
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Marie-Josée Hétu speaks at the 2017 RQSISQ Symposium

    On June 16, Marie-Josée Hétu, a partner of the Labour and Employment Law group, spoke at the 2017 Symposium of the Regroupement des directeurs des services d’incendies et de secours du Québec (RQSISQ), held at the Hotel Le Dauphin in Drummondville on June 15-16. Approximately twenty directors, officers, and managers working in various fire and rescue services across the province attended the conference, at which employee behaviour outside work, the duty of loyalty, and the use of social media were discussed.

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  2. Jean-Philippe Turgeon appointed to the CQF Executive Board

    On May 26, Jean-Philippe Turgeon, a partner and head of the Franchising and Distribution group, was appointed to the Executive Committee of the Conseil québécois de la franchise (CQF) as well as Vice President of Legal Affairs. As such, his role will be to promote and represent franchising in Quebec while ensuring the good governance of the organization. Mr. Turgeon will remain a member of the board of directors. Lavery’s Franchising and Distribution group provides local or international franchisors, buying groups, distributors, retailers and manufacturers with the legal services they need to improve their business model, optimize supply, grow their network, improve their product and services distribution, and strengthen their brand identity.

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  3. An impressive participation by Lavery at the 30th edition of the St-Lambert Triathlon

    Nearly thirty representatives from Lavery participated in  the 30th edition of the St-Lambert triathlon that was held last Sunday, on July 9th. Welcoming nearly 800 athletes, the event was a great success once again this year.  Lavery not only enjoyed exceptional visibility but also the presence of several of its representatives on the podiums! The firm would like to congratulate the athletes who excelled and reminded everyone about the importance of teamwork. We would like to also note the great participation of many of our colleagues from our Quebec City and Sherbrooke offices. Congratulations to our athletes, notably: Jean-Benoît Thivierge (swimming), René Branchaud (cycling) and Pier-Luc Girard (running) who won first place above all the teams and the first place in the "Men’s Team" category. Zila Savary (swimming), François Nolet-Lévesque (cycling) and Judith Houle-Couture (running) ranked 3rd in the "Mixed Team" category. Nicolas Joubert won the silver medal in his M35-39 category. François Arseneault arrived in 1st place (Men) in the 10 km. Marie-Aude Thérien placed second (Women) in the 10 km.

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  4. Lavery welcomes four new lawyers

          Lavery is pleased to welcome four new lawyers, Shan Jiang, Jean-Sébastien Massol, Gabrielle Tétrault and Ariane Villemaire. Ariane Villemaire and Jean-Sébastien Massol will join the Labour and Employment Law group. Gabrielle Tétrault will join the Litigation and Conflict Resolution group and Shan Jiang will join the Corporate Law group.  “Hiring these four new lawyers is a testament to the quality of their work as articling students. We are proud to be keeping the students we trained among our ranks,” said Anik Trudel, Chief Executive Officer.

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  5. Guillaume Lavoie participates in Rendez-vous Montréal inc.

    On June 14, Guillaume Lavoie, a partner and head of the Lavery CAPITAL group, presented the LAVERY grant to Les matériaux Redwood inc., represented by its founder Marc Elliott, during the Rendez-vous Montréal inc. The event, organized by Fondation Montréal Inc. and presented by the National Bank, was held in the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec Parquet.   Fondation Montréal inc. is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to encourage the success of a new generation of Montréal entrepreneurs with the help of donors and experienced volunteer business people. Guillaume Lavoie has volunteered with Fondation Montréal inc. for many years.

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  6. Laurence Bich-Carrière publishes an article in Cahiers de propriété intellectuelle

    Laurence Bich-Carrière, a lawyer of the Litigation and Conflict Resolution group, wrote an article entitled “Quelques décisions d’intérêt en matière de cyberdiffamation 2016” that was published in the most recent issue of Cahiers de propriété intellectuelle.   In her case comment, she reviews a number of cyber defamation decisions rendered in 2016 and recommends the cases to follow in 2017. The article discusses various topical subjects such as private international defamation law, the right to be forgotten, and the liability of search engines, Internet archives, or Facebook friends for defamatory comments made by third party, addressed by decisions such as Goldhar v. Haaretz, 2016 ONCA 515, A.B. c. Google inc., 2016 QCCS 4913, Chiara c Vigile Québec, 2016 QCCS 5167 and others.

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