
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Ian Rose will take part in the conference on the liability of directors and officers, in Montréal, next May

    Ian Rose, Partner at Lavery, will give a presentation about Secondary Market Recourses under the various Canadian Securities Acts (e.g. Bill 198), at the Third Edition of the Conférence sur la Responsabilité des Administrateurs et Membres de la Direction (Directors’ & Officers’ Liability Conference), to be held in Montreal next May 15 and 16. The event, organised by Federated Press, is intended, among others, for business directors, officers and managers who wish to update their knowledge in terms of “droit corporatif et régie d’entreprise”.For more information about the Conference program (in French only), click here.

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  2. An article by Sébastien Vézina about Plan Nord is published in Industrie & Commerce magazine

    Sebastien Vézina, Partner at Lavery, is the author of an article entitled “Le Plan Nord : maximisez vos occasions d’affaires” (How to maximize business opportunities regarding Plan Nord), in the March–April, 2012, issue of Industrie & Commerce. Mr. Vézina describes various types of participations in development projects as well as their respective advantages and the means that the government of Quebec and interested parties have at their disposal to create business opportunities in this specific context.Click here to read this article (in French only)

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  3. Gérard Coulombe re-elected to the Board of Directors of the National Bank

    The shareholders of the National Bank of Canada recently re-elected Gérard Coulombe Q.C., a Lavery partner, to its Board of Directors, for a one year term. Mr. Coulombe who sits on the Board of the Bank since 1994 was also appointed Chair of the Conduct Review and Corporate Governance Committee, and member of the Human Resources Committee of the Board of Directors.

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  4. Lavery holds an event on the Aboriginal Communities and the Plan Nord with Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come

    On Wednesday, April 4, 2012, over 70 people attended a special event entitled “The Aboriginal Communities and the Plan Nord”, organized by the firm’s Energy and Natural Resources Group in collaboration with Groupe-conseil Entraco for the benefit of representatives from businesses that are interested in the opportunities created by the Plan Nord. On this occasion, Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come, from the Grand Council of the Crees, presented the aboriginal community’s view of the Plan Nord. Richard Dolan, partner and Chairman of the Board of Lavery, and Louis Archambault, President of Groupe-conseil Entraco and an expert in aboriginal and environmental affairs, among others, sat at the head table. The event, which was followed by a cocktail, was held at the Lavery Conference Centre.  From left to right : Mr. Louis Archambault, President of Groupe-conseil Entraco; Mr. Richard Dolan, partner and Chairman of the Board, Lavery; and Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come, Grand Council of the Crees.

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  5. Simon Lemay Re-appointed Chairman of the Board of Centre jeunesse de Québec

    Lavery is pleased to announce that Simon Lemay, partner at its Quebec City office, has been re-elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Centre jeunesse de Québec — Institut universitaire (CJQ-IU) for 2011-2012.This institution, which is part of the national capital’s health and social services network, offers psychosocial protection and rehabilitation services – including social emergency services – that are designed to help troubled youth and their families achieve a greater degree of wellness on the personal, family or social level.As a university institute, the CJQ-IU also carries out research, professional training and practice assessment, and it relies on some 1200 employees and a budget of a little over $87 million to accomplish its mission.

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  6. Pierre-L. Baribeau, Chairman of the Quebec Lung Association and Chairman of the Governance and Ethics Committee of the Board of Directors of the CHUM

    Already an active member of various organizations and foundations, Pierre-L. Baribeau, partner at Lavery, has been named Chairman of the Quebec Lung Association, a registered charity that is deeply involved in the field of respiratory health matters, as well as Chairman of the Governance and Ethics Committee of the Board of Directors of the “Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal” (CHUM). CHUM primarily offers specialized medical care and services to adults regionally and supra-regionally.

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  7. Jean Saint-Onge is among the speakers invited at the 9th National Symposium on Class Actions, presented by Osgoode Professional Developments

    Jean Saint-Onge, partner at Lavery, is among the speakers invited at the 9th National Symposium on Class Actions, presented by Osgoode Professional Developments in Toronto next April 26 and 27. This conference brings together class action specialists from across Canada, as well as in-house and private practitioners specializing in this area of practice.

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  8. In memory of Pierre M. Lepage

    All of Lavery’s partners, associates and personnel would like to pay homage to the memory of Pierre M. Lepage, who passed away last March 26.Called to the Quebec Bar in 1976, Mr. Lepage built an outstanding reputation in both commercial litigation and banking law. He was a much sought-after lawyer renowned for his expertise and deep knowledge and understanding of restructuring and insolvency law, representing as he did financial institutions, companies in financial difficulty, as well as accounting firms specializing in business recovery and insolvency.The author and creator of numerous legal courses offered by the Institute of Canadian Bankers in collaboration with various Canadian universities, Mr. Lepage also distinguished himself as a lecturer in banking law at the Université de Montréal and the École des Hautes Études Commerciales.He was more than just a colleague to Lavery members. He was an exceptional teacher and acted as a mentor to several members of the firm. His clients appreciated his genius for finding simple and practical solutions to problems that seemed insoluble. A persuasive and respectful man with a gift for writing and a sense of humour all his own, he was considered by many as a friend. He will be truly missed by all of the firm’s members and clients.On behalf of the entire team at Lavery, we wish to extend our deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.

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  9. Lavery and PwC hold a cocktail on Plan Nord

    René Branchaud, Lavery partner and coordinator, Business Law, and Nochane Rousseau, partner and leader, Mining and PwC’s Plan Nord Initiative, invited the executives of business organisations in the mining industry to attend a cocktail focused on information and networking pertaining to Plan Nord, last Tuesday March 21. M. Charles Riopel, Investment Director at Investissement Québec, spoke before an audience of over 50 people who attended the event at the Lavery Conference Centre.From left to right : René Branchaud, Lavery, Charles Riopel, Investissements Québec and Nochane Rousseau, PWC

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  10. Michel Servant invited to preside the Prix Relève d’Excellence 2012 Committee of Réseau HEC Montréal

    Michel Servant, a partner at Lavery, will be the President of the Prix Relève d’Excellence 2012 Committee of Réseau HEC Montréal. This competition recognizes the professional success of HEC’s graduates, aged 35 and under, in four different classes: Large Enterprises, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), Entrepreneurs and Young Professionals. The prize-winners are selected by a jury of experienced business people.This event will take place as a Gala-Breakfast on Friday, May 11, 2012, at the Centre Sheraton Montréal. It will be the 27th anniversary of the Prix Relève d’Excellence in 2012 and Jacques Daoust, HEC 72, President and Chief Executive Officer of the new Investissement Québec, created with the merger of Investissement Québec and Société générale de financement du Québec, will be the Honorary President. Investissement Québec’s mission is to foster the growth of investment in Québec.HEC Montreal is the first business school in Canada and arguably Canada’s leading business school with over one hundred years of history and three international accreditations.

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  11. Josiane L'Heureux and Élodie Brunet co-sign an Article in the Janary/February Issue of Industrie et Commerce

    Josiane L’Heureux and Élodie Brunet, respectively Partner and Associate at Lavery, have co-authored an article entitled “La responsabilité accrue des administrateurs à l’égard des cotisations impayées à la Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail”, published in the Industrie et Commerce magazine. In this article, Mss. L’Heureux and Brunet explain that since January 1st, 2011, if a body corporate fails to pay its premiums to the Quebec worker's compensation, health and safety board (CSST), any member of the Board could be personally held responsible for the unpaid premiums, including penalties and interests. However, the authors specify that the bill makes provisions for the exemption of administrators who can prove that they have exerted a reasonable degree of care, diligence and skill in the circumstances.To read the article (available in French only), click here.

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  12. Dina Raphaël is invited to speak at a conference about the online sale of damage insurance products, in the context of the “Journée de l’assurance de dommages 2012” (Day of damage insurance 2012)

    Dina Raphaël, a partner in the firm’s Litigation Group, was a guest speaker for a lecture on the online sale of damage insurance products, March 15. The presentations, which were held in the context of the “Journée de l'assurance de dommages 2012” (Day of damage insurance 2012), mainly intended to clarify the issues raised by the online sale of damage insurance in the absence of a regulatory framework.

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