
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Gerald Stotland Participated as a Panel Member at an International Conference

    On March 5 and 6, 2007, the International Bar Association and the American Bar Association held the 12th International Wealth Transfer Practice Conference in London, the main theme of which was “Civil and common law planning for the multinational family”. Gerald Stotland participated as a member of a panel of experts who discussed prenuptial agreements and matrimonial property regimes.

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  2. André Champagne Appointed Chairman of the Fondation Jean Lapointe

    André Champagne was recently appointed Chairman of the Board of the Fondation Jean Lapointe, an organization that raises funds to support decisive interventions in the fight against alcoholism and other addictions. Here is an announcement of his appointment, as it appeared in the March 10, 2007 edition of the Les Affaires newspaper.

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  3. Lavery, de Billy a Finalist for Centraide’s Solidaires 2006 Awards

    Lavery, de Billy finds itself among the finalists for Centraide’s Solidaires 2006 awards, in the Campaign Leaders category (999 employees or less), which will be distributed during the Distinctions evening on April 26, 2007. This category recognizes exceptional efforts made to increase donations of $1,000 and more. This year, ours is the only law firm nominated in all categories of awards. 

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  4. Luc Thibaudeau to Speak on Bill 48

    On May 16, 2007, Luc Thibaudeau will participate in a conference on Bill 48, the theme of which will be “E commerce, direct marketing and remote-parties contracts: get ready for the new rules!” Organized by the Conseil québécois du commerce de détail, the event is aimed at informing its members about the impacts of Bill 48 on remote-parties transactions (telephone, Internet, catalogue, direct marketing).

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  5. Lavery, de Billy Welcomes World Services Group Members in Montreal

    Lavery, de Billy will host this year’s annual general meeting of the World Services Group (WSG) on September 7th and 8th. The law firms and other service providers that are members of this non-exclusive network will gather in Montreal for the occasion. You may recall that WSG has members in over 135 countries serving more than 200,000 clients. 

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  6. Marie-Claude Armstrong is a Speaker at a Symposium of the Quebec Bar

    On April 27th, Marie-Claude Armstrong will address a symposium hosted by the Professional Development Department of the Québec Bar. The theme of the symposium will be Successions et fiducies personnelles [successions and personal trusts] and she will deliver her presentation entitled Annulation de testaments pour motifs de captation ou d’indignité [annulment of wills for reasons of unworthiness or captation].

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  7. Pamela McGovern is a Moderator and Panellist at a Conference on Construction

    Pamela McGovern will participate as a moderator and panellist at the second Conférence avancée sur la gestion des litiges dans le domaine de la construction [second advanced conference on managing construction litigation issues] organized by the Canadian Institute and to be held on May 23rd and 24th. She will take part in a panel discussion entitled “ discussion stratégique “ [strategic discussion] during which the speakers will exchange views on the best strategies to adopt in order to avoid adverse impacts of a stakeholder’s bankruptcy or insolvency at any phase of a construction project.

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  8. Daniel Alain Dagenais is a Co-organizer of an International Conference

    Daniel Alain Dagenais is involved in the organization of an international conference on sustainable consumption to be held in Montreal on October 3rd and 4th. The conference will take place under the leadership of the Fondation Claude Masse, of which he is a director.The foundation’s mission is to support research and the dissemination of knowledge in the fields of law, economics and other fields concerned with consumer affairs and the functioning of markets. The foundation also aims to promote the development of, and compliance with, legislation in the areas of consumer affairs, competition and market operations.

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  9. Spectra/Premium Industries Inc. Completes privatization

    Spectra/Premium Industries Inc., a leader in the manufacture of fuel tanks and related components for the automobile and light-truck aftermarkets, was privatized in a $94 million management buy-out transaction. This transaction consisted of the merger of this manufacturing company with 6651399 Canada Inc., a newly incorporated company controlled by Spectra’s senior management and a group of institutional investors. Pursuant to the merger, the shareholders of Spectra received $2.85 in cash for each share held. Senior management was represented by René Branchaud, Luc Pariseau, Philippe Asselin, Richard Burgos, Isabelle Lamarre and Benoît Mallette, from Lavery, de Billy.

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  10. Metro prevails in Superior Court

    Our client Metro, a major player in the Quebec retail food industry, secured an important victory in a judicial review case in Superior Court.Everything began in October 2004 when commissioner Pierre Cloutier, of the Commission des relations du travail (CRT) allowed a motion filed by Lavery, de Billy on behalf of Metro asking that no driver be physically transferred from the Mérite 1 warehouse to the Pierre-de-Coubertin warehouse, which had been acquired through a 1992 transaction to which Steinberg was a party. The CSN was seeking the physical transfer of 19 drivers.In March 2005, the CRT had allowed a motion for review and set aside the decision of commissioner Cloutier. ruling that it was “defective in substance”. A year later, the Superior Court allowed the application for judicial review filed by Metro on the grounds that the CRT had acted unreasonably in finding the decision rendered by commissioner Cloutier defective in substance.On January 11, the Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal of the CSN and upheld the judgment of the Superior Court. The initial decision of commissioner Cloutier has thus been reinstated. Pierre Beaudoin and Ève Beaudet advised Metro in this matter.

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