
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. André Vautour and Guillaume Lavoie publish two articles on the marketing rules for Canadian investment funds in Europe in the International Journal for Financial Services

    André Vautour and Guillaume Lavoie, two partners from Lavery, co-authored  two articles published in the November 2016 issue of the International Journal for Financial Services in collaboration with lawyers from the French firm Jeantet Associés (a fellow member of the World Services Group). The articles were respectively titled “Impact of the Possible Extension of the European Passport Regime on Canadian Fund Managers” and “Options Available to Canadian Managers under the European AIF Marketing Rules”. The articles discuss the impact of European Union Directive 2011/61/EU on Canadian investment fund managers who want to raise funds from investors in EU member states. The authors, more specifically, address the conditions of a possible extension of the European passport regime to Canada, the obligations of Canadian managers who would like to take advantage of any such regime, and the options currently available to Canadian managers under private placement regimes in EU member states.

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  2. The 2016 edition of Opération Père Noël was a great success at Lavery!

    Lavery team’s participation in the 2016 Edition of Opération Père Noël provided gifts to some 228 children from low-income families this past Christmas holiday. Spearheaded in Montréal by Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin, a partner from the firm’s Litigation Group, this annual activity confirms both Lavery's commitment to the community as well as its role as a corporate citizen. Founded in 1995, Opération Père Noël is a not-for-profit organization which allows deprived children to receive gifts during the holiday season. Opération Père Noël has acknowledged Lavery’s continued presence in the community by recognizing the firm as a “collaborateur corporatif”.

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  3. Pier-Olivier Fradette of Lavery gives COMBEQ training sessions in partnership with the MMQ

    For a third year running, Pier-Olivier Fradette, a lawyer whose practice focuses on municipal law, land use planning, and municipal contract management,, will be giving a COMBEQ (Corporation des officiers municipaux en bâtiment et en environnement du Québec)  and MMQ (Mutuelle des Municipalités du Québec) training session in several Quebec cities. The session, which is entitled “Permit, certificate or attestation issuance: an inventory of rules to be followed” (“Émission des permis, certificats ou attestations : inventaire des règles à respecter”) will allow participants to broaden their knowledge regarding the latest changes in legislative and jurisprudential orientation in this field. This training is accredited to contribute to obtain the title of municipal officer in building and environment. For more information or to register for the session, please click here (link to French-only registration page).

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  4. Guillaume Synnott and Marie Catherine Ducharme act as coaches at Startup Weekend Montreal 2016’s FinTech edition

    Guillaume Synnott, lawyer, and Marie Catherine Ducharme, articling student, in Lavery’s Business Law Group acted as coaches at the Startup Weekend Montreal 2016 - FinTech an entrepreneurship competition that was held in November. Participants had 54 hours to develop a viable FinTech business proposal, which they then presented to a panel made up of industry professionals. In their role as coaches, Guillaume and Marie Catherine advised participating entrepreneurs on legal issues regarding their business concepts. Lavery also handed out a prize to the winning team.

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  5. Louis Charette, Guillaume Lavoie, Judith Houle-Couture and Guillaume Synnott participate in the Fondation Montréal Inc.’s speed-coaching event

    Louis Charette, Guillaume Lavoie, Judith Houle-Couture and Guillaume Synnott participated in a speed-coaching event on December 8 during which volunteers provided quick consultations to entrepreneurs.  During the evening, our lawyers acted as coaches to answer questions related to business financing, commercial law, insurance law, commercial litigation and franchise law. This approach, suggested by the Fondation Montréal Inc., is greatly appreciated by all participants as it is tailored to their specific needs. The goal is to match the questions of one person with the relevant expertise of the other. Louis Charette Guillaume Lavoie Judith Houle-Couture Guillaume Synnott

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  6. Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin and Léonie Gagné publish an article in La ChADPresse

    Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin, partner, and Léonie Gagné, lawyer, have published an article entitled “Une cueillette d’information approfondie peut porter ses fruits” (“Thorough information gathering can bear fruit”) in the Winter 2016 edition of La ChADPresse. In the article, they discuss the key elements that can justify the ab initio cancellation of an insurance policy. A recent Superior Court decision in Laporte c. Intact, compagnie d’assurances shows that an in-depth investigation by the claims adjuster can be necessary and useful in obtaining the information required for such an argument.

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  7. Gérard Mounier joins Lavery as Strategic Advisor for Infrastructure, Energy and Natural Resources

    We are delighted to announce that Gérard Mounier has joined the firm as Strategic Advisor for Infrastructure, Energy and Natural Resources and Co-Chair of the Infrastructure Group. Mr. Mounier’s mandate is to promote Lavery’s services, lend his expertise to the firm’s clientele and support its legal professionals in matters of project financing. Mr. Mounier has held senior management positions at major financial institutions and companies for over 25 years. He specializes in project finance in the infrastructure, energy as well as industrial and mining asset fields. Mr. Mounier is recognized for his high-level technical knowledge, his masterful understanding of the business stakes in the industries in which he works and his ability to find solutions that meet the needs of all the players involved in projects (operators, suppliers, etc.). His expertise will make it possible for the firm to consolidate its position as a leader in Quebec where large-scale projects are concerned. “It is with great pride that we welcome Gérard Mounier to our team. His arrival is entirely in line with our strategic plan, which aims for clear and distinctive positioning within the legal services market and offers our clients a practical business approach at every stage of their projects” says Jean-Sébastien Desroches, the chair of Lavery’s Business Law Group.

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  8. Jean Saint-Onge profiled in Lexpert’s 2016 US-Canada Litigation Guide

    Once again this year, Jean Saint-Onge, partner, is featured in the Class Action section of the Lexpert Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-Border Litigation Lawyers. Mr. Saint-Onge’s expertise and negotiating skills are in great demand in class actions before the courts to assist in finding a satisfactory solution for all parties, generally in complex cases with multiple defendants. To more information or to purchase the guide, please click here.   

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