
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Audrey Gibeault and Luc Pariseau speak to the M&A Club

    Audrey Gibeault and Luc Pariseau, respectively an associate and a partner of the Business Law group, spoke to the M&A Club about what’s new in tax law. The seminar was held on October 31 at the Lavery Conference Centre and was attended by over 50 people.

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  2. Felicia Yifan Jin participates in the 47th CIOFF World Congress

    Felicia Yifan Jan, articling student, participated as recording secretary during the 47th World Congress of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts (CIOFF), held in Tenggarong, Indonesia from October 21 to 27, 2017. The CIOFF is a UNESCO advisory body whose purpose is to preserve, promote and spread traditional culture and folklore. Click here for more information about the CIOFF. Ms. Jan was mentored by Pierre Marc Johnson, counsel and chief negotiator for the Government of Québec in the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) in the preparation of this event.

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  3. Evelyne Verrier panelist at the 2017 Insurance and Investment Convention

    Evelyne Verrier, a partner and head of the Distribution of Financial Products and Services group, served as a panelist during the 2017 Insurance and Investment Convention organized by The Insurance & Investment Journal. The Convention was held on November 14 at the Palais des congrès in Montréal. Entitled Robots-conseillers et conseillers: ennemis jurés ou partenaires?, the purpose of the panel was to discuss the evolving role of advisors in an age when FinTech and accelerated technological developments are becoming increasingly prevalent in the insurance industry. Accompanied by Alex Veilleux, Co-Owner, Chief Innovation Officer and Product Strategist at VOOBAN and Michel Bergeron, a partner in EY, Ms. Verrier took the opportunity to share her view of the future for insurance advisors, the types of high value-added activities that advisors can use to distinguish themselves and the liability issues associated with various technological tools available to advisors.

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  4. Lavery holds a seminar on the impact of recent amendments to the Environment Quality Act on the work of environmental consultants

    Lavery held a seminar on the impact and extent of recent amendments to the Environment Quality Act (EQA) on the work of consultants. The seminar was held on November 8 at the Lavery Conference Centre in Montréal. Environmental consultants listened to presentations by Daniel Bouchard and Chloé Fauchon, respectively a partner and a lawyer of the Public and Administrative law group, on amendments to the EQA that expanded the right to access authorization certificates granting the Minister the power to stop an activity without compensation and immunity from liability, except in cases of gross or intentional fault. They discussed these themes in light of the recent case law on the state’s liability in environment matters and offered practical suggestions to consultants on how to protect themselves given the changes.

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  5. Jean-Philippe Turgeon moderates the Lavery Franchisor Round Table

    Jean-Philippe Turgeon, a partner and head of the Franchising and Distribution group, moderated a round table for franchisors organized by Lavery and held on November 3 at the Lavery Conference Centre in Montréal. The round table was entitled Les enjeux les plus importants dans l’exploitation d’un réseau de franchises and included Julie Bergevin, Vice President, Groupe Adèle inc., Gaétan Migneault, President and Founder, Group Adèle inc. and Steve Morency, President and Owner, Gestion Yuzu inc. Franchisors present learned about the most significant challenges and problems facing franchise networks as well as various possible solutions.  

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  6. Lavery welcomes the Minister of State of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs for a discussion on CETA opportunities

    On October 30, Lavery organized, in collaboration with the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie française au Canada, a luncheon seminar at its Montréal office on trade relations under CETA, attended by Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Minister of State of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. Entitled Comment développer et approfondir nos relations bilatérales à travers l’AECG, Quebec and French businesses listened to Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne and Pierre Marc Johnson, counsel and chief negotiator for the Government of Québec in the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) discuss the importance of implementing an ongoing dialogue between the economic actors in our respective territories in order to promote successful business exchanges.

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  7. Pierre Marc Johnson receives the AAC’s 2017 Christian-Van-Houtte Award

    On October 12, Pierre Marc Johnson, counsel and lead negotiator for the Government of Quebec for the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), received the 2017 Christian-Van-Houtte Award from the Aluminium Association of Canada at its annual meeting. The award highlights Mr. Johnson’s outstanding contribution to the signing of the CETA between Canada and the European Union and recognizes his efforts in mobilizing exporters here at home to ensure that they are able to benefit from the full potential of the CETA. Pierre Marc Johnson and Gervais Jacques, chariman of the board, AAC, managing director, atlantic operations, Aluminium Rio Tinto.

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  8. Frédéric Bélanger and Benjamin Poirier speak on recent developments in insurance law

    On October 27, Frédéric Bélanger and Benjamin Poirier, lawyers in the Litigation and Dispute Resolution group, spoke at an educational event on the topic of recent developments in insurance law organized by the Barreau du Québec and held at the InterContinental Hotel in Montreal. Their presentation, entitled La recherche de la vérité a ses limites [there are limits to the search for truth], addressed the principles of confidentiality in an effort to find a balance between the search for truth and the integrity of the justice system. It also attempted to identify the sometimes elusive structure of the legal framework that governs the privileges of confidentiality for insurance litigation practitioners, as those privileges have evolved in recent decisions. Their presentation was prepared with the close collaboration of Bernard Trang, a student in the Montreal office. They also addressed this topic in Développements récents en droit des assurances 2017, published by the continuing education service of the Barreau du Québec.

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  9. Lavery welcomes Marie-Lou Beaumont, a new lawyer in the Business Law group

    Lavery is pleased to announce that a new lawyer, Marie-Lou Beaumont, has joined the Business Law group. Marie-Lou was admitted to the bar in 2013 and has focused her practice on real estate law in the Quebec City region. One of the fields that Ms. Beaumont has been particularly active in is energy. She has worked on a number of wind projects, by examining property titles, drafting documents, and determining the legislative characterization of the work done when wind parks are created. She has also represented clients in a number of major cases involving the interpretation of affiliation agreements, corporate finance, and the sale of woodlots. Anik Trudel, Lavery’s Chief Executive Officer, said: “The strength of Marie-Lou’s profile and the qualities she has demonstrated are in part the result of her seven years working as a paralegal, from which she gained unique expertise in real estate law. Having Marie-Lou join us will consolidate the real estate services we offer.”

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