
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. 21 partners from Lavery ranked in the 2016 edition of The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory

    Lavery is pleased to announce that 21 partners are ranked among the leading practitioners in Canada in their respective practice areas in the 2016 edition of Thomson Reuters’s The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory. “I congratulate our colleagues for this recognition and for their continued commitment to serving the needs of our clients. This recognition highlights the contribution of our exceptional lawyers and consolidate the expertise of our firm” said Don McCarty, Lavery’s Managing Partner.  The following Lavery partners are listed in the 2016 edition of The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory : René Branchaud, Corporate Finance & Securities/Mining *Marie-Claude Cantin, Litigation - Commercial Insurance Louis Charette, Aviation/Litigation — Product Liability *Marie Cossette, Ad. E., Litigation — Corporate Commercial Gérard Coulombe, Q.C., Ad.E., C.ADM., Corporate Commercial Law Magali Cournoyer-Proulx, Employment Law (Management) Pierre Denis, Asset Equipment Finance/Leasing Josée Dumoulin, Pensions & Employee Benefits (Management) Nicolas Gagnon, Construction Law Benjamin David Gross, Asset Equipment Finance/Leasing Jean Hébert, Litigation—Commercial Insurance *Josiane L’Heureux, Occupational Health & Safety Guy Lavoie, CIRC, Labour Relations (Management), Workers’ Compensation (Management) Robert W. Mason, Litigation/Commercial Insurance François Parent, Pensions & Employee Benefits (Management) Louis Payette, Ad. E., Banking & Financial Institutions Élisabeth Pinard, Family Law Ian Rose, Litigation-Directors & Officers’ Liability Jean Saint-Onge, Ad. E., Class Actions/Litigation—Product Liability André Vautour, Computer & IT Law/Corporate Commercial Law/Technology Transactions Sébastien Vézina, Mining *New posting The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory is the most comprehensive publication to legal talent in the country and it identifies leading practitioners in over 60 separate practice areas and leading law firms in over 40 practice areas. It is a reference guide for Canadian and foreign corporate counsels and law firms in need of specialized legal services in Canada. For more information, please visit Lexpert’s website at:

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  2. Anthonie Vézina-Crawford and Paméla Kelly-Nadeau organized “Québec 1608”, an original event bringing together the new generation of professionals

    On June 17, 2016, Lavery – Québec’s new generation invited its counterparts at Ernst & Young – Québec to a unique networking activity entitled “Québec 1608”, which was held at Station touristique Duchesnay. Instead of a traditional cocktail, Anthonie Vézina-Crawford and Paméla Kelly-Nadeau, two lawyers from Lavery, organized a friendly competition that drew on teamwork skills and mental and physical abilities. The accountants and lawyers pretended to be pioneers and faced a series of tasks with the goal to build a pioneer village. They built a church, planted a vegetable garden, ensured the transportation of water from a well, and participated in a giant vegetable hunt. Fun and team spirit were at the heart of this truly original activity, which proved to be a great success!

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  3. Marie Cossette interviewed by The Lawyers Weekly on newly introduced Quebec ethics bill

    Marie Cossette, partner and head of Lavery’s business integrity group, was recently interviewed by Luis Millan from The Lawyers Weekly in an article titled ‘Questions raised over Quebec ethics bill flowing Commission Charbonneau’ in which she discussed the newly introduced legislation: "The bill is a follow-up to the Charbonneau Commission which raised awareness among different decision-making bodies over the importance of creating a culture of ethics and integrity in our society," said Marie Cossette, an administrative law expert who heads the business integrity group for Lavery, de Billy and who is based in Québec City. "The bill will not change attitudes but it is a step in the right direction. It fosters training and gives professional corporations powers to allow them to play an increased role in monitoring." The article is available in english only. To read the article, please click here.

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  4. Étienne Brassard discusses aerospace law in Les Affaires

    Étienne Brassard, a partner at Lavery, discusses the aerospace industry and air law in “Le droit aérien s’adapte aux progrès technologiques,” an article published in Les Affaires newspaper:  “’It is well known that Montréal has a strong aerospace cluster, but it is less well known that we also have top-notch professional services capable of supporting major operations in the global aerospace industry,’ says Étienne Brassard, a partner at the Lavery law firm.”  The complete article in French is available on-line here.

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  5. Yves Rocheleau writes an article for Manufacturers Mauricie Centre-du-Québec

    Yves Rocheleau, a partner in the law firm of Lavery who practises in mergers and acquisitions, has written an article entitled “La relève d’entreprise par des gestionnaires” in the new category Expert Chronicle “Chronique d’expert” on the website of Manufacturers Mauricie Centre-du-Québec (MMCQ), in which he discusses management buy-outs in the context of business transfers and takeovers. The full article is available online here. [article available in French only]

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  6. Lavery proud sponsor of young musical talents!

    From Monday 13 to Friday, June 17, 2016, the Montreal Chamber Music Festival has invited the public to a series of "Concerts in the streets" featuring the winners of the Bank of musical instruments of the Canada Council for the Arts. Young talents gave a concert in the lobby of Place Ville Marie in front of an enthusiastic  and curious crowd during free lunch-gigs. Artists offered an outstanding performance and presented a repertoire consisting of works by baroque and contemporary  composers. 

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  7. Daniel Bouchard and Sarah Leclerc discuss environmental law

    On June 10, 2016, Daniel Bouchard, Managing Partner of the Quebec City office gave a presentation as part of the 2016 edition of the training event ‘Recent developments in environment’. His conference was a summary of the article "Reflection on the underutilized municipal authorities in environment" he recently co-wrote with lawyer Sarah Leclerc, contributing to the following book  recently published by Les Éditions Yvon Blais : "Thinking about the underutilization of municipal authorities in environment", clearly states the view of its authors. Indeed, despite the decentralization of powers regarding local management causing the expansion of municipal jurisdiction, including that of environmental protection, civil society seems doomed to suffer the discretionary choice of elected officials in this matter. The article offers an insight on the importance and usefulness of the powers of elected officials in this area in addition to giving examples of these opportunities not seized by elected officials. The authors also make recommendations seeking to propose ways to potentially resolve this urgent problem." [Translation - book available in French only] Recent developments in environmental law, Department of continuing education, the Quebec Bar, 2016 Ed. Yvon Blais, vol. 418., p. 31.

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  8. Zeïneb Mellouli wins a 2016 Lexpert Zenith Award for her commitment to diversity and inclusion

    Lavery is pleased to announce that Zeïneb Mellouli, a lawyer specializing in Labour and Employment Law, was presented with a Lexpert Zenith Award by Lexpert Magazine at a gala in Toronto on June 20, 2016. This year’s edition celebrates lawyers whose actions have advanced diversity and inclusion in the legal profession and society at large. Ms. Mellouli is actively involved in the legal community and in the Montréal community. In recent years, she has served on the board of directors of the Young Bar Association of Montreal and has worked with the Barreau du Québec as part of an initiative to create a working group to promote diversity and the inclusion of members of ethnocultural communities in major law firms. She also contributed to the Barreau du Québec’s forum for an inclusive profession and served on the Committee on ethnocultural diversity of the Bar of Montreal. Finally, she has worked to promote the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, particularly through her collaboration with Lawyers Without Borders. “We are delighted that Lexpert has awarded a Zenith Award to a member of our firm,” declared Don McCarty, Managing Partner at Lavery. “This award recognizes both Ms. Mellouli’s efforts and the firm’s corporate culture, which promotes diversity and inclusion.” As a member of Lavery’s Labour and Employment Law group, Ms. Mellouli advises and represents public and private companies of all sizes in all aspects of labour relations. She is regularly called upon to appear before administrative tribunals and civil courts, including the Superior Court, the Court of Québec, and the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST). For further information, visit the Web site of Lexpert Zenith Award.

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  9. Élisabeth Pinard and Anthonie Vézina-Crawford speakers at a conference on the estate settlement

    On June 2, 2016, Élisabeth Pinard, partner at Lavery who coordinates the firm's Family law, personal law, and estate law group and Anthonie Vézina-Crawford, lawyer in the same field, participated in a conference on the estate settlement organized by the "Association de Planification Fiscale et Financière" (APFF). Both of them acted as speakers during a presentation entitled "Règles gouvernant la dissolution du régime matrimonial, le partage du patrimoine familial et le testament dans un contexte de décès" given in French only.

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  10. Lavery, proud sponsor of a CCIFCQ event

    On June 7, 2016, an event for the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie française au Canada – Section Québec (CCIFCQ), was held at Cafe Sirocco in Quebec City. Lavery was a proud sponsor of the evening and Sylvain Pierrard, one of its business law lawyers, was present as an administrator of the CCIFCQ and the event organizer. Since its creation in 1886, the CCIFCQ's mandate is to develop economic relations between France and Canada.

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  11. Lavery 2nd in the top 30 law firms in Quebec according to Les Affaires

    In a special feature of Les Affaires titled ‘Grands du droit 2016’, Lavery was ranked 2nd in the Top 30 law firms in Quebec. Étienne Brassard, business law partner, also discusses Lavery GO inc. Program as part of the nomination: "Lavery (2nd) for his part created a program for start-ups called Lavery GO inc. Program, which operates on selection. "We select promising projects and we help them becoming successful business ," said Étienne Brassard, head lawyer of the program." [Translation – article available in French only] In 2015, Lavery was ranked 3rd on the charts. Thus, this is a significant rise for the firm in the 2016 rankings you can view here.

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  12. In Luxembourg, Laurence Bich-Carrière wins Tony-Pemmers international public speaking competition

    Good things come in threes! Winner of the Young Bar of Montreal's Prix de l'orateur in June 2015 and the oratory competition at the 30th Conférence internationale des barreaux de tradition juridique commune held in Cotonou, Benin, in December 2015, Laurence Bich-Carrière took home top honours at the first edition of the Tony-Pemmers international public speaking contest organized as part of the solemn reassembly of the Luxembourg Bar. The eliminatory round of this speaking contest was held on June 2, 2016, at the Superior Court of Justice of Luxembourg before a five-member jury composed of European and Luxembourgian magistrates and lawyers. The winner of the finals, held the following day, was decided by popular vote, so it was an audience of 250 jurists that Ms. Bich-Carrière had to convince and delight to win first place. The competition focused on eloquence, soundness of argument, and strength of conviction, but also on the speaker’s charisma, sense of humour, and ability to make a connection with the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. A member of the Quebec Bar and the Law Society of Upper Canada, Ms. Bich-Carrière is part of Lavery’s litigation group. She has worked as a law clerk at the Supreme Court of Canada and received numerous merit-based scholarships during her years of study. Her practice includes all aspects of civil and commercial litigation, among other things.

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