
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Caroline Harnois was interviewed on Canal Argent on the deductibility of legal fees incurred in respect to child or spousal support

    While at Canal Argent for the show called ‘En Affaires’ recently, Caroline Harnois answered questions on the precise regulations with regard to the deductibility of the legal fees related to obtaining, varying, enforcing or rescinding a child or spousal support order. This interview mirrored the In Fact and In Law newsletter on the same issue published last March by Marie-Claude Armstrong and Julie Brisson. We invite you to watch the video of the interview (in French) by clicking here.

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  2. Louis Charette holds a conference at the Canadian Institute

    On June 8th and 9th, Louis Charette was a speaker at the Canadian Institute during a seminar on risk management following the processing of general liability and property insurance claims. Mr. Charette’s presentation, which was held in Montreal, was on insurance policies intended for manufacturers and professional sellers.

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  3. 16 Lavery Partners are Listed in The Canadian Legal LEXPERT Directory

    Montreal, June 16, 2010 – Lavery is pleased to announce that Thomson Carswell’s Canadian Legal LEXPERT Directory 2010 (14th edition) recommends 16 of the firm’s partners as leading practitioners in Canada in their field of expertise. The Canadian Legal LEXPERT Directory is the most comprehensive guide to legal talent in Canada and is a resource of choice for corporate counsels and Canadian and American law firms in need of leading edge legal expertise. The Canadian Legal LEXPERT Directory identifies the leading firms and lawyers in more than 60 practice areas based on the results of an exhaustive annual peer-review survey completed by more than a thousand respected legal professionals and a wide range of well-informed clients. Lavery’s lawyers are recommended in fields such as labour and employment, energy law, aboriginal law, mining law, medical liability, insurance litigation, professional liability and directors’ liability, financial institutions law, environmental law and technology and e-business law. Élise Poisson, Lavery’s Managing Partner, stated that: “This recognition reflects these lawyers’ and our team’s quality of work and dedication. I would like to congratulate our 16 lawyers for their contribution to our clients’ success and to the development of our service offers.” The following Lavery lawyers are recommended in the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory 2010: Pierre L. Baribeau - Employment Law (Management) / Labour Relations (Management)Ann Bigué - Aboriginal Law /Energy (Electricity)Michel Blouin - Mining René Branchaud - MiningPaul Cartier - Litigation – Commercial Insurance / Litigation – Product LiabilityPierre Denis - Asset Equipment Finance / LeasingJean Hébert - Litigation – Commercial InsuranceJean-François Hotte - Employment Law (Management) / Labour Relations (Management)Odette Jobin-Laberge - Litigation – Commercial InsuranceRobert W. Mason - Litigation – Commercial Insurance / Litigation – Product LiabilityJacques Nols - Medical Negligence (Defendants)J. Vincent O’Donnell - Litigation – Commercial Insurance / Litigation – Directors’ & Officers’ Liability / Litigation – Product Liability / Professional Liability Louis Payette - Banking & Financial InstitutionsJean Saint-Onge - Litigation - Class Actions / Litigation – Commercial InsuranceAndré Vautour - Computer & IT Law / Technology TransactionsMichel Yergeau - Environmental Law For more information, please visit LEXPERT’s website at:

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  4. Lavery participates in the privatization of Logibec Groupe Informatique in an amount of $235M

    Lavery is serving as counsel in Quebec for the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) with regard to the privatization of Logibec Groupe Informatique Ltd. (Logibec) by OPE LGI Inc. by way of a take-over bid in an amount of 235 million dollars. Logibec, which has 420 employees, specializes in information systems for the health and social services sector. OPE LGI Inc. is a new acquisition company established by OMERS, the private equity arm of OMERS Worldwide, and in which the Société générale de financement du Quebec has agreed to make a minority equity commitment.

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  5. Alexandre Despatie Competed in China

    Lavery would like to emphasize Alexandre Despatie’s efforts at the Diving World Cup competition in Changzhou, China. The firm is proud to sponsor Alexandre who, once again, competed eagerly to earn a medal which, unfortunately, he lost by a narrow margin in the final dive. Knowing Alexandre’s competitive nature, he’ll have another go at it soon!

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  6. Luc Thibaudeau is one of the speakers invited by the Retail Council of Quebec

    On July 7, 2010, at the Hôtel Auberge Universel, Me Luc Thibaudeau will give a talk about Act 60, which will modify the Consumer Protection Act and all regulations arising. As soon as it is introduced on June 30, 2010, this new law will have a major impact on retail businesses. In effect, retailers will have to review all practices concerned with finances, operations, and sales and marketing, as rapidly as possible. For more information or to register for this seminar, please contact the Retail Council of Quebec via its Website:

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  7. Jean-François Lepage is a speaker at a conference at the Canadian Bar Association

    On May 25th, Jean-François Lepage participated in a presentation at the Canadian Bar Association in Montreal on the Experts in Medical and Hospital Liability Law: Key Players with Many Sides. This conference was on the expert’s role in court, the implications behind the quality of an expert’s work and drafting the report in writing, in light of the recent decisions rendered by the Quebec Superior Court.

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  8. Lavery participated in a project on CONTINUING EDUCATION IN BUSINESSES in collaboration with the Université de Montréal and Groupe Relais Expert-Conseil.

    On April 6, 2010, in Montreal, Mr. Claude Bigras (to the left), Chief Executive Officer of Distinction Group and Mr. Paré, President, and Mr. Poulain, Director of Human Resources of Distinction Maintenance Services, were accompanied by Ms. Rachida Azdouz, Assistant Dean, and Louise Blanchette, Director of the Curriculum Development for Continuing Education at the Université de Montreal, Mr. Luc Chabot, President and CEO of Relais Expert-Conseil, and Mrs. Marie-Claude Perreault from Lavery (second row, to the left) as well as a few trainers from the university graduation ceremony. An important client of our firm, DISTINCTION MAINTENANCE SERVICES INC. (industrial and commercial maintenance company, member of Distinction Group), invested in the training of its first-level managers in order to endow their Company with the undeniable advantages of team management skills, knowledge of labour relations laws and conflict resolution, as well as human relations techniques, methods and skills, required for a more efficient, healthy and lasting project and operations management. DISTINCTION MAINTENANCE SERVICES INC. was rewarded for its efforts during an official ceremony on April 6th in Montreal when 72 of its employees became the first recipients a new official university certificate awarded by the Faculté de l’éducation permanente de l’Université de Montréal. These students were the first to complete the first of four modules of this new university training called: “Gérer et superviser efficacement” (managing and supervising efficiently). This new program has an integrated approach and is aimed at people who want to become first-level managers or managers who want to upgrade their skills in their field of practice. The Université de Montréal, in partnership with RELAIS EXPERT-CONSEIL, has been working since 2008 on this new management training, which is adapted to the real and complex needs companies have today. This program is composed of the four following modules: Developing better relational skills Fulfilling the role of a first-level manager  Managing operations efficiently Supervising a team proactively Partner and Coordinator of the Labour and Employment Group at Lavery, Marie-Claude Perreault collaborated in this pilot project as a trainer for the module on a first-level manager’s responsibility and role. The training comprised information on human resources management, the development of harmonious labour-management relations, the laws on labour standards, the respect of health and safety standards as well as the rules and regulations associated with the protection of personal information. Lavery would like to join the Université de Montréal and Relais Expert-Conseil in congratulating the recipients as well as DISTINCTION MAINTENANCE SERVICES INC.’s Senior Management for paving the way to developing a healthy and lasting management for the years to come. For more information, please read the press release (pdf) issued by the Université de Montréal or simply access the article “Gérer et superviser efficacement” (Managing and supervising efficiently) on the website. For references: DISTINCTION MAINTENANCE SERVICES DISTINCTION GROUP - GDI RELAY CONSULTANT LAVERY UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTRÉAL

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