
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Luc Thibaudeau interviewed in Lawyers Weekly regarding the Quebec Court of Appeal ruling regarding the Mazda Canada Inc. class action suit

    Luc Thibaudeau, a partner at Lavery who specializes in consumer law and represents a wide range of clients including corporations, financial institutions, retail chains and stakeholders in the entertainment industry, is quoted several times in Luis Millan’s article “Mazda ruling viewed as consumer win” published in the February 26, 2016, edition of Lawyers Weekly. In the article, the decision is “hailed as a victory for consumers” that “bucks the nationwide growing trend against economic loss based tort claims,” and summarizes Mr. Thibaudeau’s opinion as follows: “But the ruling does have a silver lining for manufacturers” since “[it] underscores the importance for manufacturers to act as soon as they discover their products have a latent defect […] By refusing to award punitive damages against Mazda, the appeal court recognized that the carmaker made an effort to remedy the situation when it launched its service campaign.” To read the full article, please click here.

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  2. Lavery partners with the Ensemble contemporain de Montréal

    On April 6, 2016, Lavery will give culture a helping hand and partner with the Ensemble contemporain de Montréal for its 2016 fundraising event,Sacrée Landowska. Marie Cossette, Ad. E., a partner who heads Lavery’s Business Integrity group as well as the Quebec City office’s Administrative Law group will be the honorary chair for the event, which will take place at the Théâtre rouge du Conservatoire. For more information or to reserve tickets, please click here.

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  3. Lavery at the Pentathlon des neiges Corporate Challenge

    On February 20, five lawyers from Lavery’s Quebec City office participated in the Pentathlon des neiges Corporate Challenge on Quebec City’s Plains of Abraham. Profits from the event will go to the “À l’école, moi j’bouge” project, which enables youngsters from low-income families to participate in after-school activities. Bernard Roy began the event on bike, followed by Chloé Fauchon on foot, Anthonie Vézina-Crawford on cross-country skis, François Bélanger on skates, and Sylvain Pierrard on snowshoes. Despite the rain, our athletes turned in a star performance! Bernard Roy, Chloé Fauchon, Anthonie Vézina-Crawford, François Bélanger and Sylvain Pierrard

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  4. Jean-Philippe Turgeon and Daniel Bouchard instructors at the 89th session of the Cours de perfectionnement du notariat

    From April 21 to 23, 2016, the 89th session of the Cours de perfectionnement du notariat will take place at the Quebec City Convention Center. On the morning of April 21, Daniel Bouchard, a partner and Managing Partner of the firm’s Quebec City office that specializes in the fields of municipal, environmental and administrative law and has developed special expertise in the areas of land use planning and development, agricultural zoning, environment, municipal liability, municipal management and ethics in public administration, will present a session entitled “Act Respecting the Preservation of Agricultural Land and Agricultural Activities: the minimum every notary should know” (“La Loi sur la protection du territoire et des activités agricoles : ce que tout notaire devrait minimalement savoir”). For his part, on April 23, Jean-Philippe Turgeon, a partner and the leader of the firm’s Franchising and Distribution group whose practice focuses on franchise law, distribution of goods and services, as well as bankruptcy and insolvency, will lead a workshop entitled “The 10 most important contractual provisions to consider before concluding a franchising contract” (“Les 10 plus importantes dispositions contractuelles à considérer avant de conclure un contrat de franchise”). For more information or to register, please click here.

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  5. Louis-Martin Dubé speaker at a CBA-Quebec conference on recent jurisprudence in real estate and leasing law

    On February 17, 2016, Louis-Martin Dubé, a partner at Lavery with more than twenty-five years' experience in real estate law who advises and represents property owners, institutions, developers, pension funds, asset managers, lenders, and tenants in a wide range of real estate transactions, including acquisitions, development projects, financing, and leasing, gave a sold-out CBA-Quebec luncheon conference entitled “Real estate law year in review (2015)” (“La revue annuelle de jurisprudence en droit immobilier (2015)”) at the Intercontinental Hotel. For more information, please click here.

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  6. Lavery represents Sodémex Développement s.e.c. in the acquisition of a 15% interest in a mining royalties portfolio held by Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd.

    On February 17, 2016, Sodémex Développement s.e.c. entered into an agreement with the mining company Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd. (“Osisko”) to acquire a 15% interest in a portfolio of mining royalties including rights on Richmont Mines Inc.’s producing Island Gold Mine, Niogold Mining Corporation’s Marban and Noraltic sites and the Integra Gold Inc.’s Lamaque project. The value of the portfolio acquired by Osisko from Teck Resources Limited was more than $20 million.   Sodémex Développement s.e.c. was represented by a Lavery team composed of Sébastien Vézina, Tereza Kristic, Louis-Martin Dubé, Nicole Messier, Carole Gélinas and John McFarlane Sodémex Développement s.e.c. is an investment fund whose only shareholder is the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec and whose mandate is to invest in companies in the natural resources sector that are in the development stage.

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  7. Jonathan Warin chairs a CBA-Quebec conference on insolvency in Quebec

    On February 18, 2016, Jonathan Warin, a partner at Lavery, a member of the Commercial Litigation group and the President of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency section of the Canadian Bar Association’s – Quebec Branch, chaired a CBA-Quebec luncheon conference entitled “Supreme Court’s decision in the Lemare Lake Logging Ltd. case: anticipated effects on insolvency practice in Quebec” (“Décision de la Cour suprême dans l'affaire Lemare Lake Logging Ltd. : effets à anticiper sur la pratique de l'insolvabilité au Québec”) was held at the Intercontinental Hotel. The conference was targeted to insolvency practitioners, lender representatives, borrowers and bankruptcy trustees. For more information, please click here.

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  8. Pierre Marc Johnson to speak as a witness before the Senate’s Foreign Affairs and International Trade committee

    Mr. Pierre Marc Johnson, head CETA negotiator for Quebec, former premier of Quebec and counsel at Lavery recognized for his expertise in international trade and cross-border partnerships, will be a witness, as an individual, within the scope of the Foreign Affairs and International Trade committee’s general study of bilateral, regional and multilateral trade agreements and their prospects for Canada. His presentation will be held on February 18, 2016 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Room 160-S, Centre Block, of the Parliament of Canada in Ottawa. To tune in to the webcast, please click here.

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  9. Jean-Philippe Turgeon and Stéphanie Destrempes will speak at the Franchise Expo event in Quebec City

    On February 27, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. at the Centre des congrès de Québec, Jean-Philippe Turgeon, a partner and the leader of the firm’s Franchising and Distribution Group, will present a seminar entitled “Create your own franchise system” during the Franchise Expo event that is set to take place February 27-28. Mr. Turgeon will discuss several issues, such as what business concepts can be franchised, the viable operational systems to choose when aiming for sustainable and profitable development of a franchise network, and the best practices to get the most out of the franchise business model and increase the value of your franchise system. For more information or to register for Mr. Turgeon’s seminar, please click here. For her part, Stéphanie Destrempes, a lawyer and also a member of the firm’s Franchising and distribution group will give a conference entitled « Becoming a franchiser » (“Devenir franchisé”)  on February 28, 2016 during the show. For more information about the Franchise Expo, please click here.

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  10. Eugene Czolij to receive Honorary Doctorate from Lviv Polytechnic National University

    Lavery is proud to announce that Eugene Czolij, a partner at the firm, will shortly receive an honorary doctorate from Lviv Polytechnic National University in Ukraine for his outstanding work as Ukrainian World Congress President. This title has been conferred on him to highlight his commitment and determination in promoting Ukraine’s interests and its Euro-integration. Eugene Czolij is a senior litigator whose legal practice includes corporate and commercial litigation, as well as insolvency and restructuring law. In these fields of expertise, his peers have recognized him in the publication Best Lawyers in Canada. “We closely follow the extra-professional achievements of our members and are exceedingly proud to highlight their commitments and accomplishments. Throughout his career, Mr. Czolij has set himself apart by his passionate and determined mindset, which has benefitted not only his legal clients but also his fellow Ukrainians living in Ukraine and elsewhere in the world. The great honour Lviv Polytechnic National University will confer on him is a recognition of his unstinting commitment to the Ukrainian World Congress, an honour for which Lavery congratulates him heartily,” says Don McCarty, Lavery’s Managing Partner. The Ukrainian World Congress is the international coordinating body for Ukrainian communities in the diaspora representing the interests of over 20 million Ukrainians. The Ukrainian World Congress has member organizations in 34 countries and ties with Ukrainians in 15 additional countries. Founded in 1967, the Ukrainian World Congress was recognized in 2003 by the United Nations Economic and Social Council as a non-governmental organization with special consultative status. For more information, please visit

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  11. Pierre Marc Johnson to host a luncheon conference on CETA during MTL à Paris week

    On March 8, 2016 at the Chambre de Commerce et de l’Industrie de la region Paris Ile-de-France, Mr. Pierre Marc Johnson, a former Premier of Quebec and counsel at Lavery recognized for his expertise in international trade, negotiations and cross-border partnerships, will host a luncheon conference on the Canada-EU trade agreement (CETA). The conference, which will take place during the MTL à Paris week, will be followed by an afternoon networking session using a creative and dynamic networking platform which will facilitate meetings between French and Montreal businesses. The second edition of the MTL à Paris week, a Tourism Montreal and Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal (BTMM) initiative, is presented by Air Canada and will be held March 6-10, 2016. For more information about this day’s events, please click here. 

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  12. Bernard Larocque and Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin present an insurance law jurisprudence year in review for 2015

    Bernard Larocque, and Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin, both members of the litigation group at Lavery,presented a comprehensive year in review of insurance law jurisprudence for 2015 at four separate events in early February 2016, more specifically on February 3 and 5 at the Lavery Conference Center, on February 4 at the Canadian Bar Association, Quebec Branch, Jean Bélanger Conference and on February 10 before members of the Canadian Insurance Claims Managers Association. The presentations elicited a great deal of interest from the over 200 participants who had the opportunity to attend any one of these events. 

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