
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Emmanuel Sala and Jean-Philippe Latreille of Lavery, authors of an article in The Northern Miner

    Mr. Emmanuel Sala and Mr. Jean-Philippe Latreille, a Business Law partner and associate at Lavery respectively, are the authors of an article entitled “Quebec gov't to stabilize legislative framework for mining” published in the March 2, 2015 special issue of The Northern Miner which will be distributed at the annual Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Convention in Toronto. The Northern Miner is a leading Canadian publication covering the mining industry. In their article, Messrs. Sala and Latreille discuss the recent legal and tax changes surrounding the mining industry in Quebec, as well as their impact on the province’s ability to attract mining businesses and investors. To read this article, click here.

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  2. Pro Bono Québec's GRANDS VINS GRANDS NOMS fundraiser event: a resounding success!

    On February 11, 2015, was held the second edition of “GRANDS VINS GRANDS NOMS”, organized by Pro Bono Québec, an organization supported by Lavery since its very beginnings. Over 200 people took part in this event, including Mr. Bernard Larocque, a Litigation partner at Lavery and Treasurer of Pro Bono Québec, and Mr. Luc Thibaudeau, a Litigation partner at the firm, who was also a member of the volunteer musical group that played during the evening. Thanks to the involvement of several lawyers of the firm as well as leading figures from the legal, arts and business community, the event was a resounding success, raising over $65,000 for this organization!

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  3. Jean-Sébastien Desroches of Lavery gives a course on corporate law at the Association de planification fiscale et financière

    On February 18, 2015, Jean-Sébastien Desroches, Business Law partner at Lavery, gave a workshop on corporate law to members of the Association de planification fiscale et financière (APFF). During this half-day course, Mr. Desroches discussed the interaction between the Civil code of Quebec, the Business Corporations Act (Quebec) and the Canada Business Corporations Act, the legal frameworks of a business operation, the rules relating to corporate governance, and shareholder agreements. This course is available to members of the APFF for a duration of two years.

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  4. Evelyne Verrier of Lavery, guest panelist in the contexte of the “Journée de l’assurance de dommages 2015” (Day of Damage Insurance 2015)

    Ms. Evelyne Verrier, litigation partner at Lavery, will be a guest panelist for a lecture entitled “Fraude à l’assurance : comment combattre le fléau!” (Insurance Fraud: How to Fight this Scourge!) on March 17, 2015. This presentation, held in the context of the “Journée de l’assurance de dommages 2015” (Day of damage insurance 2015) at the Palais des congrès de Montréal, will allow professionals from this industry to offer possible solutions to this phenomenon. For more information on the “Journée de l’assurance de dommages 2015” (Day of damage insurance 2015), please click here (in French only). 

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  5. Louis-Martin Dubé of Lavery, speaker at the Annual Review of Jurisprudence in Real Estate Law

    Mr. Louis-Martin Dubé, partner in real estate law at Lavery, acted as speaker at the Canadian Bar Association, Québec Branch (CBA Québec) Annual Review of Jurisprudence in Real Estate Law that was held on February 19, 2015. During this annual case law review, many subjects of interest were discussed by the guest speakers. Mr. Dubé examined court decisions pertaining to real estate law, including property law, contracts, secured transactions, real estate brokerage and transfer duties.

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  6. Lavery’s Katia Opalka speaks at the 2015 Conference of the Canadian Association of Environmental Law Societies

    On Saturday, February 14, 2015 at the University of Calgary Law School, Katia Opalka, a partner at Lavery, addressed an audience of law students and practitioners as part of a conference titled “Igniting a spark: Innovations and solutions for Canada’s environment.” Ms. Opalka, who practices in the areas of environmental and Aboriginal law, was asked to speak on a panel reviewing the regulation of hydraulic fracturing in Canada.

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  7. Breakfast meeting on the Small Claims Court

    On January 27 and February 10, 2015, Ms. Claudia Bérubé and Marika Couture-Houle, lawyers in civil and commercial litigation, in collaboration with Mr. Claude Villeneuve, practicing partner in litigation at Lavery and president of the Bar Association of Saint-François, acted as speakers at our Sherbrooke office during a breakfast-seminar where they discussed the Small Claims Court, whose jurisdictional threshold rose from $7,000 to $15,000 on January 1st, 2015. This conference, entitled “The Small Claims Court: for whom and how?”, helped the firm's clients to familiarize themselves with the procedure to follow as a plaintiff or defendant. It also gave them the tools and practical advice to be well prepared for an audition before the Small Claims Court.  Claudia Bérubé and Marika Couture-Houle

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  8. Julie Cousineau of Lavery, speaker at the Annual Review of Commercial Case Law

    Ms. Julie Cousineau, a civil and commercial litigation associate at Lavery, acted as speaker at the Canadian Bar Association, Québec Branch (CBA Québec) Annual Review of Commercial Case Law that was held on February 11, 2015 at our Conference Center in Montreal. During this examination of yearly precedential decisions, many subjects of interest were discussed by the guest speakers. Ms. Cousineau dealt with court decisions focused on extraordinary recourses such as injunctions.

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  9. Laurence Bich-Carrière publishes an article in the Supreme Court Law Review

    Ms. Laurence Bich-Carrière, litigation lawyer at Lavery, is the author of an article entitled « Le détissage juridique: étude de l’obsolescence des citations électroniques dans les décisions de la Cour suprême du Canada (1998-2014) » [Legal Citations Unweaving: a Study of the Obsolescence of Electronic Citations in the Supreme Court of Canada Decisions], published on January 16, 2015 in the Supreme Court Law Review. By reviewing the electronic references used by the Supreme Court of Canada in its decisions, Ms. Bich-Carrière seeks to assess how the dematerialization of sources and the paradigm shift of the Internet impact the legal profession’s relation to the notion of sources, on which rests the very principle of precedent. From an exhaustive empirical study arises the alarming conclusion that a third of the referenced hyperlinks are broken, and that the link rot phenomenon increases with time. Ms. Bich-Carrière then takes a two-fold approach to try to alleviate the issue: in addition to trying to discern potential factors which could help predict which links will rot, she suggests some preventive measures by drawing on both research methodology and archiving norms. To read the article (in French only), click here.

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  10. Judgement of the Supreme Court of Canada in regards to professional secrecy – another victory for Lavery!

    On February 13, 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada rendered an important decision stating that several sections from the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act and from its regulationviolate sections 7 and 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, without being justified under section 1 of that same Charter. Mr. Raymond Doray, Ad. E., and Mr. Loïc Berdnikoff, Administrative Law partners at Lavery, with the help of Mr. Guillaume Laberge, represented the Barreau du Québec and the Chambre des notaires before Canada’s highest court, where they argued that lawyers and notaries should be exempted from provisions which, among other things, infringed on the attorney-client privilege, the duty of loyalty to each client and the independence of the Bar. To read the judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada, please click here. Raymond Doray, Loïc Berdnikoff and Guillaume Laberge

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  11. Katia Opalka publishes an article regarding the wetlands for the Canadian Bar Association

    On February 6, 2015, Ms. Katia Opalka, a partner practicing environmental and Aboriginal law at Lavery, published an article entitled “Wetlands: Did You Know?” (Milieux humides : Le saviez-vous?), on the Canadian Bar Association (CBA), Quebec Branch website. In her article, Ms. Opalka, who is President of the Quebec Division of the Environment, Energy and Resources Law Section of the CBA, situates Quebec’s wetlands conservation efforts at the national, continental and international level. To read Ms. Opalka’s article (in French only), please click here.

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