
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. René Branchaud, guest speaker at the RCGT half-day on issues in the mining industry

    On November 3, 2015, René Branchaud, partner at Lavery, was guest speaker at the RCGT half-day on issues in the mining industry. Organized by Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton in Montréal, this conference offered financial and tax information in the mining sector. Speakers discussed numerous subjects, namely: governance on issues in the mining sector; innovation funding and tax credits for mining companies; support with recruitment – growth capital. 

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  2. Awatif Lakhdar speaks on unjust enrichment

    On October 28 and November 6, 2015, Ms. Awatif Lakhdar, a Lavery lawyer specialized in Family Law, Personal Law and Private International Law, presented a conference entitled « L’enrichissement sans cause: Où en sont nos tribunaux en 2015 ? » (Unjust enrichment : Where do our courts of law stand in 2015?) to over 75 participants during a seminar organized by the Bar’s Continuing Education Department in Montreal and during a training day for the Richelieu Bar. During this conference, Mtre. Lakhdar presented the landmark decisions and trends of 2015 on the issue of unjust enrichment.

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  3. Louis Rochette on the board of directors of the Société du Grand Théâtre de Québec

    On November 11, 2015, the Quebec Cabinet proceeded to numerous nominations, including Louis Rochette’s, a Lavery partner, as independant member and Chair of the board of directors of the Société du Grand Théâtre de Québec. Founded in 1971, the Société du Grand Théâtre de Québec corporation is mandated to manage the Grand Théâtre de Québec and present, create and produce shows. 

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  4. Jean Boulet appointed to the Assemblée des Centraide du Québec Executive Committee

    Jean Boulet, a partner in Lavery’s Trois-Rivieres office whose practice focuses on labour law, collective bargaining and occupational health and safety law, was recently appointed to the Executive Committee of the Assemblée des Centraide du Québec (ACQ). Well known for being very active in the community, Mr. Boulet joins a committee made up of seven members appointed by the ACQ on the recommendation of its Executive Committee.

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  5. André Paquette of Lavery speaker at the Symposium sur la conformité au Québec 2015

    On October 28, 2015, André Paquette, a partner and member of the Business Law Group, presented a conference entitled “Vous envisagez acheter un bloc d’affaires? Parlons de gestion de risques!” (“Thinking of buying a block of business? Let’s talk risk management!”) at the Symposium sur la conformité au Québec 2015 (Quebec 2015 Compliance Symposium) organized by Freedom 55 Financial and held at Centre Mont-Royal in Montreal. Mr. Paquette’s presentation reviewed the block of business acquisition process and the main legal, tax and ethical issues the buyer must take into account and discussedpossible solutions to adequately manage risksinvolved.

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  6. Caroline Harnois – speaker at a mini-conference on “The Hague Convention and international child abduction: right of child and claims for refugee protection”

    On October 22, 2015, Caroline Harnois, a partner at Lavery and a member of the Family Law, Personal Law and Estate Law team, spoke at the Canadian Bar Association, Québec Branch’s conference “La Convention de La Haye sur les aspects civils de l'enlèvement international d'enfants: droit de l’enfant et demandes d’asile” (Hague Convention on the civil aspects of the international child abduction: right of the child and claims for refugee protection). For more information about this event, please click here. 

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  7. Two Lavery lawyers worked with Lawyers Without Borders Canada to develop a written argument in favour of Raïf Badawi’s release

    On November 3, 2015, Ms. Awatif Lakhdar and Ms Zeïneb Mellouli, both lawyers at Lavery, participated in a press conference held by Lawyers Without Borders Canada (LWBC) regarding the publication of a written argument in favour of Raïf Badawi’s release that was submitted to the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Canada and the Saudi Minister of Justice on August 15, 2015 The written argument is the fruit of LWBC teamwork in collaboration with the Barreau du Québec, renowned experts in the field of human rights and Islamic law and Lavery, in particular through Ms. Lakhdar and Ms. Mellouli’s contributions to the written argument’s preparation and its Arabic translation and revision. Ms. Awatif Lakhdar is a member of the Family Law, Personal Law and Estate Law Group and, in particular, practices in private international law, and Ms. Zeïneb Mellouli is a member of the Labour and Employment Law Group and is well versed in public international law by way of her master’s degree in transnational law and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees internship in Geneva. Together, the argument and its publication constitute another important LWBC initiative aimed at bringing about Mr. Badawi’s release. The report is available for download here. Camille Gagné-Raynauld, Pascal Paradis, Ensaf Haidar, Zeïneb Mellouli, Awatif Lakhdar and Julia Poulin.

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  8. André Vautour gives a training session on SME governance

    On November 11, 2015, in Trois-Rivières, André Vautour, a partner at Lavery and the chair of the board, will give a training session entitled “Comprendre ses devoirs légaux et les risques de responsabilité” (Understanding your legal obligations and liability risks) as part of an Institute for governance of private and public organizations (IGPPO) training initiative. During November, the IGPPO will host a series of five training sessions given by renowned specialists, to increase the competencies of current and future directors of SMEs in the Trois-Rivières region. For more information or to register, click here. 

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  9. Five Lavery lawyers at the Salon Carrière Formation de Québec 2015

    On October 23 and 24, 2015, five lawyers from Lavery’s Quebec office participated in the Salon Carrière Formation de Québec in order to promote the Lavery GO inc. Program. During the show, Karine Pelletier, a member of the Business Law Group, Anthonie Vézina-Crawford, a member of the Family Law, Personal Law and Estate Law Group, Chloé Fauchon, a member of the Administrative Law Group, Sylvain Pierrard, a member of the Business Law Group and Marie-Hélène Riverin, a lawyer who practices both in Labour and Employment Law and Insurance Litigation took turns at the firm’s booth. Photo: Karine Pelletier and Chloé Fauchon

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  10. Sylvain Pierrard appointed to the board of CCIFC

    Sylvain Pierrard, a member of Lavery’s Business Law Group whose practice focuses on trademarks, copyright and tax, has been appointed to the board of directors of the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie française au Canada, section Québec. Since 1886, the CCIFC—an independent not-for-profit organization—has sought to develop economic ties between France and Canada.

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  11. Jules Brière – panellist at “An officially bilingual constitution for Canada in 2017” study day

    On November 6, 2015, Jules Brière, a partner at Lavery who practices in constitutional law, administrative law, health law and the law governing public lands, will participate in a session entitled “Constitutional bilingualism – Issues and Challenges of French Constitutional Drafting” during “An officially bilingual constitution for Canada in 2017?” study day/colloquium presented by the University of Ottawa. The study day’s program is available here. 

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  12. Emil Vidrascu publishes an article on the Romanian Civil Code

    Emil Vidrascu, a Litigation partner at Lavery, is the author of an article entitled “Développements jurisprudentiels québécois en matière d’enrichissement injustifié” (Quebec case law developments on unjust enrichment) contained in the book “Le nouveau Code civil roumain : Vu de l’intérieur – Vu de l’extérieur” (The new Romanian Civil Code: seen from the inside – seen from the outside), published this fall. This book gathers the lectures given at an international conference on new Romanian Civil Code which took place in Bucharest in 2013.

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