
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Marie-Hélène Jolicoeur pens an article on the issue of alcohol and drugs in the workplace in Avantages magazine

    The February/March 2016 edition of Avantages magazine features an article by Marie-Hélène Jolicoeur, a partner at Lavery with expertise in the fields of labour and employment lawand occupational health and safety law, and Christiane Legault, director of business development at Cyclone Santé, entitled “Alcool et drogues en milieu de travail: Agir pour éviter le pire !” (“Alcohol and drugs in the workplace: Actions to avoid the worst-case scenario !”). In the article, the co-authors describe the issues and present several strategies to remedy them. They underscore how important it is for employers to consult experts regarding drug and alcohol use, to thoroughly document and investigate cases in order to determine which situations require drug testing and to put in place a unambiguous and detailed policy regarding substance abuse. 

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  2. Élisabeth Pinard talks about the evolution of family law in the Journal du Barreau

    In the special section entitled “L’Ambition au féminin” (“Women and ambition”) published in the March 2016 edition of the Journal du Barreau, Élisabeth Pinard, coordinating partner for the Family law, personal law, and estate law group at Lavery, presents her vision of progress in family law after 35 years of practice. To read this special section, please click here. 

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  3. Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin and Léonie Gagné publish an article on waiving the insurer’s right to deny coverage

    Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin and Léonie Gagné, lawyers in the firm’s Litigation group whose practice focuses mainly on insurance lawwrote an article entitled “Spoken words fly away, written words remain? Waiving the insurer’s right to deny coverage” published in the Spring edition of La ChADPresse. This free magazine, published four times a year by the Chambre de l’assurance de dommages, is distributed to more than 14 500 damage insurance agents and brokers, as well as claims adjusters. In the article, the authors conclude that: “The claims adjuster’s actions or representations could result in the insurer being deprived of its right to deny coverage or to invoke an exclusion in the insurance policy. It is therefore essential to draw up a clear, comprehensive reservation of rights letter and give it to the insured as soon as possible after the loss occurs in order to avoid an implicit waiver being held against the insurer..” To read the full article, please click here.

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  4. Julie Cousineau speaker at CBA-Quebec’s “Annual review of commercial litigation jurisprudence”

    On April 6, 2016, Julie Cousineau, a partner at Lavery specializing in civil and commercial litigation, as well as construction law, will be one of the speakers at the Canadian Bar Association, Quebec Branch, luncheon conference entitled “Revue annuelle de la jurisprudence en matière de litige commercial 2015” (“Annual review of commercial litigation jurisprudence 2015”). The speakers will review and assess the last year’s commercial litigation jurisprudence. For more information or to register for the conference, please click here.

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  5. Jean Saint-Onge chairs 13th National Conference on Class Actions

    On March 10 and 11, 2016, at Montreal’s Palais des Congrès, Jean Saint-Onge, a partner in the firm’s Litigation, chaired the 13th edition of the National Conference on Class Actions – Recent developments in Quebec, in Canada and in the United States organized by the Barreau du Québec. More than 40 speakers from Canada and the US shared their unique perspective of class action management and current trends during this two-day conference.  This conference  is one of the most important continuing education activity in the field of class actions in Canada. Click here to view the conference’s full program

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  6. André Vautour and Guillaume Lavoie to give workshop on investment funds at the Barreau du Québec’s conference on recent developments in business law

    On June 3, 2016 at Montreal’s Intercontinental Hotel, André Vautour, the firm’s chairman of the board and a partner who practises particularly in investment funds and Guillaume Lavoie, a partner whose practice focuses on private equity and venture capital, will give a workshop entitled “Sword of Damocles or Scarecrow? To what extent can an investor in an investment fund get involved in the management of the fund without risking of losing its limited liability?” (“Épée de Damoclès ou épouvantail? Jusqu'où l'investisseur dans un fonds d'investissement peut s'impliquer dans ce fonds sans risquer de perdre sa responsabilité limitée?”) at the Barreau du Québec’s conference “Recent developments in business law (2016)” (“Les développements récents en droit des affaires (2016)”). They’ll touch on, among other topics, the issue of the potential liability of investors in private investment funds and will explain to what extent the setting up of an advisory committee made up of partners’ representatives or the conclusion of side letters is likely to make them lose their limited liability. To view the conference’s full program or to register, please click here.

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  7. Jessica Akué becomes Vice President of African Business Network private financing committee

    Jessica Akué, a lawyer at Lavery who specializes in coporate law and taxation, recently was recently appointed Vice President of the Private Financing committee of the African Business Network (Réseau des Entrepreneurs & Professionnels Africains – REPAF), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to networking and collaboration to create a business network made up mostly of professionals, students and entrepreneurs of African origin. To learn more about the REPAF, click here.

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  8. Lavery ranked as Quebec’s top regional firm

    -->Lavery has topped Canadian Lawyer’s 2016 list of regional law firms in Quebec, maintaining its #1 ranking for the fourth edition in a row. This recognition, which Lavery also received in 2010, 2012 and 2014, is based on the results of a survey conducted by the magazine to rate the main law firms in Quebec. The magazine surveys lawyers, in-house counsel and clients from across the country and takes into account each firm’s territory, client list and important cases, as well as the quality of its service and expertise. “Again this year, Lavery ranks as the top regional law firm in Quebec, and we are very pleased, because this ranking is based on feedback from colleagues in private practice, in-house counsel and clients across Canada,” said Don McCarty, the firm’s Managing Partner. “This result shows that we are continuing to set ourselves apart and to offer expertise that meets the needs and requirements of the businesses that retain our services. Moving forward, our goal is to strengthen our position as a leader in all fields.” For more information about the results of the survey, visit the Canadian Lawyer website at

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  9. Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin and Odette Jobin-Laberge contribute to LexisNexis book on insurance law

    Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin, a lawyer in the Litigation group whose practice focuses in the areas of insurance law, has written two chapters in LexisNexis’ reference book entitled “Le contrat d'assurance de dommages et le contrat de réassurance: sujets choisis” (“Damage insurance and reinsurance contracts: selected topics”): one on the concept of intentional fault in property and liability insurance, and another, written in cooperation with Odette Jobin-Laberge, covers general property insurance principles. To obtain a copy of this publication, please click here. 

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  10. Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin comments on a Quebec Superior Court ruling granting $8 million in damages to a minor hockey player injured during a game

    Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin, a lawyer in the firm’s Litigation group who primarily practices in insurance law, comments on a Quebec Superior Court decision that awarded $8 million to a minor hockey player left paralyzed by a hit from behind in “Hockey injury award sends sombre message,” an article published in the February 26, 2016 edition of Lawyers Weekly. Me Lacoste-Jobin mentions in this article that although the impact of such a ruling remains to be determined, the courts will certainly keep a close eye on theefforts put forth by sports organizations to improve safety in their sport.

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  11. The Société du Plan Nord and two members of the Réseau Capital Baie-James announced an important investment in Innord to develop an innovative new rare earth elements separation process

    The Société du Plan Nord, and two members of the Réseau Capital Baie-James, who are la Société de Développement de la Baie-James (SDBJ) and l’Administration régionale Baie-James (ARBJ), announced on March 3, 2016, an $500,000 investment in Innord Inc.,  a subsidiary of GéoMégA Resources inc. Sébastien Vézina, Guillaume Synnott and Éric Gélinas, three lawyers in the firm’s Business law group acted as legal counsel for the involved parties. The investment will be used to develop an innovative new process that will significantly improve the environmental performance of rare earth elements separation. Read the Société du Plan Nord press release here. Sébastien Vézina Guillaume Synnott Éric Gélinas

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  12. Étienne Brassard and Guillaume Synnott offer a series of training sessions for HEC Montréal’s Rémi Marcoux Entrepreneurial Track

    On March 3, Étienne Brassard and Guillaume Synnott, members of Lavery’s GO Inc. Program and business law group, will give the first of three training sessions on legal issues faced by startups to members of the third cohort of HEC Montréal’s Rémi-Marcoux Entrepreneurial Track. Lavery is proud to partner with the Rémi-Marcoux Entrepreneurial Track, a pre-accelerator program training and developing Quebec’s future entrepreneurs.

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