
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Four Lavery lawyers participate in CCIQ’s Foire des entrepreneurs

    On April 30, 2015, Valérie Belle-Isle, Catherine Gendron, Karine Pelletier and Marie-Hélène Riverin participated in the event Foire des entrepreneurs, organized by the Chambre de commerce et de l’industrie de Québec (CCIQ). Over 130 exhibitors were present at this event, which gathered the expertise of organizations and professional firms under the same roof, offering specific services in business development, no matter the stage the businesses are in: start-up, growth or succession. Crash conferences unfolded throughout the day. Ms. Belle-Isle, Ms. Gendron, Ms. Pelletier and Ms. Riverin took part in them by presenting a conference entitled “Le jour où tout a déboulé” (The Day everything snowballed). Through a story line about the Sansoucie brothers, fictional characters, the four lawyers discussed the legal issues of their respective fields to make the public aware that prevention is better than cure. Numerous visitors of Lavery’s stand were thrilled by the special service proposal offered by these four professionals during the Foire des entrepreneurs ! Valérie Belle-Isle Catherine Gendron Karine Pelletier Marie-Hélène Riverin Karine Pelletier, Catherine Gendron, Marie-Hélène Riverin and Valérie Belle-Isle

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  2. The Lavery GO inc. Program, proud partner of a conference on crowdfunding

    On May 1st, the Lavery GO inc. Program partnered with Pléiade Capital to present a conference on crowdfunding at HEC Montreal. During the event, investor David Nault of iNovia Capital, serial entrepreneur Benoît L’Archevêque and Marc-Olivier St-Jacques of the Autorité des marchés financiers discussed the evolution of crowdfunding in Quebec. The Lavery GO inc. Program team is proud to be the main partner of this event and will closely follow the developments of the highly anticipated Regulation 45-108 respecting Crowdfunding.

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  3. Étienne Brassard, Marie-Hélène Jolicoeur, Guillaume Lavoie and Jonathan Warin appointed partners at Lavery

    Lavery is pleased to announce the appointment of Étienne Brassard, Marie-Hélène Jolicoeur, Guillaume Lavoie and Jonathan Warin as partners of the firm. Étienne Brassard practises business law with the firm and is a member of the Private Financing Group. His main areas of practice are business finance, banking law and commercial law and, in particular, the negotiation and drafting of credit, the related movable and immovable security agreements, as well as the documentation required for lease financing and installment sales. He has also acted in several major crossborder syndicated and non-syndicated financings during his practice, or relating to specific assets such as aircraft financing, rolling stock and heavy machinery. He is also the Lavery Go inc. Program Coordinator. Marie-Hélène Jolicoeur has particular expertise in the areas of labour and employment law, health law and the law of occupational health and safety. She pleads before administrative tribunals and courts of law, particularly the Commission des lésions professionnelles. She also acts as an employer spokesperson for collective agreements. Guillaume Lavoie practises in private equity, venture capital and securities law and mergers and acquisitions. He acts as a legal advisor to various Canadian and foreign corporations and private equity and venture capital funds in connection with asset purchases and sales and the acquisition of public and private corporations. He has extensive experience with respect to international transactions. He also advises Canadian issuers and their boards of directors on corporate governance issues and advises some clients on competition law, foreign investment and regulatory matters. Jonathan Warin is a member of the firm's Commercial Litigation Group and specializes in bankruptcy and insolvency, extraordinary remedies and realizing on security. He regularly intervenes in various insolvency cases, whether to represent institutional lenders, trustees or debtors in a restructuring and liquidation context. He also handles commercial litigation cases of all kinds, particularly shareholder remedies and injunctions. “We are very pleased to welcome Étienne, Marie-Hélène, Guillaume and Jonathan as Lavery partners. Being named partner undoubtedly represents an important milestone in their career as well as a recognition of the quality of their work in representing our clients. Over the years, they have all acquired comprehensive expertise in their respective areas of practice, making them among the best lawyers in their field”, said Don McCarty, Managing Partner of the firm. Étienne Brassard Marie-Hélène Jolicoeur Guillaume Lavoie Jonathan Warin

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  4. Michel Servant invited to preside the Prix Relève d’Excellence 2015 Committee of Réseau HEC Montréal

    Michel Servant, a Business Law partner at Lavery, will be the President of the Prix Relève d’Excellence 2015 Committee of Réseau HEC Montréal. This competition recognizes the professional success of HEC’s graduates, aged 35 and under, in four different classes: Large Enterprises, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), Entrepreneurs and Young Professionals. The prize-winners are selected by a jury of experienced business people. This event will take place as a Gala-Evening on Thursday, May 21, 2015, at the Parquet of Centre CDP Capital. 2015 marks the 30th anniversary of the Prix Relève d’Excellence and Mr. Michael Sabia, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, will be the Honorary President. The Caisse is one of the largest institutional fund managers in Canada and North America. HEC Montréal is a university business school whose reputation as a leader in teaching and research is recognized in Québec, Canada, and around the world.

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  5. Jean Boulet discusses Centraide with Trois-Rivières’ Le Nouvelliste

    On April 24, 2015, Jean Boulet, a Labour and Employment partner and manager of the Lavery Trois-Rivières office, gave an interview to Le Nouvelliste where he presented Centraide’s new identity: “We are community”. President of the Board of Directors of Centraide Mauricie, Mr. Boulet explains the importance of the symbolism behind this new signature, emphasizing on community involvement, namely with youth, seniors, immigrants, and people with disabilities or mental illnesses. To read the article, click here (in French only).

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  6. Lavery, proud sponsor of the Pinel Excelle team

    Lavery is proud to sponsor the Pinel Excelle team of the Pinel Foundation in the 2015 Banquet Scotia Race which will take place on April 26, 2015 at Parc Jean-Drapeau. Many personnel members of the Philippe-Pinel Institute will take part in this 5K or 21K race to bring support to the Foundation. For over 30 years, the Foundation has supported the only highly specialized legal psychiatry centre in Quebec: the Montreal Philippe-Pinel Institute. Its mission is to push for the development of this centre: patient care and their environment, research in mental health and violence, promoting education and reinforcing prevention. If you wish to make a donation to the foundation or a member of the Pinel Excelle team, please click here.

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  7. Jean Martel, co-lecturer at the 9th Compliance Conference of CFIQ

    On April 21, 2015, Jean Martel, Ad. E., a Business Law partner at Lavery, was co-lecturer at the 9th Compliance Conference organized by the Conseil des fonds d’investissement du Québec (CFIQ). His conference, entitled « Régime coopératif en matière de réglementation des marchés capitaux » (Cooperative scheme relating to capital markets regulation), mainly discussed the concepts behind the financial system and the systemic risks, as well as the basis of a cooperative scheme in that field. Other panellists included Mr. Stéphane Rousseau, professor at the Université de Montréal's Faculty of Law where he holds the Chair in Governance and Business Law and Mr. Miville Tremblay, Senior Regional Representative & Director in Montreal (Financial Markets), Bank of Canada.

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  8. Jean-Philippe Latreille, member of the 2014-2015 Incubator Series of the Young Directors of IGOPP

    April 9, 2015 marked the conclusion of the 2014-2015 edition of the Incubator Series for Young Directors of the Institute for Governance of Private and Public Organizations (IGOPP), in which Mr. Jean-Philippe Latreille, Business Law lawyer at Lavery, took part. Members of this group were selected based on the quality of their application, their motivation, their professional, academic and social background, and their interest for governance. The Young Directors of IGOPP aim to educate, prepare, and involve the Quebec and Canadian business communities by organizing interesting events and by spreading information through social media with the ultimate goal of sensitizing young professionals to the great challenges in governance facing public and private organizations.

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  9. 2015 edition of Lavery’s Major Symposium in Labour and Employment Law– a great success!

    Lavery held the 2015 edition of its Major Symposium in Labour and Employment Law and it was a great success. More than 250 people made their way to Centre Mont-Royal on April 15, 2015 to participate in this event hosted by Ms. Catherine Maheu, partner and coordinator of Lavery’s Labour and Employment Law group. On this occasion, attendees got to participate in various workshops presented by Jean Boulet, Zeïneb Mellouli, Michel Gélinas, Josiane L’Heureux, Norman A. Dionne, Nicolas Joubert, Danielle Gauthier, Josée Dumoulin et François Parent. Speakers addressed many different subjects, starting with a retrospective of decisions of interest in that field, as well as presentations regarding a variety of problems that can arise in the workplace.

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  10. Véronique Morin leads a webinar on last chance agreements

    On April 9, 2015, Ms. Véronique Morin, CIRC, a Labour and Employment Law associate at Lavery, led a webinar focused on the usefulness of last chance agreements and ways to increase their efficiency. During this webinar, which was held as part of the professional development activities organized by the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés (CRHA), Ms. Morin discussed various issues of interest, such as the concept of accommodation short of undue hardship, the content of a last chance agreements and the administrative and disciplinary sanctions related to those very agreements. For more information about the webinar (in French), click here.

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  11. Louis Rochette, honorary copresident of the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge in Quebec City

    On May 24, 2015, Louis Rochette, a Business Law and Life Sciences partner at Lavery, will co-chair the 15th edition of the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge in Quebec City with Mr. Germain Lamonde, president of Exfo. On this occasion, he will take on this challenge and have his head shaved as a show of solidarity towards the children who, following chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments, have lost their hair. The Leucan Shaved Head Challenge is a major fundraiser which aims to engage the community to provide services to families affected by cancer as well as financial support for research. Lavery is proud to highlight the involvement of one of its own with Leucan which, for the past 35 years, has been committed to helping and supporting cancer-stricken children and their families. To participate in the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge or to make a donation, please click here. 

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  12. Launch of the Lavery GO inc. Program in Trois-Rivières!

    On April 1st, 2015, Lavery organized a cocktail marking the launch of the Lavery GO inc. Program at Trois-Rivières. The event, which took place at the Restaurant Le Poivre Noir, gathered close to 40 guests. During the evening, Ms. Myriam Lavallée presented the features and advantages the program offers, and discussed the importance of cooperation between public sector bodies and private sector businesses in establishing a business and startup-friendly climate. Mr. Jean Boulet also stressed the importance of such a program as part of the economic transformation the regions of Mauricie and Centre-du-Québec are undergoing.

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