
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Jean-Simon Deschênes, of Lavery, guest speaker at the Centre d’études en droit économique of Université Laval

    On May 28, Jean-Simon Deschênes, partner in Lavery’s Business law group, participated in a summer school session on the subject of “economic crime” organized by the Centre d’études en droit économique of Université Laval. The other guest panelists were Sébastien Bérard of the Financial National Bank and Julie Bernard of Groupe d’investissement responsable Canada. The round-table discussion - “Socially responsible investment of concern to lawyers: the solution?” - was lead by Charles-Emmanuel Côté, professor in the law faculty at Université Laval.

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  2. Léa Maalouf and Zeïneb Mellouli of Lavery, elected to the Board of Directors of the Young Bar Association of Montreal (YBAM)

    During its Annual General Meeting, held in Montreal on May 30, the YBAM announced the election results for various positions. Léa Maalouf and Zeïneb Mellouli, lawyers at Lavery, were elected as administrators on the YBAM Board of Directors for year 2014-2015. For Léa Maalouf it was a second mandate. Zeineb Mellouli was involved in a joint committee of the Bar of Montreal for over 2 years.Founded in 1898, the YBAM represents lawyers with 10 years or less of practice, registered in the Montreal area. The mission of the YBAM is to defend and promote its members’ interests. It also offers various segments of the population consulting and legal information on a volunteer basis, besides organizing charitable activities. Overall, the YBAM seeks to improve access to justice and to contribute to the well-being of the community.

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  3. Accommodations for mental illness: what are your responsibilities?

    On June 18, Marie-Hélène Jolicoeur, associate at Lavery, will lead a training workshop for company managers and executives as part of the summer HR workshops presented by ÉVÉNEMENTS LES AFFAIRES. Participants will gain a better understanding of the basic principles of accommodations that may be required for mental illness. Specifically, they will learn to identify accommodations related to mental illness, manage disability resulting from mental illness, and foresee necessary accommodations while recognizing the limitations of their responsibility to make them. For information and registration, click here.  

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  4. Jean Saint-Onge of Lavery, guest speaker at Canadian Bar Association

    On May 28, Me Jean Saint-Onge, partner in Lavery’s litigation group, was guest speaker at a business luncheon organized jointly by the Class action and Dispute resolution sections of the Canadian Bar Association. The other guest panelists were the Honourable François Roland, chief justice, Superior Court of Quebec, and Me François Lebeau, of Unterberg, Labelle, Lebeau. The topic was the role of mediation and settlement conferences in class actions.

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  5. Éric Gélinas, of Lavery, guest speaker at APFF seminar

    Mr. Éric Gélinas, legal counsel in business law at Lavery and professor in the tax department of Sherbrooke University, was guest speaker at the “Income and death taxes” seminar organized by the Association de planification fiscale et financière (APFF), on May 22. Mr. Gélinas spoke about the legislative, regulatory, and administrative changes to the taxation on death of eligible capital property and resource property since the December 2006 updating of the book Les impôts sur le revenu et le décès.

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  6. Lavery hosts IGOPP breakfast meeting

    On May 23, a breakfast meeting organized by the Institute for governance of private and public organizations (IGOPP) was held in the Lavery Conference centre. The subject – How to add an institutional investor to your board – brought together 35 participants to hear the thoughts of Jacques Lécuyer, president and CEO of 5N Plus on this subject, and to discuss the subject with him. The breakfast meeting was hosted by André Vautour, chair of the board of Lavery, and Michel Nadeau of IGOPP.

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  7. Pierre Marc Johnson, of Lavery, keynote speaker at the 39th Conference of the Association des économistes québécois

    On May 14, Mr. Pierre Marc Johnson, GOQ, FRSC, former premier of Quebec and counsel at Lavery, was the keynote speaker at the 39th Conference of the Association des économistes québécois in Ottawa. The event attracted more than 250 renowned Quebec and international economists and specialists.In his speech, Mr. Johnson discussed the implications for Quebec of the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). First outlining the development of trade between Quebec and its major export markets over the past twenty years, he then explained the scope, benefits, and implementation mechanisms of a comprehensive agreement with the European Union.

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  8. Lavery welcomes three new associates

    Lavery is pleased to announce that three associates have recently joined the firm. The new lawyers will be members of two of Lavery’s practice groups. Ms. Alexandra Dubé-Lorrain (2014) and Mr. Jérôme Bélanger (2014) will practise in the Litigation Group in our Montreal office. Mr. Simon Bisson (2014) has joined the Business Law Group in Montreal.The year of call to the Quebec Bar appears in parentheses."The addition of these lawyers not only shows Lavery’s willingness to attract young talent who will reinforce our practice groups but it also demonstrates that the firm is committed to hiring young lawyers who were previously articling students with the firm", said Don McCarty, Managing Partner of the firm. 

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  9. Law and mental health seminar on the use of drugs and alcohol in the workplace: a question of responsibility

    On May 13, Mr. Carl Lessard, labour law partner at Lavery, and Mr. Luc Chabot CHRP of Relais Expert-Conseil, were the speakers at a seminar that attracted some sixty human resource professionals to the Lavery Conference Centre.The subjects addressed related to the responsibility of employers regarding the consumption of drugs and alcohol in the workplace – more specifically, the regulatory environment, corporate policies, alcohol and drug testing, and the administration of disciplinary and non-disciplinary measures.

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  10. Bernard Roy, of Lavery, guest speaker at the Association de planification fiscale et financière (APFF)

    Mr. Bernard Roy, partner in the Québec office, spoke during an activity organized by the APFF on May 14. During his talk, Mr Roy reviewed the case law on actions for annulment and the rectification of transactions in Quebec. He also discussed in detail the decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada in Agence du Revenu du Québec v. Riopel et als. and Agence du Revenu du Québec v. Services environnementaux AES Inc.

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  11. Claude Villeneuve of Lavery appointed president of the Bar of Saint-François

    Lavery is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Claude Villeneuve, partner in its Sherbrooke office, as president of the Bar of Saint-François. Founded in 1853, the Bar of Saint-François is one of the 15 regional bars representing the regions of Quebec and has approximately 450 members. This appointment highlights Mr. Villeneuve’s active involvement in the legal community. In addition to teaching law, Mr. Villeneuve is also a member of the General Council of the Barreau du Québec.

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