
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Jean-Philippe Latreille, member of the 2014-2015 Incubator Series of the Young Directors of IGOPP

    April 9, 2015 marked the conclusion of the 2014-2015 edition of the Incubator Series for Young Directors of the Institute for Governance of Private and Public Organizations (IGOPP), in which Mr. Jean-Philippe Latreille, Business Law lawyer at Lavery, took part. Members of this group were selected based on the quality of their application, their motivation, their professional, academic and social background, and their interest for governance. The Young Directors of IGOPP aim to educate, prepare, and involve the Quebec and Canadian business communities by organizing interesting events and by spreading information through social media with the ultimate goal of sensitizing young professionals to the great challenges in governance facing public and private organizations.

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  2. 2015 edition of Lavery’s Major Symposium in Labour and Employment Law– a great success!

    Lavery held the 2015 edition of its Major Symposium in Labour and Employment Law and it was a great success. More than 250 people made their way to Centre Mont-Royal on April 15, 2015 to participate in this event hosted by Ms. Catherine Maheu, partner and coordinator of Lavery’s Labour and Employment Law group. On this occasion, attendees got to participate in various workshops presented by Jean Boulet, Zeïneb Mellouli, Michel Gélinas, Josiane L’Heureux, Norman A. Dionne, Nicolas Joubert, Danielle Gauthier, Josée Dumoulin et François Parent. Speakers addressed many different subjects, starting with a retrospective of decisions of interest in that field, as well as presentations regarding a variety of problems that can arise in the workplace.

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  3. Véronique Morin leads a webinar on last chance agreements

    On April 9, 2015, Ms. Véronique Morin, CIRC, a Labour and Employment Law associate at Lavery, led a webinar focused on the usefulness of last chance agreements and ways to increase their efficiency. During this webinar, which was held as part of the professional development activities organized by the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés (CRHA), Ms. Morin discussed various issues of interest, such as the concept of accommodation short of undue hardship, the content of a last chance agreements and the administrative and disciplinary sanctions related to those very agreements. For more information about the webinar (in French), click here.

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  4. Louis Rochette, honorary copresident of the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge in Quebec City

    On May 24, 2015, Louis Rochette, a Business Law and Life Sciences partner at Lavery, will co-chair the 15th edition of the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge in Quebec City with Mr. Germain Lamonde, president of Exfo. On this occasion, he will take on this challenge and have his head shaved as a show of solidarity towards the children who, following chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments, have lost their hair. The Leucan Shaved Head Challenge is a major fundraiser which aims to engage the community to provide services to families affected by cancer as well as financial support for research. Lavery is proud to highlight the involvement of one of its own with Leucan which, for the past 35 years, has been committed to helping and supporting cancer-stricken children and their families. To participate in the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge or to make a donation, please click here. 

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  5. Launch of the Lavery GO inc. Program in Trois-Rivières!

    On April 1st, 2015, Lavery organized a cocktail marking the launch of the Lavery GO inc. Program at Trois-Rivières. The event, which took place at the Restaurant Le Poivre Noir, gathered close to 40 guests. During the evening, Ms. Myriam Lavallée presented the features and advantages the program offers, and discussed the importance of cooperation between public sector bodies and private sector businesses in establishing a business and startup-friendly climate. Mr. Jean Boulet also stressed the importance of such a program as part of the economic transformation the regions of Mauricie and Centre-du-Québec are undergoing.

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    Providing guidance to startups as they prepare to seek outside financing

    Lavery is pleased to announce that its involvement in the Startup Next Montreal program that will allow selected Quebec entrepreneurs to participate in one of the most renowned pre-acceleration startup program in the world and to also benefit from a special session on the legal issues that startups face, offered by the lawyers of Lavery’s GO inc. Program. The Startup Next Montreal pre-acceleration program runs from February 23 to May 2, 2015 and is aimed at priming four startups for success in their search for financial backing either from seed or accelerator funds. The four selected companies are Makerbloks, led by François Poirier, Logrr, led by Julien Denaes, Elysia, led by Vanessa Cheranfant, and Heddoko, headed by its founder Mazen Elbawab. Startup Next is a global program implemented in 40 cities around the world and backed by Google for Entrepreneurs and the Global Accelerator Network. Lavery is hosting six consecutive and mandatory weekly sessions of three hours each, plus one special session dedicated to the legal issues associated to business startups. During these sessions, entrepreneurs meet with company founders as well as with experts who share their own experiences in growth-company management, get to make their elevator pitch before a panel of mentors who provide feedback and are paired with mentors who help them delve more deeply into strategic issues. The entrepreneurs will discuss namely with Bob Dorf, Startup Trainer and Professor of Entrepreneurship at Columbia Business School, LP Maurice, CEO of Busbud and Partner at Interaction Ventures, Chris Arsenault, Managing Partner of iNovia Capital, and Sean Brownlee, General Partner at Rho Canada Ventures. The best Montreal entrepreneurial teams will be invited to present their start-up companies to investors or accelerator funds like XPND Capital, Interaction Ventures, Real Ventures, to angel investors like Anges Québec, and to decision makers, as well as to the Jeune chambre de commerce de Montréal (JCCM) and the Regroupement des jeunes chambres de commerce du Québec (RJCCQ) business community during Startup Next Montreal’s presentation day at the 48h Entrepreneurs event.   “With its GO inc. Program, Lavery targets dynamic and innovative startups that stand out from the crowd. Our partnership agreement with Startup Next Montreal helps us reach out to several of the most promising technology startups in Quebec,” said Don McCarty, the firm’s Managing Partner. “We are very pleased that the Lavery GO inc. Program is partnering with Startup Next Montreal, because it is essential that entrepreneurs understand the main legal issues they will need to manage in order to successfully grow their company. We added a training session to the program specifically to address this topic and provide entrepreneurs with the best tools possible for the challenges that lie before them,” added Sergio A. Escobar, Startup Next Montreal Program Facilitator.  “Lavery is delighted to welcome the entrepreneurs selected by Startup Next Montreal. The members of the Lavery GO inc. Program plan will analyze with them the major legal issues related to their startups,” stated Étienne Brassard, lawyer in charge of the Lavery GO inc. Program. The Lavery GO inc. Program provides personalized support to selected businesses over a wide range of legal services needed during the start-up process, including incorporation, trademark and domain registration, service agreements and various internal company policies.

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  7. Valérie Korozs publishes a chapter on economic dismissal for the Quebec Bar

    Valérie Korozs, Labour and Employment Law associate at Lavery, in cooperation with Guy Lemay, Labour and Employment law partner at Lavery, and Ms. Émilie Thibault and Léa Pelletier-Marcotte, students at Lavery, is the author of a chapter in the latest volume Développements récents en droit du travail published by the Quebec Bar’s Continuing Education Service at Éditions Yvon Blais, in March 2015. Her article, entitled « Congédiement pour motifs économiques : l’approche de la Commission des relations du travail » [Dismissal for economic reasons : the Commission des relations de travail’s approach] reviews decisions of interest as well as trends before the Commission des relations de travail on matters relating to temrination for economic reasons. She analyses the burden of proof the employer must meet, and explores the CRT’s approach following a substantial decrease in employment conditions for financial considerations. For more information or to order the publication, click here. 

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  8. Pierre Marc Johnson delivers keynote address at business luncheon organized by Société de développement économique de Drummondville

    On March 31st, 2015 at the new Centrexpo Drummondville, Lavery’s Pierre Marc Johnson delivered a presentation before a capacity audience made up of key actors in the economy of Drummondville. During his remarks, Quebec’s Chief Negotiator for the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement outlined the terms of the agreement, its origins and steps remaining before its entry into force. He also highlighted key provisions and spelled out the advantages of the treaty for Quebec businesses.

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    Legal services tailored to the needs of start-up businesses

    Lavery is pleased to announce the launch today of the Lavery GO inc. Program in Trois-Rivières. This program’s mission is to help young entrepreneurs and provide affordable, quality legal services to qualifying start-up businesses. This personalized program offers a wide-range of legal services, often required in the start-up phase of businesses, namely incorporation, trademark and domain name registration, employment agreements, as well as workplace policies. The legal services will be provided at a fixed rate to accommodate the budget of young entrepreneurs. “For the past couple of years, Mauricie and Centre-du-Québec have been going through a transformation process in regards to their economy, namely marked by emerging new businesses characterized by their dynamism and sense of innovation. The Lavery GO inc. Program will consolidate the firm’s position in the business world of these regions, by concretely reaching out to start-up businesses which present an important growth potential”, said Jean Boulet, Managing Partner of the firm’s Trois- Rivières office. Each business selected for the Lavery GO inc. Program will be supported and receive legal advice from Lavery’s professionals who have both the experience and expertise required, such as Myriam Lavallée, Étienne Brassard and many more. Moreover, the businesses selected will benefit from multiple hours of legal advice. The services will be offered at a fixed rate to take into account these young businesses’ abilitiy to pay. For more information on the Lavery GO inc. Program, please visit:

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  10. Élodie Brunet and Josiane L’Heureux take part in the “Think Prevention” event

    On March 25, 2015, in Val-d’Or, Élodie Brunet, in collaboration with Josiane L’Heureux, respectively associate and partner in the Labour and Employment Law Group at Lavery, gave the opening presentation at the “Think Prevention” conference. This event, organized by the SPI Health and Safety firm, was a gathering of more than 80 people representing local businesses, such as mining companies, cities and municipalities. The presentation entitled “Le succès d’une défense de diligence raisonnable passe inévitablement par la prévention” (“A successful due diligence defence necessarily begins with prevention”) sought to sensitize managers to the practical elements an employer must implement when faced with a CSST inspection, a statement of offence alleging a violation of the Act Respecting Occupational Health and Safety or a charge of criminal negligence. In such situations, the employer must be able to demonstrate his diligence, and more specifically, that he took the necessary measures to protect the health and safety of his employees and to prevent, to the extent possible, any impact on their health and safety.

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  11. Jean Saint-Onge presides the Symposium on class actions of the Quebec Bar

    Once again this year, Jean Saint-Onge, Ad. E., a Litigation partner at Lavery, presided the National Symposium on Class Actions of the Quebec Bar, on recent Developments in Québec, in Canada and the United States. The event, which was held on March 26 and 27 at the Palais des Congrès de Montréal, featured over 40 speakers from several jurisdictions in North America and addressed the most recent case law and trends with regards to class actions.

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