
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Simon Lemay named Chair of the National Capital Region’s CIUSSS

    Simon Lemay, a partner at Lavery, has just been named Chair of the CIUSSS in the National Capital Region (region 03) by the Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr. Gaétan Barrette. This prestigious nomination marks numerous years of involvement with Centre Jeunesse de Québec, namely as president from 2008 to 2015. Lavery is delighted to see one of its own recognized for his abilities, while many quality entries were considered for this distinguished position. The CIUSSS of the National Capital Region is the result of the merging of numerous institutions, such as the Regional health and social services agency of the National Capital, the Centre de réadaptation en dépendance de Québec, the Centre de réadaptation en déficience intellectuelle de Québec, the health and social services centre in Quebec City, Québec-Nord, Portneuf and Charlevoix, the Institut de réadaptation en déficience physique de Québec, the Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Québec and the Centre jeunesse de Québec – Institut universitaire. The CIUSSS is comprised of 14 500 employees.

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  2. Gérard Coulombe appointed to the board of directors of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ

    Mr. Gérard Coulombe, Q.C., Ad. E., a Business Law partner at Lavery, was appointed independent member of the board of directors of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ during the annual general meeting which was held on September 26, 2015. Mr. Coulombe carries on a general practice in business and commercial law, focusing in particular on matters involving financial institutions and Crown corporations as well as the formation of financial and industrial conglomerates. To read the press release of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ, click here.

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  3. Louis Charette, speaker at the annual assembly of the Defence Research Institute

    Louis Charette, a litigation partner at Lavery, will be one of the guest-panelists at this year’s annual assembly of the Defence Research Institute, which will be held in Washington, D.C., from October 7 to October 11, 2015. This panel will namely be discussing the legal system of numerous countries while highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each system. To know more about this event, click here.

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  4. Guillaume Lavoie and Josianne Beaudry, authors of an article on investment funds

    Guillaume Lavoie and Josianne Beaudry, Business Law partners at Lavery, published an article in the 2015/2016 Lexpert CCCA/ACCJE Corporate Counsel  Directory & Yearbook magazine on September 28, 2015. Entitled “Private Equity and Venture Capital Funds New Market Trends - What is the impact of adopting these trends on the regulatory costs for those funds?”, the authors discuss how new trends affecting the structure of standard private equity and venture capital funds may affect the regulatory landscape applicable to such funds. To read this article, click here.

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  5. Daniel Bouchard of Lavery speaker at the seminar of the Fédération québécoise des municipalités

    On September 25, 2015, Mr. Daniel Bouchard, managing partner of Lavery’s Quebec City office, gave a conference entitled “Une équipe maire – DG : une formule gagnante dans l’administration d’une municipalité” (A Mayor and General Director team: a winning combination in municipal administration) at the Fédération québécoise des municipalités seminar. Ms. Valérie Belle-Isle and Ms. Chloé Fauchon, administrative law associates, presented the same conference in English. The conference discussed the respective roles of the mayor and director general. Daniel Bouchard Valérie Belle-Isle Chloé Fauchon

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  6. Myriam Brixi publishes an article in Class Action Defence Quaterly

    Myriam Brixi, a litigation lawyer at Lavery, authored an article published in the September edition of Class Action Defence Quaterly. Entitled “Historic Quebec lawsuit against tobacco companies », she discusses the May 27, 2015 Superior Court of Québec decision ordering the three leading Canadian tobacco companies to pay over 15 billion dollars in moral and punitive damages following two class actions filed in the late 1990s. To read this article, click here.

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  7. Jean-Philippe Turgeon, speaker at the International Bar Association Annual Conference

    Jean-Philippe Turgeon, partner at Lavery and head of the Franchise and distribution group, will take part of a panel on the topic “The age-old question – applicable law and jurisdiction in franchising, commercial agency and distribution agreements” hosted by the International Bar Association (IBA) 2015 Annual Conference held in Vienna (Austria) from October 4th-9th 2015. In a nutshell, the panel will discuss the local enforcement of foreign courts judgments and foreign arbitral awards resulting from governing law, jurisdiction and arbitration clauses, as the case may be. For more information on this conference, click here.

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  8. Lavery hosts a conference given by former Supreme Court judge Louis LeBel

    On September 16, 2015, Lavery’s Quebec City office was host to a conference presented by former Supreme Court judge, Louis LeBel, on freedom of speech and its limits as defined by the Supreme Court of Canada case law. This conference was organized by Chloé Fauchon, an associate at Lavery, as Chair of the administrative & constitutional law and human rights division of the Canadian Bar Association – Quebec branch, in partnership with the Quebec Bar.

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  9. Michel Blouin, René Branchaud, Yvan Biron, Sébastien Vézina and Benjamin David Gross of Lavery recognized as mining law leaders in Lexpert Leading Canadian Lawyers in Global Mining

    Michel Blouin, René Branchaud, Yvan Biron, Sébastien Vézina and Benjamin David Gross, partners at Lavery, have been recognized as mining law leaders in Leading Canadian Lawyers in Global Mining, a new Lexpert publication released in September 2015. This prestigious recognition is the result of extensive peer surveys conducted not only in Canada but also worldwide. The expertise of these lawyers in the area of mining law is therefore recognized internationally. To consult this Lexpert publication, click here.

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  10. Lavery holds a roundtable on entrepreneurship

    On September 25, 2015, Lavery’s Quebec City office welcomed three speakers for a roundtable on entrepreneurship. Germain Lamonde of EXFO, Geneviève Babin of Groupe Renaud and Dominic Gagnon of Connect&Go discussed their entrepreneurial journey with about 20 young entrepreneurs from the region. Organized by Anthonie Vézina-Crawford and Chloé Fauchon, associates at Lavery, this conference was a great success.

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  11. Jean-Philippe Turgeon and Guillaume Synnott, authors of an article in Canadian Business Franchise

    Mr. Jean-Philippe Turgeon and Mr. Guillaume Synnott, a Franchise and Distribution Law partner and associate at Lavery respectively, are the authors of an article entitled “Takeaways from the Dunkin’s Donuts Decision” published in the September 2015 issue of Canadian Business Franchise. In their article, Mr. Jean-Philippe Turgeon and Mr. Guillaume Synnott highlight the recent Dunkin’ Donuts judgment from the Court of Appeal of Quebec which clarifies the extent of the contractual implicit obligations of the franchisors toward their franchisees, such as the franchisor’s obligation to take reasonable measures in order to protect and enhance its brand and franchise system. To read this article, click here.

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  12. Two Lavery partners receive the Council of the Bar of Quebec Medal!

    Lavery is pleased to announce that two of its partners, Mr. Pierre Beaudoin and Mr. Jules Brière, were among the recipients of the Council of the Bar of Quebec Medal, received on September 11, 2015 during the official ceremony marking the start of the new judicial year at the Quebec City Court House. This medal is given annually to honor a person’s contribution to the interests of justice or his bar section, to honor a member of the legal community celebrating his 50th, 60th or 70th year as a member of the Quebec Bar, to honor a member of a foreign legal community or any other reason considered relevant by the Council. Lavery is proud to highlight Mr. Beaudoin and Mr. Brière’s 50th year as members of the Quebec Bar as well as their ongoing commitment to further Quebec law.

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