
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Chloé Fauchon leads panel discussion for the CBA-Quebec

    On March 16, Chloé Fauchon led a panel discussion entitled “La cohérence décisionnelle - pourquoi ? par qui ? – débat sur les suites de l’arrêt Wilson de la Cour suprême du Canada” (consistency in decision-making: why? by whom? – discussion on the aftermath of the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Wilson), organized by the Administrative Law Section of the Quebec Chapter of the Canadian Bar Association. Using the recent divided opinion in Wilson as an example, this panel discussion sought primarily to define the respective roles of the courts and administrative tribunals when they are faced with conflicting decisions by an administrative tribunal on the same legal issue. The panelists, Denis Lemieux, professor of administrative law in the Université Laval’s Faculty of Law, and Lucie Nadeau, vice-president for quality and consistency at the Tribunal administratif du travail, also attempted to identify concrete solutions that dispel the legal uncertainty caused by inconsistency in decision-making.

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  2. Léonie Gagné leads a discussion at the Journée de l’assurance de dommages 2017

    On March 14, Léonie Gagné, a lawyer in the Litigation and Conflict Resolution Group, led a discussion as part of the sixth annual Journée de l’assurance de dommages (damage insurance conference) at the Montréal Convention Centre organized by the Journal de l’assurance, this year’s theme being “Connectés à l’assurance réinventée” (Connected to reinvented insurance). Over the years, the Journée de l’assurance has become an event not to be missed in the insurance industry. The panel discussion, entitled L’économie collaborative change la société : l’assurance en fera-t-elle partie ? (the sharing economy is changing society: will insurance be part of that change?), saw panelists examine the business potential for insurers and insurance brokers in the emergence of the sharing economy.

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  3. A Lavery team meets the Leucan Ski Challenge

    On March 11, five members from Lavery’s Sherbrooke office participated in the Leucan Ski Challenge held at Bromont. Justin Gravel, Jordy-Philippe Bernier, Geneviève Chamberland, Nicolas Thibault-Bernier and Marie-Claude Lacaille raised $1,900 to be donated to Leucan in support of children with cancer and their families. Click here for more information on Leucan.

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  4. Élisabeth Pinard becomes Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers

    Lavery is pleased to announce that Élisabeth Pinard, the coordinating partner of our Family, Personal and Estate Law Group, was inducted as a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers (College) during a ceremony held on March 4, 2017. Founded in 1950, the American College of Trial Lawyers is a professional association of the best trial lawyers in the United States and Canada. The College is dedicated to maintaining and improving the standards of trial practice, the administration of justice, and the ethics of the profession. Click here for more information on the College.  

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  5. A start-up supported by the Lavery GO inc. Program appears on Dragon’s Den

    On February 22, representatives from Bonnie & Clyde, a start-up supported by the Lavery GO inc. Program, appeared on the television show Dragon’s Den and presented their new Bonnie & Clyde pet nutritional supplement to the five dragons. The nutritional supplement for dogs and cats is already available in nearly 200 stores across Canada, including five pet stores in Québec City and Lévis. Click here for more information on the Lavery GO inc. Program.

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  6. Marie-Hélène Jolicoeur discusses the “Five Things I Would Have Liked to Have Known as a Young Lawyer” at a CBA-Québec seminar

    On March 1, Marie-Hélène Jolicoeur, a partner of our Labour and Employment Law Group, spoke at a luncheon seminar organized by the Canadian Bar Association, Quebec division (ABC-Québec) and shared five pieces of advice she would have liked to have known when she was starting out as a young lawyer. In a warm and welcoming environment, she discussed issues related to building a career, balancing work and personal life, managing a practice, as well as relationships with clients, coworkers and fellow lawyers.

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  7. The Pierre-Basile-Mignault Moot Court Competition: three prizes for a team supervised by Lavery

    On February 17th and 18th, 2017, the 39th edition of the Pierre-Basile-Mignault pleading competition was held between students from six civil law faculties in Canada. Lavery has been involved in this competition for several years. This year, students from two teams were supervised by four lawyers from the Litigation group: Laurence Bich-Carrière and Maude Lafortune-Bélair for the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) Justin Gravel and Audrey-Julie Dallaire for the Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS) UQAM’s appellant team won the Yvon Blais Cup, which is awarded to the finalist team. Two members of the UQAM team were awarded prizes for best speaker: Laurence Landry-Plouffe received the Canadian Bar Association Cup, Quebec Division (2nd best) and Mélissa Desgroseillers was the recipient of the Lavery Cup (3rd best). Click here for more information on the Pierre-Basile-Mignault Moot Court Competition.

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  8. Zeïneb Mellouli appointed to the CNESST pay equity and labour standards advisory committee

    Zeïneb Mellouli, a lawyer with the Labour and Employment Law group, was appointed to the pay equity and labour standards advisory committee during a December 15, 2016, meeting of the board of directors of the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST). The committee’s role is to advise the CNESST Board of Directors and the minister responsible for labour. Click here for more information on the CNESST.

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  9. Richard Burgos and Louis-Martin Dubé present the 2016 Annual Review of jurisprudence in real estate law

    Richard Burgos and Louis-Martin Dubé, partners with the Business Law group, presented the 2016 Annual Review of jurisprudence in real estate law held on February 22, 2017. Over 100 people attended this luncheon seminar organized by the Canadian Bar Association, Quebec Branch, where they listened to the two partners discuss key elements of jurisprudence in real estate law from 2016.

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  10. Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin and Bernard Larocque present a review of 2016 insurance law jurisprudence at the ChAD and at the CICMA

    Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin et Bernard Larocque, partners of our Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group, presented the 2016 review of insurance law jurisprudence at the Chambre de l’assurance de dommages (ChAD) on February 21 and at the Canadian Insurance Claims Manager Association (CICMA)on February 23. These two events, which brought together more than 60 attendees, highlighted the 2016 key decisions in the field of insurance law.

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  11. Nicolas Gagnon speaks at ACRGTQ’s 73rd annual convention

    Nicolas Gagnon, a partner with the Litigation and Dispute Resolution group, spoke at the 73rd annual convention of the Association des constructeurs de routes et grands travaux du Québec (ACRGTQ) held on January 19th. The presentation, entitled Êtes-vous autant protégés que vous le croyez ?, analyzed the recent jurisprudence on the scope of the stipulation for another in construction industry contracts and reviewed the measures to implement to ensure various industry workers are legally protected. Click here for more information on the ACRGTQ.

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