation) Nuisance and noise / Public health and property removed by bailiff and placed in a public place). More specifically, this conference examined noise as a nuisance and property left in the street by a bailiff and placed in a public place as a potential public health hazard. By reviewing legislation, case law and doctrine, the presentation ultimately circumscribed the scope of municipal authority with respect to these issues.  

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  6. Daniel Bouchard presents a workshop at a seminar of the "Corporation des officiers municipaux agréés du Québec"

    On September 18th, 2014, Mr. Daniel Bouchard, Managing Partner of the Quebec City office practising in the administrative law group, was co-lecturer at a workshop entitled "Jurisprudence récente-nouvelles tendances" (Recent case law- new trends). This workshop was offered as part of the annual seminar of the Corporation des officiers municipaux agréés du Québec which was held in Bécancour and which drew 26 participants, primarily clerks, treasurers and general managers. Mr. Bouchard presented key decisions of the year, namely in the fields of ethics, activity control, jurisdictions, human resources and invitations to tender.  

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  7. Conference on the planning of a medical expertise: A Successful Event

    Dr. Mitchell S. Pantel and Mr. Guy Lavoie, Medical Director, Occupational Health at Cyclone Santé and partner at Lavery in the Labour Law Group, respectively, acted as speakers, on September 24th, 2014, at a breakfast-seminar on independent medical evaluations (“IME”), organized jointly with Cyclone Santé. This event drew some 60 participants at the Lavery Conference Centre. The topics discussed focused on the preparation of independent medical evaluations, the choice of expert and the challenges often met during the process.

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  8. The philanthropic contribution of Gerard Coulombe recognized in Centraide’s Leaders and Major Donors Directory

    Mr. Gérard Coulombe, Q.C., Ad., partner at Lavery practising in the Business law/ transactions group, has been cited by Centraide as an important donor. The agency recognizes the generous contribution Mr. Coulombe has made to the agency since 1977, year of his first donation, and has allocated a full page to his testimony. Honouring him even further, Centraide has placed Mr. Coulombe’s photo on the cover of the publication, along with other major donors. To visualize the publication, kindly click here (in French only).

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  9. Seminar of the Conseil québécois de la franchise: an event not to be missed

    Mr.  Jean-Philippe Turgeon, partner at Lavery and head of the Franchise and distribution group, will be a speaker at the Fourth edition of the seminar presented by the Conseil québécois de la franchise for which this year’s theme is: "Meilleures pratiques et jurisprudence récente en franchise". This seminar, which will discuss the issues, solutions as well as key-judgments pertaining to franchising, will be held on November 13th, 2014 at Omni Mont-Royal Hotel. It will attract knowledgeable experts as well as experienced lawyers in the field of franchising in both Quebec and Ontario. Mr. Turgeon will speak at a conference entitled: "L’éthique et les bonnes pratiques du franchiseur : impératif pour maintenir la croissance de l’industrie de la franchise". A complete program of the seminar is available here (in French).

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  10. QALBA’s conference on attracting Asian Investments to Quebec: a successful initiative

    It was with great pleasure that Lavery hosted the conference organized by the Quebec-Asia Law and Business Association (QALBA) on September 18th.  At this occasion, Mr. Luc Carignan, Director, Americas and Asia, Investissement Quebec presented a conference entitled “Quebec’s Natural Resources, a Major Asset in Attracting Asian Investments to Quebec”. This event drew fifty business professionals who took note as  Mr. Carignan discussed attraction factors as well as the challenges and opportunities inherent to Asian investments.

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  11. Daniel Bouchard, Chloé Fauchon and Pier-Olivier Fradette, speakers at two zone seminars for Quebec municipal directors

    Mr. Daniel Bouchard, Managing Partner of the Quebec City office, Ms. Chloé Fauchon and Mr. Pier-Olivier Fradette, presented conferences at the Beauce Côte-Sud and Lotbinière-Appalaches zones seminarfor Quebec municipal directors.     These two events, which were most successful, were held on September 10th and 11th respectively. The seminars took place in Saint-Georges and Thetford-Mines and each drew 60 participants, primarily Quebec municipal general directors. The conference presented by Mr. Bouchard, Ms. Fauchon and Mr. Fradette was entitled Législation récente, jurisprudence récente et conflits d’intérêts.

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  12. Jean Saint-Onge, guest speaker at the Legal Section Meeting of the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Companies Association (CLHIA)

    Our partner Mr. Jean Saint-Onge was a guest speaker on recent developments in class actions in Canada at the 2014 Legal Section Meeting of the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Companies Association (CLHIA), held in Montebello last September 18th. Lavery, a CLHIA industry affiliate and major sponsor of the event, was also represented by Ms. Evelyne Verrier and Ms. Mary Delli Quadri.

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