
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Study by the Board of Trade of Metropoiltan Montreal: “Natural Resources: Leverage for the City’s Growth”

    On April 18, 2012, the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal released the results of its study entitled “Natural Resources: Leverage for the City’s Growth.” The study aims to measure the weight and importance of the natural resources sector in the metropolitan Montreal area economy and to consider, in particular, the direct and indirect jobs that depend on it, the foreign investments that can be ascribed to it, and the expenditures that are made in the area by the firms involved in it. The study also considers the question of the Plan Nord and of the potential spinoffs of the Plan’s investments for metropolitan area companies. This part of the study identifies, in particular, business opportunities associated with the planned public infrastructure projects and with the anticipated private investments. Finally, the reader will find a series of lines of thinking addressed to public decision-makers and other actors concerned with the success of the natural resources sector, in order to maximize the positive spinoffs of this ambitious plan for Québec and its metropolitan area.The highlights of the study include:  In terms of total investment and operating expenditures, natural resources will generate estimated spin-offs of $51.8 billion in the Montréal metropolitan area over the next 25 years. The exploitation of natural resources and the implementation of the Plan Nord will create or maintain around 14,335 jobs in the city per year, for 25 years. To maximize the economic spin-offs of the exploitation of natural resources in the metropolitan area, the actors concerned will have to implement concrete strategies with four major goals in mind: Put in place a business environment conducive to the development of natural resources; Propose and strengthen training programs to allow development of a sufficient number of specialized human resources; Maximize linkage in the value chain, both upstream and downstream; Highlight the distinctive qualities of our resources and enhance their value in the marketplace.

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  2. Evelyne Verrier gives a presentation on legal updates in life and disability insurance at the 2012 CLHIA Conference

    Last May 3, Evelyne Verrier, a Lavery partner, gave a presentation during a workshop on case law highlights in life and disability insurance over the past year, at the 2012 Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association’s Claims Section Annual Conference.The workshop dealt mainly with the following topics: misrepresentation, burden of proof, designation of beneficiaries, duty to inform and duty to advise, contract interpretation, action in damages, and definition of disability. Ms. Verrier frequently appears before the courts in disputes concerning life and disability insurance, and damage insurance. She also has expertise in the distribution of financial products and services.

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  3. Guillaume Lavoie will give a training organised by the Fondation du maire, next June 14

    Guillaume Lavoie, a lawyer with Lavery, will be giving the members of the Fondation du maire a one-day training on shareholders’ agreements and the potential issues arising from the rights and powers provided to the shareholders of a start-up company and the adoption of the rules regarding the management of such company, next June 14. The non-profit organization supports young Montréal companies through grants and various services like this free training seminar. Mr. Lavoie evaluates applications submitted to obtain a grant from the foundation and carries out various coaching activities for the foundation’s training program in order to help business members of the foundation who are seeking expertise and advice in business law.

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  4. Canada Cup diving Grand Prix: Despatie wins the silver medal

    Lavery warmly congratulates Alexandre Despatie for his performance at the 2012 Canada Cup – FINA Diving Grand Prix, held this weekend at Montréal’s Olympic Park Pool. The triple world champion and double Olympic medalist, who won the silver medal in men’s 3m springboard, said he felt increasingly confident, after a pause of almost one year caused by a knee injury. "Combined with the bronze medal he won at the 2012 FINA World Cup in London in February, this podium indicates that Alexandre is making a very impressive return to the competition,” said Élise Poisson, Lavery Managing Partner. “Our whole team is very proud to support such a talented and competitive athlete.” Lavery has sponsored Alexandre Despatie since June 2009. The 2012 Olympic Trials will be held at the same venue, next May 25 to 27.

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  5. Pierre-L. Baribeau climbs Island Peak, a peak in the Himalayas (Nepal), to raise funds for research on respiratory diseases

    Pierre-L. Baribeau, a Lavery partner, is a member of an expedition that aims to raise funds to help the Foundation of the Hôpital Sacré-Cœur de Montréal support research on respiratory illnesses. The team, which left Québec City April 13, intends to climb Mount Everest – nothing less! Last April 25, during the first leg of the trip a group of six trekkers – including Mr. Baribeau – and their guide reached the top of the Island Peak (6 189 m), after a “fairly trying” ascension which three of their companions had to give up.For more information or to make a donation, click here (French only).

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  6. Lavery sponsors the 2012 Compliance and Consumer Complaints Annual Conference, May 9 to 11, with Dina Raphaël and Philippe Frère as lecturers

    “Managing Agent Misconduct,” such is the title of the conference that Dina Raphaël and Philippe Frère, both partners at Lavery, will give in the context of the 2012 Compliance and Consumer Complaints Annual Conference, organized by the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA). Lavery is among the sponsors of the conference, entitled “It's your reputation. Manage the risks.”, which will take place in Montreal next May 9 to 11.

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  7. Lavery top-ranked regional law firm in Quebec

    Lavery is once more ranked first among Quebec regional law firms for 2012 by the Canadian Lawyer magazine. This recognition is the result of a survey conducted by Canadian Lawyer among lawyers, managing partners and corporate legal advisors of well-established businesses throughout Canada to determine the standing of Quebec’s major regional law firms. “We are very honoured by this recognition which speaks to Lavery’s importance in Quebec,” stated Managing Partner Ms. Élise Poisson. “The scope of our firm and the depth of its expertise, together with a thorough understanding of the issues and challenges faced by businesses operating in Quebec, allow us to offer a complete range of top quality legal services to the business community through a careful balance of expertise, efficiency in the delivery of legal services and cost.” Lavery is a privileged firm for businesses active in Quebec, corporate legal counsels and law firms located outside the province that require professional legal services in Quebec. Lavery is a member of the World Services Group along with five other Canadian firms, all of which are leaders in their respective market. This allows Lavery to provide its clients with an effective platform for dealing with their legal needs from coast to coast. For more information, please visit the Canadian Lawyer magazine website at:

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  8. Sébastien Vézina represented Marc Bergevin, the new General Manager of the Montreal Canadiens, in the negotiations with the Habs

    Marc Bergevin called upon Sébastien Vézina, a Lavery partner, to represent him during the negotiation and conclusion of the agreement that lead to his nomination as Executive Vice-President and 17th General Manager of the history of the Montreal Canadiens. Sébastien Vézina specialises in business law and he advises, among others, decision makers and executives in the sports industry on all questions pertaining to commercial and legal issues in their sphere of activities.

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  9. GeoMegA Completed Private Placement

    In March and April 2012, Geomega Resources Inc. completed a brokered private placement in two tranches totaling 3,904,454 units and 1,803,333 flow-through shares for aggregate gross proceeds of $3,500,000. The private placement was co-led by Industrial Alliance Securities Inc. and National Bank Financial Inc. acting as agents. Geomega Resources Inc. owns the Montviel Rare Earths/Niobium project which is located approximately 45 km west of the Cree First Nation of Waswanipi and 100 km north of Lebel-sur-Quévillon in the southern territory covered by the Québec’s "Plan Nord". The net proceeds from the private placement will be used to fund the development of the Montviel property through the preliminary economic assessment, exploration on the corporation’s graphite properties and for working capital purposes. Geomega Resources Inc. was represented by a team of Lavery, de Billy, L.L.P. comprised of Sébastien Vézina, Emilie Duguay (securities) and Éric Gélinas (tax).

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  10. GeoMegA Completed Bridge Financing

    On March 16, 2012, Geomega Resources Inc. completed a $1,500,000 bridge financing secured by receivables from Revenu Québec tax credits related to mineral exploration granted by SIDEX, Limited Partnership. Geomega Resources Inc. owns the Montviel Rare Earths/Niobium project which is located approximately 45 km west of the Cree First Nation of Waswanipi and 100 km north of Lebel-sur-Quévillon in the southern territory covered by the Québec’s "Plan Nord". The net proceeds from the financing will be used to fund the development of the Montviel property through the preliminary economic assessment, exploration on the corporation’s graphite properties and for working capital purposes. Geomega Resources Inc. was represented by a team of Lavery, de Billy, L.L.P. comprised of Sébastien Vézina, Emilie Duguay (securities) and Benjamin Gross (financing and financial services).

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  11. Next May 14, Lavery will hold a conference lunch in Val D’Or, with Relais Expert-Conseil and IME, on human resources in the context of the Plan Nord

    Lavery, Relais Expert-Conseil and IME invite business managers and HR executives to a conference lunch entitled “Le Défi Humain du Plan Nord : Une Approche Intégrée” (the Plan Nord challenge in terms of human resources: an integrated approach). The lecturers will be Marie-Claude Perreault, a Lavery partner, Luc Chabot, president of Relais Consultant, and Karl Mongrain, president of IME.This event, a courtesy of Lavery, Relais Expert-Conseil and IME, will take place at noon next May 14, at L’Édifice Géopolis, 1740 Chemin Sullivan, in Val D’Or. Please make reservations early with Mr. Pierre Potvin, either by telephone, at 819-355-2769 or toll-free at 1-866-956-8288, or by email at

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  12. Lavery partners in an expertise committee on governance for SMEs: two seminars are scheduled

    SME owners and administrators are offered the opportunity to attend two seminars on governance thanks to a partnership between Lavery and the Institute for governance of private and public organizations, a partnership in which the Fonds de solidarité FTQ, BDC, Investissement Québec, and RCGT also take part.The role of the expertise committee is to reflect on ways to help non-listed SMEs develop a better governance structure. The theme of the first seminar is how to build and manage a good SME board of directors or advisory committee. André Laurin, a Lavery partner, will act as trainer for the second seminar, on how to improve one’s performance within a board of directors. Both activities are in French.Here are the titles and schedules of the seminars: Bâtir et gérer un bon conseil d’administration ou un comité consultatif de PME (1 day, April 30, May 17 and June 1st) Améliorer sa performance au sein d’un conseil d’administration d’une PME (2 days, May 9 - 10, and May 23 - 24 2012)

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