
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Myriam Lavallée appointed to the Board of Directors of the TRCCI

    Myriam Lavallée, Labour and Employment Law associate at Trois-Rivières, was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Trois-Rivières Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TRCCI). Ms. Lavallée’s three year term started on June 10, 2015, following the general annual meeting. Ms. Lavallée previously sat on the Tasting of World Wines Committee and the Corporate Monitoring Strategy Committee. Founded in 1881, the TRCCI gathers today more than 900 members from over 600 businesses, whose activities range in all economic areas. This constitutes the biggest independent pool of decision-makers and business leaders in Mauricie, and its mission is to create, develop and maintain an active and dynamic business network which takes part in the socio-economic development of its field. 

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  2. Laurence Bich-Carrière wins the YBM Oratory Competition!

    Laurence Bich-Carrière, a litigation lawyer at Lavery, claimed the highest honours by winning the Young Bar of Montreal Oratory Competition at the Quebec Court of Appeal on June 9, 2015. This competition  highlights the qualities of eloquence, rhetoric and general knowledge of each candidate. Ms. Bich-Carrière will now have the privilege of representing the YBM at the Paris-Montreal Award Competition, which will take place during the opening of the Montreal judicial ceremonies in September, as well as the ConférenceInternationale des Barreaux de tradition franconphone (CIB) in Africa in December. Lavery also wishes to congratulate Zeïneb Mellouli on her excellent performance in this competition, as well as all of the other participants. 

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  3. Lavery’s Katia Opalka will take part in a roundtable discussion concerning the Arctic

    Friday June 12th 2015 at École nationale d’administration publique, Katia Opalka, a partner at Lavery practicing in the areas of environmental and aboriginal law, will take part in a roundtable gathering of experts from different fields, all having a marked interest in the future of the Arctic. Participants at this meeting, organized by Centre interuniversitaire sur les relations internationales Canada et du Québec, will exchange views with Admiral Robert J. Papp, the U.S. State Department’s Special Representative for the Arctic. On April 24, 2015 the United States began its chairmanship of the Arctic Council for a period of two years. The U.S. agenda has three focus areas: economic and living conditions for Arctic communities; Arctic Ocean safety, security and stewardship; and addressing the impacts of climate change. This file has particular relevance for Quebec, notably as regards implementation of Plan Nord.

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  4. Daniel Bouchard gives a conference on environmental law

    On May 29, 2015, Daniel Bouchard, Managing Partner of Lavery’s Quebec City Office and lawyer specialized in the fields of municipal, environmental and administrative law, gave a conference at theIntercontinental Hotel of Montreal during the training sessions of the Quebec Bar “Recent developments in environmental law”. Over 60 environmental lawyers attended this conference entitled “La gestion par les municipalités de l’écoulement des eaux dans les cours d’eau: quoi de neuf?” (Municipalities’ management of water flow towards streams: what’s new?), which discussed the new case laws in environment of the past 12 months and summed up the most relevant decisions for members of the Bar. The text of this conference, prepared in collaboration with Ms. Charlotte Fortin, is published by Éditions Yvon Blais in “Développement récent en droit de l’environnement”,Service de la formation continue du Barreau du Québec, vol. 401, 2015. To order a copy, click here (in French only).

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  5. Dominique Bélisle, among the eight major players in law

    Lavery is proud to announce that Dominique Bélisle, a Business Law partner at Lavery, is featured in the Law edition of Premières en affaires magazine which came out June 2, 2015, as one of eight women lawyers not to be missed. This list presents the women lawyers behind 2014’s biggest transactions. These lawyers stood out through their power of persuasion and talent for public speaking. Furthermore, their practice has them defending and representing their clients’ interests, as well as counselling businesses. With their great analytical sense, rigor and irreproachable ethics, they act as mediators and aim to reconcile opposing sides. To know more about the lawyers on this list, click here (in French only).

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  6. Jean-Philippe Turgeon, speaker at the International Franchise Expo

    On June 19, 2015, Jean-Philippe Turgeon, partner at Lavery and head of the Franchise and distribution group, will be a speaker at the International Franchise Expo which will take place in New York. His conference, entitled “The ABC’s of a successful franchise expansion in Quebec”, will present an analysis of the franchise industry in Quebec, discussing the best practices for the successful expansion of a franchise system in the province, the legislative particularities and its impacts, the contractual context for conceivable development, as well as the implications of Quebec culture on the concept’s adaptation and trademark name.

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  7. Daniel Bouchard, co-speaker at the COMAQ Seminar

    On May 28, 2015, Daniel Bouchard, Managing Partner of Lavery’s Quebec City Office and lawyer specialized in the fields of municipal, environmental and administrative law, gave a conference in collaboration with Mr. Dennis Pakenham of Morency Avocats, to about a 100 court clerks during the Corporation des officiers municipaux agréés du Québec (COMAQ) Seminar at Rivière-du-Loup. This conference, entitled “Savoir se réinventer en tenant compte de la loi et de la jurisprudence” (Knowing how to reinvent oneself, taking into account legislation and case law) discussed the recent cases of the past 12 months, summing up the most important ones relating to current topics such as municipal elections, obligation of neutrality and zoning.  Daniel Bouchard

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  8. Daniel Bouchard gives a conference to the CPEQ

    On May 5, 2015, Daniel Bouchard, Managing Partner of Lavery’s Quebec City office and lawyer specialized in the fields of municipal, environmental and administrative law, gave a conference to about 10 business representatives at the Quebec Business Council on the Environment (CPEQ). Entitled “La législation relative aux terrains contaminés” (Legislation related to contaminated fields), this conference answered frequently asked questions, namely if contaminating an already polluted land is considered pollution, the extent of the obligation to decontaminate, and a buyer’s recourses if he acquires a contaminated land, all within the frame of the current legislation.

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  9. Two Lavery lawyers named members of the Board of Directors of the Young Bar Association of Montreal

    Lavery congratulates Léa Maalouf and Myriam Brixi, lawyers in Lavery’s Litigation Group, for their election as members of the Young Bar Association of Montreal’s Board of Directors 2015-2016, during the annual general meeting which took place on May 29, 2015 at the Palais des congrès. This is Ms. Maalouf’s third term as administrator. For the second year in a row, the election was held electronically, and 782 members exercised their right to vote, making this board of directors the most representative to date. Lavery also wishes to highlight the excellent work of Ms. Zeïneb Mellouli, Labour and Employment Law associate at Lavery and administrator during the 2014-2015 term, for her involvement and accomplishments within the Young Bar Association this past year. Ms. Mellouli decided not to run this year to devote time to her other activities. Léa Maalouf, Myriam Brixi and Zeïneb Mellouli -->

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  10. Two Lavery lawyers recognized by LEXPERT in corporate law

    On May 29, 2015, the Globe and Mail’s Report on Business Magazinepublished the 2015 Lexpert/ROB Corporate Special Edition on Canada's Leading Corporate Lawyers, in which Michel Blouin and René Branchaud, partners at Lavery, are recognized as leading lawyers in Canada in the area of business law. This special edition recognizes lawyers who have contributed very effectively in the field of corporate law, and also features articles on the legal aspects of Canadian business issues. To view this publication, please click here.

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  11. Mr. Pierre Marc Johnson reacts to the passing of Mr. Jacques Parizeau

    Currently travelling in Europe, Mr. Pierre Marc Johnson, former Premier of Quebec, learned of former Premier of Quebec and leader of the Parti Québécois, Mr. Jacques Parizeau’s passing. He wishes to publish the following release: « Upon learning of the death of Mr. Jacques Parizeau, former Premier of Quebec, my heart first goes out to his children, his family and his wife. I offer them my deepest condolences. Mr. Parizeau marked the province of Quebec in a significant way, through both his beliefs and his work. Governmental advisor and brilliant bureaucrat, he was — with a few others of his generation — one of the architects in projects aiming to turn Quebec into an interventionist and efficient state. In elective office and asMinister of Finance, as well as President of the Treasury Board, he often adapted his vision of the state to ever-changing circumstances relating to budget constraints and the free market. His uncompromised beliefs as a separatist made him the leader of those in the Parti Québécois who shared a more radical vision of Québec’s future. Adamant but always courteous, peremptory but open to debate, he managed to devote most of his life as a public figure to his beliefs, which he did to the very end. Once again, my deepest sympathies to his family and all those he loved dearly. »

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  12. Nicolas Gagnon, Fellow of the Canadian College of Construction Lawyers

    Lavery is proud to announce that Nicolas Gagnon, a partner in Lavery’s Construction and Surety Law team, became a Fellow of the Canadian College of Construction Lawyers (CCCL), an organization comprised of close to 80 lawyers from across Canada, during the 18th Annual Meeting and Conference held in Washington, D.C., from May 28 to May 31, 2015. The CCCL is an independent, non-profit organization, who aims to facilitate and encourage the association of outstanding lawyers who are distinguished for their skill, experience and high standards of professional and ethical conduct in the practice or teaching of construction law and who are dedicated to excellence in the specialized practice of construction law. Fellowship in the College is by invitation only, initiated by nomination of other Fellows.

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