
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Lavery hosts a conference given by former Supreme Court judge Louis LeBel

    On September 16, 2015, Lavery’s Quebec City office was host to a conference presented by former Supreme Court judge, Louis LeBel, on freedom of speech and its limits as defined by the Supreme Court of Canada case law. This conference was organized by Chloé Fauchon, an associate at Lavery, as Chair of the administrative & constitutional law and human rights division of the Canadian Bar Association – Quebec branch, in partnership with the Quebec Bar.

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  2. Michel Blouin, René Branchaud, Yvan Biron, Sébastien Vézina and Benjamin David Gross of Lavery recognized as mining law leaders in Lexpert Leading Canadian Lawyers in Global Mining

    Michel Blouin, René Branchaud, Yvan Biron, Sébastien Vézina and Benjamin David Gross, partners at Lavery, have been recognized as mining law leaders in Leading Canadian Lawyers in Global Mining, a new Lexpert publication released in September 2015. This prestigious recognition is the result of extensive peer surveys conducted not only in Canada but also worldwide. The expertise of these lawyers in the area of mining law is therefore recognized internationally. To consult this Lexpert publication, click here.

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  3. Lavery holds a roundtable on entrepreneurship

    On September 25, 2015, Lavery’s Quebec City office welcomed three speakers for a roundtable on entrepreneurship. Germain Lamonde of EXFO, Geneviève Babin of Groupe Renaud and Dominic Gagnon of Connect&Go discussed their entrepreneurial journey with about 20 young entrepreneurs from the region. Organized by Anthonie Vézina-Crawford and Chloé Fauchon, associates at Lavery, this conference was a great success.

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  4. Jean-Philippe Turgeon and Guillaume Synnott, authors of an article in Canadian Business Franchise

    Mr. Jean-Philippe Turgeon and Mr. Guillaume Synnott, a Franchise and Distribution Law partner and associate at Lavery respectively, are the authors of an article entitled “Takeaways from the Dunkin’s Donuts Decision” published in the September 2015 issue of Canadian Business Franchise. In their article, Mr. Jean-Philippe Turgeon and Mr. Guillaume Synnott highlight the recent Dunkin’ Donuts judgment from the Court of Appeal of Quebec which clarifies the extent of the contractual implicit obligations of the franchisors toward their franchisees, such as the franchisor’s obligation to take reasonable measures in order to protect and enhance its brand and franchise system. To read this article, click here.

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  5. Two Lavery partners receive the Council of the Bar of Quebec Medal!

    Lavery is pleased to announce that two of its partners, Mr. Pierre Beaudoin and Mr. Jules Brière, were among the recipients of the Council of the Bar of Quebec Medal, received on September 11, 2015 during the official ceremony marking the start of the new judicial year at the Quebec City Court House. This medal is given annually to honor a person’s contribution to the interests of justice or his bar section, to honor a member of the legal community celebrating his 50th, 60th or 70th year as a member of the Quebec Bar, to honor a member of a foreign legal community or any other reason considered relevant by the Council. Lavery is proud to highlight Mr. Beaudoin and Mr. Brière’s 50th year as members of the Quebec Bar as well as their ongoing commitment to further Quebec law.

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  6. Nicolas Joubert and Guy Lavoie, speakers at the CACE 12th Annual Conference

    The Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers (CACE) held its 12thannual conference from September 10 to September 12, 2015 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Two Labour Law partners at Lavery, Nicolas Joubert and Guy Lavoie, were speakers at this event Mr. Joubert presented a conference entitled “Mitigation of damages in the context of wrongful dismissals - Recent developments across Canada”. He covered several aspects of mitigation in the context of wrongful dismissal, namely self-employment as a fulfillment of an employee’s duty to mitigate, and the employer’s burden of proof in establishing the employee’s failure to mitigate. As for Mr. Lavoie, he took part in a panel answering 11 ethics questions in labour law. 

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  7. Marie Cossette, speaker at the Colloque des dirigeants des ordres professionnels

    Marie Cossette, a partner at Lavery whose litigation practice focuses on public, administrative and disciplinary law, and who is responsible for the firm’s integrity practice, provided training at the 6th edition of the Colloque des dirigeants des ordres professionnels, which was held from September 2 to September 4, 2015, in Quebec City. Ms. Cossette gave a workshop entitled “Votre Ordre vit une crise médiatique : sauriez-vous y faire face?” (Your Order is going through a crisis : would you know how to tackle it?), in which she presented various case studies to help define the notion of crisis management and a management plan, stages of crisis management, the role lawyers play as well as special measures to face it. Organized jointly by the Quebec Interprofessional Council and the Quebec College of Physicians, this conference gathers more than 300 professionals to analyze common issues and find possible solutions. 

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  8. Le Nouvelliste highlights Jean Boulet’s commitment in fighting regional underdevelopment

    On August 31, 2015, Trois-Rivières’ Le Nouvelliste published an article on Jean Boulet, a Labour and Employment partner and manager of the Lavery Trois-Rivières office. Entitled « Avocat dans la lutte au sous-développement régional » (A lawyer against regional underdevelopment), this article highlights Mr. Boulet’s numerous commitments throughout the years in promoting the economic growth of the region. To read the article, click here (in French only).

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  9. 45 Lavery lawyers included in the 2016 edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada

    Lavery is pleased to announce that 45 of the firm’s lawyers have been listed as leading Canadian practitioners in their respective areas of expertise in The Best Lawyers in Canada 2016. "We are delighted that 45 lawyers of our firm are included in the 2016 edition of this prestigious directory. This recognition acknowledges the expertise, quality of work and dedication of these lawyers and the entire Lavery team. I would like to congratulate our 45 colleagues who have been singled out for their contribution to our clients’ success and the development of our service offering", said Don McCarty, Lavery’s Managing Partner. Among the Lavery lawyers listed in The Best Lawyers in Canada 2016, Richard Burgos, Jules Brière, Richard A. Hinse, Jean Legault, Jean Martel and Sylvain Poirier are first-time honourees. The following lists the names of all Lavery lawyers included in the directory as well as their practice area(s):  1. Pierre-L. Baribeau Labour and Employment Law 2. Yvan Biron Environmental Law 3. Michel Blouin Natural Resources Law 4. René Branchaud Natural Resources Law 5. Jules Brière, Ad. E. Health Care Law 6. Richard Burgos Corporate Law 7. Marie-Claude Cantin Insurance Law 8. Louis Charette Aviation Law; Product Liability Law; Transportation Law 9. Gérard Coulombe, c.r., Ad. E. Corporate Law 10. Eugène Czolij Corporate and Commercial Litigation; Insolvency and Financial Restructuring 11. Pierre Denis Equipment Finance Law 12. Raymond Doray, Ad. E. Administrative and Public Law 13. Louis-Martin Dubé Real Estate Law 14. Josée Dumoulin Employee Benefits Law 15. Nicolas Gagnon Construction Law 16. Michel Gélinas Labour and Employment Law 17. Marie-Andrée Gravel Mergers & Acquisitions Law 18. Jean Hébert Insurance Law 19. Richard A. Hinse Corporate and Commercial Litigation 20. Odette Jobin-Laberge, Ad. E. Insurance Law 21. Pierre Marc Johnson International Arbitration 22. Bernard Larocque Class Action Litigation; Insurance Law 23. Guy Lavoie Labour and Employment Law; Workers’ Compensation Law 24. Jean Legault Banking and Finance Law; Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Law 25. Guy Lemay Labour and Employment Law; Class Action Litigation 26. Jean Martel, Ad. E. Corporate Governance Practice 27. Robert W. Mason Director and Officer Liability; Insurance Law; Personal Injury Litigation; Product Liability Law 28. Patrick A. Molinari Health Care Law 29. Philip Nolan Tax Law 30. François Parent Employee Benefit Law 31. Luc Pariseau Tax Law 32. Jacques Paul-Hus Mergers & Acquisitions Law 33. Louis Payette, Ad. E. Banking and Finance 34. Jacques Perron Transportation Law 35. Élisabeth Pinard Family Law 36. Sylvain Poirier Health Care Law 37. Marc Rochefort Securities Law 38. Louis Rochette Health Care Law 39. Ian Rose Director and Officer Liability, Insurance Law 40. Jean Saint-Onge, Ad. E. Class Action Litigation 41. Raphaël H. Schachter, c.r., Ad. E. Criminal Defense 42. Jean-Yves Simard Corporate and Commercial Litigation; Insolvency and Financial Restructuring 43. Gerald Stotland Family Law 44. Philippe Tremblay Construction Law 45. André Vautour Corporate Law, Information Technology Law; Technology Law   For more information, please visit the Best Lawyers’ website at

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  10. Patrick A. Molinari, Jacques Perron and André Vautour of Lavery named Best Lawyers’ 2016 Lawyers of the Year

    Lavery is pleased to announce that Mr. Patrick A. Molinari, Mr. Jacques Perron and Mr. André Vautour have been named 2016 Lawyers of the Year by Best Lawyers, a peer-review legal publication. Patrick A. Molinari has been named Lawyer of the Year 2016 Montreal, Health Law. Jacques Perron has been named Lawyer of the Year 2016 Montreal, Transportation Law. André Vautour has been named Lawyer of the Year 2016 Montreal, Technology Law. "On behalf of my partners at Lavery, I heartily congratulate our colleagues Patrick A. Molinari, Jacques Perron and André Vautour on this recognition, acknowledging the expertise, professionalism and the quality of service that they offer to our clients", said Don McCarty, Lavery’s Managing Partner. For more information, please visit Best Lawyers’ website at Patrick A. Molinari Jacques Perron André Vautour

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  11. Zeïneb Mellouli publishes a chapter on Labour Law in Cahier de propriété intellectuelle

    Zeïneb Mellouli, Labour and Employment Law associate at Lavery, in cooperation with Antoine Guilman, PhD candidate at Université de Montréal, is the author of a chapter in the latest volume of Cahier de propriété intellectuelle published at Éditions Yvon Blais, in May 2015. Her article, entitled “Le droit du travail version 2.0 : cinq décisions importantes en 2014” [Labour Law 2.0: five important 2014 decisions] reviews five decisions of interest rendered in 2014 in Quebec, demonstrating the technological trends in Labour Law. For more information or to order the publication, click here. 

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  12. Caroline Harnois, speaker at Université de Sherbrooke

    On July 27, 2015, Caroline Harnois, a Partner in the Family Law, Personal Law and Estate Law Group at Lavery, gave a conference on the transnational aspects of family law to the students of the Master in Law Program in Common Law and Transnational Law at the Faculty of Law, Université de Sherbrooke. Ms. Harnois addressed the students as part of their class on “Transnational Practice”, an initiative of Mr. Olivier Barsalou and Professor Derek McKee, Director of the common law and transnational law program, and shared her experience and her career path in international and transnational law as well as family law. 

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