
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Patrick A. Molinari elected president of the CIAJ

    On October 12, Patrick A. Molinari, counsel to the Health Law group, was elected president of the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice (CIAJ) for a two-year term. Founded in 1974, the mission of the CIAJ is to promote excellence and leadership in the administration of justice by fostering the acquisition of knowledge, training and the exchange of ideas. The CIAJ has over 1300 members from the judiciary, provincial law societies and professions or organizations involved in the administration of justice in Canada. Each year it offers seminars, conferences and training programs to a varied audience. Click here for more information on the CIAJ.

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  2. Chloé Fauchon hosts Projection Libre on MATV for the second consecutive year

    This fall, Chloé Fauchon, a lawyer of the Public and Administrative Law group, is hosting Projection Libre for the second year. The show is broadcast on MATV. Projection libre presents all kinds of short films (fiction, documentary, etc.) produced by Quebec filmmakers. Chloé Fauchon and her guests discuss different themes, which vary from show to show. Most of the works presented are produced by members of Spira, an artists’ cooperative dedicated to independent cinema. 

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  3. Guillaume Lavoie to participate in a McGill-HEC EMBA panel on mergers and acquisitions

    On October 30, Guillaume Lavoie, a partner and head of the Mergers & Acquisitions and Lavery CAPITAL groups, is participating in a panel on mergers and acquisitions organized by the McGill-HEC Montréal EMBA, to be held at HEC Montréal. Entitled The before and after of mergers & acquisitions, the panel will address the various issues and challenges involved in mergers and acquisitions faced by different industries and types of organizations to encourage thought, questions and discussion about the topic using examples drawn from the panelists personal experiences. Moderated by Louis Hébert, strategy professor at HEC Montréal, mergers and acquisitions expert and co-director of the EMBA McGill-HEC Montréal, the panel will also include: Rémi Fournier, Vice President, Sales and Engineering, Fibrenoire Rita-Rose Gagné, President, Growth Markets, Ivanhoé Cambridge Pascal Lépine, President and Founder, ATYPIC Click here to register.

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  4. Karine Joizil moderates a panel at the Conference on Canadian Stewardship

    On September 27, Karine Joizil, a partner of the Litigation and Conflict Resolution group, moderated a panel of business people during the Conference on Canadian Stewardship, held at the Sheraton Centre in Montréal. The purpose of the panel was to take an objective look at the state of extended producer responsibility (EPR) and the circular economy in Canada.

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  5. Judith Rochette hosts a benefit gala for Violons du Roy

    As Vice President of the Board of Directors, Judith Rochette, a partner of the Litigation and Conflict Resolution group, hosted the Portées par la musique benefit gala to raise funds for the Violons du Roy chamber orchestra, held on September 19 at the Musée de l’Amérique Française in Québec City. Click here for more information about the orchestra.

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  6. Marie Cossette to speak at the APCHQ Annual Conference

    On October 21, Marie Cossette, a partner and head of the Business Integrity and Public and Administrative Law groups for the Québec City office, will speak at the 56th Annual Conference of the Association des professionnels de la construction et de l’habitation du Québec (APCHQ), being held at the Hilton Lac-Leamy in Gatineau. In her presentation entitled La résiliation unilatérale d’un contrat de construction par le client : les enjeux pour chaque partie, she will address different issues such as determining the fair compensation owed to the contractor while protecting the work provider’s right to terminate the contract, the aspects to include in the contractor’s claim and the obligations of the parties when negotiating any such claim. Click here for more information or to register. 

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  7. Pierre Marc Johnson panelist during the World Services Group Annual Meeting

    Pierre Marc Johnson, counsel and chief negotiator for the Government of Quebec in the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), participated as a panelist during the World Services Group (WSG) 2017 Annual Meeting held in Rome from September 13 to 15, 2017. The theme of the panel was Canada, the United States, Asia and Brexit. Oceans Apart? and panelists discussed recent developments in free trade agreements and new trends and initiatives in bilateral trade between different countries. Click here for more information on World Services Group.

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  8. A Lavery team participates in the 5th edition of Juritour

    On September 17, a team of four firm members participated in the 5th edition of the Juritour bike-a-thon that started and finished at the Les Trois Tilleuls inn in Saint-Marc-sur-Richelieu. Composed of Daphnée Anctil, Loïc Berdnikoff, Charles Ceelen-Brasseur and Sonia Rasquinha, the Lavery team pedalled 45 km along the Richelieu shores for the benefit of Cystic Fibrosis Canada and the Fondation l’air d’Aller. The event raised a grand total of over $142,000 for the two organizations that conduct research and offer care to people suffering from cystic fibrosis. Daphnée Anctil and Sonia Rasquinha

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  9. Lavery and the Fondation Montréal inc. launch a $15,000 grant for artificial intelligence

    Lavery and Fondation Montréal inc. are pleased to announce the creation of the Lavery AI Grant offered to start-ups in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Valued at $15,000, grant winners will also have access to the full range of services provided by Fondation Montréal inc., as well as legal coaching by Lavery, tailored to the needs of young businesses in the artificial intelligence industry. The Lavery AI Grant is an annual grant and will be awarded each spring by Fondation Montréal inc. and Lavery to the start-up that has made the biggest impact in the area of artificial intelligence and that demonstrates great potential for growth. “With each passing day, Montréal is becoming the world city for artificial intelligence and six months ago, Lavery created an AI legal laboratory to analyze and predict the impact of AI in specific areas of the law, from intellectual property to the protection of personal information, including corporate governance and every aspect of business law. Our intention in creating this grant was to resolutely propel start-ups working in this activity sector and offer them legal guidance using the knowledge we developed in our laboratory,” stated Guillaume Lavoie, a partner and head of the Lavery CAPITAL group. “Young entrepreneurs are increasingly incorporating artificial intelligence into the core of their business model. We are happy that we can offer, in addition to the grant, services specific to this industry, thereby strengthening the role of Fondation Montréal inc. as a super connector with the business community,” remarked Liette Lamonde, Executive Director of Fondation Montréal inc.  Applicants can submit an application starting today through the Fondation Montréal inc. website (

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  10. Jean-Yves Simard panelist at the 13th edition of the CBA National Insolvency Law Conference

    On September 15, Jean-Yves Simard, a partner of the Litigation and Conflict Resolution group, served as a panelist during the 13th edition of the Canadian Bar Association’s National Insolvency Law Conference, held in St. John’s, Newfoundland. The panel entitled Annual Cross-Canada Update reviewed Canadian insolvency case law from the past year. Mr. Simard discussed recent developments in insolvency law in the province of Quebec. Mr. Simard currently serves as secretary for the CBA National Insolvency Law Section.

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  11. Two Lavery teams from Sherbrooke participate in the Relais du Lac Memphrémagog

    On September 23, two teams from the Sherbrooke office participated in the Relais du Lac Memphrémagog to raise money for the Fondation Christian Vachon, whose mission is to support school perseverance by helping children at risk. The two teams overcame the challenge, running 122.4 km and raising a combined total of $4,500, despite the sweltering heat. Participation in this activity confirms Lavery’s deep commitment to community engagement and the quality of its role as a corporate citizen. From left to right : Vincent Towner, Alain Heyne, Marie-Claude Lacaille, Angela Véronneau, Jordy Philippe Bernier, Isabelle P. Mercure and Dave Bouchard From left to right : Kay-Sandra Boyer, Yanick Vlasak, Nicolas Thibault-Bernier, Dzenan Zulji, Marika Couture-Houle et Frédérick Breton

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