
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. A committee of the Quebec Bar invites one of our lawyer to join

    Véronique Morin accepted the invitation of the labour law committee of the Quebec Bar to participate in its deliberations. The mandate of the committee is to analyze labour law legislation and make recommendations. The works of the committee must be ratified by the Administrative Committee and thereafter becomes the position of the Bar.

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  2. The 2007 Lexpert/American Lawyer Guide unveils its Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada

    Several lawyers of our firm are named in The 2007 Lexpert/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada. As its name indicates, this publication is the result of a partnership between a Canadian publication, Lexpert, and a U.S. publication, American Lawyer. The following Lavery, de Billy lawyers are named:Pierre L. Baribeau in labour law, Pierre Cantin, Jean-Pierre Casavant and Robert W. Mason in product liability, J. Vincent O’Donnell in commercial litigation, professional liability and product liability and Michel Yergeau in environmental law.

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  3. Two partners of the firm to provide training to ADMQ members

    Two partners of the firm will provide training for the Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec. The training sessions will be held from February 28 to June 7, 2007 and will be held in several cities in Quebec.Daniel Bouchard will conduct a workshop entitled “ Accès aux documents municipaux : rappels et nouveautés” [Access to municipal documents: reminders and new developments]. The workshop will deal with Bill 86 entitled An Act to amend the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information and other legislative provisions, which came into force on June 14, 2006.Marie-Claude Perreault will conduct a training session entitled “Actualités en relations de travail” [Latest developments in labour relations]. This training session will deal with current high-profile issues such as psychological harassment, the duty of accommodation, disciplinary measures and the preparation of litigation before any type of tribunal.

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  4. Quebec Bar to organize a workshop on class actions

    With the collaboration of our partner, Jean Saint-Onge, the continuing professional education department of the Quebec Bar will again offer its members a thematic workshop. To be held on October 25 and 26, the workshop will be entitled “Recours collectif: Développements récents au Québec, au Canada, aux États-Unis et en Europe” [Class actions: recent developments in Quebec, Canada, the United States and Europe]. Mr. Saint-Onge chairs the class actions committee of the Quebec Bar. 

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  5. The Fondation Jean Lapointe has a new chairman

    André Champagne was appointed Chairman of the Board of the Fondation Jean Lapointe at the meeting of its Board held on January 26, 2007. The purpose of the foundation is to raise funds for the Maison Jean Lapointe, which is a rehabilitation centre for alcoholics, drug addicts and compulsive gamblers. In addition to his new functions, Mr. Champagne will continue to act as Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Maison Jean Lapointe.

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  6. The Superior Court denies authorization to institute a class action against three of our clients

    Our firm was recently successful in defending against a class action. After a four-day hearing on the motion for authorization, Judge Pierre Isabelle, of the Superior Court of Quebec, denied authorization to institute a class action against our clients James MacLaren Industries Inc., Brascan Power Services Inc. and Nexfor Inc.The class action was initiated on behalf of the riparian owners along the Rivière du Lièvre affected by the water level of the Rapides des Cèdres impounding dam in the Outaouais region.The Superior Court confirmed that our clients were neither the owners nor the managers of the impounding dam, their role being limited to making use of the hydraulic forces of the river to generate power.The class action was authorized against the Attorney General of Quebec, as the owner and manager of the impounding dam, but was denied against the Attorney General of Canada.Michel Yergeau and Jean Saint-Onge were in charge of the matter for our clients. They were assisted by Jean-Philippe Lincourt in the preparation of the case and at the hearing. 

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  7. A client in the mining industry is named Entrepreneur of the Year

    Canadian Royalties Inc. was named Entrepreneur of the Year at the annual symposium of the Quebec Mineral Exploration Association. The company was awarded this prize in recognition of the progress achieved on the Raglan South Nickel Project in Northern Quebec. The company’s growth is closely linked to the various developments relating to this project, which is its main asset.In 2003, Canadian Royalties Inc. received the Prospector of the Year award for the discovery of a significant section of this nickel project.

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  8. Pierre Cantin is admitted as a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers

    Pierre Cantin has recently been admitted as a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. The College ranks among the most prestigious legal associations in North America. It groups the best trial lawyers in the United States and Canada. Membership in the College cannot exceed one percent of the total lawyer population of any state or province.Only seasoned trial lawyers whose careers have been marked by the highest standards of ethical conduct, professionalism, civic responsibility and collegiality are admitted.Mr. Cantin joins a very exclusive group, of which our partners Michel Yergeau, Pierre Beaudoin, Robert W. Mason, Vincent O'Donnell and Raphaël Shachter are already members. 

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  9. Madeleine Roy is appointed to the Board of Directors of SGF

    Madeleine Roy was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Société générale de financement (SGF) last June. The SGF is an industrial and financial holding corporation established by the Quebec government in 1962. Its numerous achievements have contributed significantly to the expansion of Quebec’s economy.

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  10. The Université Laval and the Quebec Bar call on Élisabeth Pinard

    Élisabeth Pinard has been appointed as a member of the Discipline Committee of the Quebec Bar for the Quebec region for the fiscal year 2006-2007. This Committee is responsible for hearing complaints filed against lawyers for breaches of the law or the Bar’s regulations and imposing sanctions, where warranted.She has also been elected to the Board of Directors of the Université Laval for a three-year term, as the representative of the Fondation de l’Université Laval in her capacity as its outgoing president.

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