
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Three partners from Lavery speak at the annual conference of the Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers

    Catherine Maheu, Guy Lavoie and Guy Lemay were invited to give presentations at the 6th annual conference of the Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers that was held in Chicago from September 10 to 12. In their presentations, they considered such subjects as recent developments in Quebec employment law, class action suits in employment law, and cyber-harassment in the workplace (through new technologies such as blogs, e-mail, etc.).The Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers is a national non-profit association of management-side labour and employment practitioners, with several hundred members across Canada. CACE’s objectives are notably to provide input on policy and legislative reform from a legal perspective and to promote excellence in the specialized field of labour and employment law.

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  2. Lavery welcomes Marc Dagenais, Mining Law Specialist

    Montreal, September 9, 2009 – Lavery, Quebec’s largest independent law firm, is pleased to welcome Marc Dagenais to the firm's Business Law Group. Mr. Dagenais will practise in his area of specialization of mining law out of the firm's Montreal offices.  Called to the Quebec Bar in 1990, Mr. Dagenais began his career with the legal department of Cambior Inc., where he practised until 2006, when he held the positions of Vice President, Legal Affairs, and Corporate Secretary. From 2007 to date, Mr. Dagenais was a partner in and Vice President, Legal Affairs of MinQuest Capital Inc., a private investment fund manager specializing in the mining industry.  Mr. Dagenais will advise the firm’s clients and represent them in various mining-related matters.  In addition to a bachelor of civil law from the Université de Montréal, Mr. Dagenais holds a bachelor’s degree in management accounting (B.B.A.) from the Université du Québec à Montréal.

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  3. A Lavery partner receives the Pierre-Nadon award

    Jacques Nols, a Lavery partner, health law expert and internationally recognized specialist of the rules of golf has been awarded the Pierre-Nadon award by Golf Québec following a vote by specialized columnists. The award recognizes the involvement of a volunteer towards sports development in Quebec. Jacques Nols is a member of the Kanawaki Club and has been Chairman of both the Associations of Québec (which became Golf Québec) and Canada (RCGA). He received the award in recognition of his dedication, his competence and his passion for golf.

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  4. A Lavery partner at the Canadian Institute’s 10th Annual National Forum on Class Action Litigation

    Jean Saint-Onge will participate in a panel on September 23, 2009 as part of the Canadian Institute’s 10th Annual National Forum on Class Action Litigation. The other panel members will be Joel S. Feldman, Sidley Austin LLP (Chicago), Tony Merchant, Q.C., Merchant Law Group LLP (Regina), Peter Cavanagh, Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP (Toronto) and Glenn M. Zakaib, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP (Toronto). The subject of their discussions will be Navigating Multijurisdictional Hurdles: Key Issues and Update on National Class Actions.

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  5. Lavery congratulates Alexandre Despatie

    Lavery warmly congratulates Alexandre Despatie for winning two bronze medals at the 2009 World Aquatics Championships in Rome. Alexandre’s performance in a major international sports competition rewards the efforts of this young exceptional Quebec diver and is a testimony to his values.Lavery associated itself to Alexandre Despatie under a long term sponsorship agreement which underlines its will to contribute towards this remarkable athlete reaching his ambitious goals. All the members of the Lavery team are proud to support Alexandre’s efforts and congratulate him on his recent successes.

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  6. A Lavery partner to sit on the judging panel of the Investment Industry Association of Canada

    Jean Martel, a Lavery partner specializing in financial law, is one the six distinguished business leaders with experience in the financial markets who will judge the candidates for the inaugural IIAC Industry Scholarship Award. The other members of the jury will be: Doug Hall, currently Chair of Nova Scotia Business Inc., and former Managing Director of RBC Dominion Securities, Halifax; The Honourable Tom Hockin, most recently the Chair of the Expert Panel on Securities Regulation; Harold MacKay, former Managing Partner and Chairman, MacPherson Leslie & Tyerman LLP, Regina; Joe Oliver, past President and Chief Executive Officer of the Investment Dealers Association of Canada; and The Honourable David L. Emerson, currently Executive Chair of the British Columbia Transmission Corporation and former Minister of International Trade of Canada.The scholarship will be awarded to an employee of an IIAC member firm who demonstrates professional excellence, serves the community and contributes to the betterment of the investment industry and the capital markets. Jean Martel's presence on the panel is a recognition of his extended experience and involvement in the field of financial law - securities, corporate financing, regulation and governance of financial institutions, financial services and securities markets - on the national and international scenes.

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  7. Lavery welcomes Steve Boucratie

    Montreal, July 6, 2009 - Lavery, the largest independent law firm in Quebec, is pleased to welcome Steve Boucratie as an associate in the firm's Business Law Group at its Montreal offices. Called to the Quebec Bar in 2006, Mr. Boucratie previously worked with another firm, where his practice was focused on private financing and the negotiation of commercial contracts. Mr. Boucratie will advise and represent the firm’s clients in various private financing and commercial law matters. In addition to a bachelor's degree in civil law from Université de Montréal, Mr. Boucratie holds a graduate degree in common law and transnational law from Université de Sherbrooke and a bachelor of business administration from HEC Montréal.

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  8. Meet with our lawyers specialized in general liability and property insurance law matters

    Dina Raphaël, Louis Charette and Anne-Marie Lévesque will lecture as part of the “Réclamations et litiges d’assurance-responsabilité générale et de biens dans un climat économique précaire” [General Liability and Property Insurance Claims and Litigation in a Precarious Economic Climate] seminar sponsored by the Canadian Institute. The seminar, which will be held on June 11 at the Omni Hotel in Montreal, is recognized and accredited by the Quebec Bar for mandatory professional development purposes. Our three specialized insurance lawyers will lecture, in particular, on insurance against pollution and other environmental disasters and the means that directors and officers may use to overcome the new challenges in insurance law matters.

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  9. Labour law specialists at Lavery give client seminar

    On June 9, 2009, a luncheon was given to the clients of the firm's Labour and Employment Law Group. The three speakers, Nicolas Joubert, Guy Lavoie and Guy Lemay, updated key subjects in labour and employment, such as the conditions under which benefits can be reduced in the context of a recession, the financial consequences of an employer's mischaracterization of a self-employed worker, the issues surrounding the use of blogs and other Internet sites by employees, and class action suits in employment law.

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  10. Denis Michaud to speak on the local and governmental liabilities

    On June 4, 2009, on the occasion of an event organized by The Canadian Institute entitled « Responsabilité municipale et gouvernementale », Mr. Denis Michaud, a partner at Lavery and an expert in municipal legal matters, will be giving a lecture bearing the title « Surmontez les défis posés par la responsabilité municipale en matière de sécurité incendie : responsabilité, moyens de défense et immunités ». This program is specifically designed for legal advisors, lawyers, legal clerks and other professionals who either work directly or indirectly with municipalities and governmental bodies.

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  11. Lavery partners with Alexandre Despatie

    Montreal, June 1, 2009 – Lavery, Quebec’s largest independent law firm, has concluded a long-term sponsorship arrangement with Quebec diver Alexandre Despatie, three-time world champion and two-time Olympic diving medalist. Alexandre Despatie won two gold medals at the 2005 FINA World Championships in Montreal, a silver medal at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, and another silver medal at the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. He is the first diver ever to hold the title of world champion in three diving events, and is aiming for nothing less than the gold medal at the London Olympic Games in 2012. "Alexandre is a dynamic and determined young athlete who is open to the world. He is a champion - capable of overcoming obstacles, respectful of his competitors, and always delivering a remarkable performance. He has set high goals for himself in the coming years, and we are pleased to be able to help him in achieving these goals through this sponsorship," said Richard Dolan, Lavery’s managing partner. "Our athletes need our support, not only during but before the Olympic Games as well, in order to continue to make us proud of their achievements." In the coming years, Alexandre Despatie will participate in various firm activities, and act as ambassador for the values he shares with all members of the Lavery team.

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  12. Evelyne Verrier to speak at the Annual Convention of the Quebec Bar

    On May 29, 2009, on the occasion of the Annual Convention of the Quebec Bar, Evelyne Verrier, a partner at Lavery, will speak on aspects of professional practice at the Sheraton Montreal Hotel.This workshop, which is designed for lawyers working as in-house counsel, will focus on the documentation handled by in-house counsel, and on managing litigation, litigation costs as well as writing skills.

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