
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. PwC Canada-Lavery Information and Networking Cocktail: A Successful Event

    The PwC Canada-Lavery Information and Networking Cocktail, that took place at the Lavery Conference Centre in Montreal on February 27, was a success. Held under the theme "How to attract, manage, motivate and retain talent in innovative ways within the mining industry in Quebec?", this event mostly drew representatives from mining corporations that are active in Quebec, particularly within Plan Nord territory. The event co-organizers, Mr. René Branchaud, partner and coordinator of Lavery’s Business Law Group, and Mr. Nochane Rousseau, PwC partner and leader of the Mining industry for the province of Quebec, invited participants to discuss the issue of leadership in the context of human resources management in the mining sector. Mr. Gérard Coulombe, Q.C., partner of Lavery’s Business Law Group, acted as master of ceremony for the event. The following persons shared their thoughts on various issues: Ms. Josiane L’Heureux, partner in Lavery’s Labour Law Group, focused on certain aspects of employment contracts and human resources management; Mr. Claude Gosselin, Vice President Operations and Maintenance at Aluminerie Alouette, spoke to the participants about managing and retaining talent in the mining sector; and Mr. Alain Robichaud, partner responsible for strategic management and organizational change at PwC, discussed the issues of leadership and human resources management in the mining industry. From left to right: Gérard Coulombe, Q.C., partner at Lavery; Alain Robichaud, partner, strategic management and organizational change, PwC; Josiane L’Heureux, partner at Lavery, and Claude Gosselin,Vice President Operations and Maintenance, Aluminerie Alouette

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  2. Benjamin David Gross and Étienne Brassard – speakers at the Advanced Conference on Real Estate and Urban Development in Quebec

    Mr. Benjamin David Gross, partner, and Mr. Étienne Brassard, associate, both in Lavery’s Business Law Group, were speakers at the Advanced Conference on Real Estate and Urban Development in Quebec that was held in Montreal on February 27-28, 2013. Their joint presentation was titled "Le financement des projets immobiliers au Québec pour atteindre les objectifs d’affaires de vos clients" (i.e. "The Financing of Real Estate Projects in Quebec to Achieve Your Clients’ Goals").Hosted by the Canadian Institute, the Advanced Conference on Real Estate and Urban Development in Quebec allowed key players to share their expertise on a wide range of topics including real estate market trends, financing, environmental risk management, development agreements and management contracts as well as land use planning, urban planning and zoning.For more information about the Conference (in French only), click here.

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  3. Marie Cossette and Lavery’s Quebec City office recipients of a 4-star Maestria for the 2012 Centraide Campaign

    Ms. Marie Cossette, director of the 2012 Centraide Campaign for Lavery’s Quebec City office and partner of the Litigation Group, has received the 4-star Maestria Major Donors in the small business category, awarded by Centraide Québec et Chaudière-Appalaches, during the 2012 Centraide Campaign recognition event that was held on February 26 at the Hôtel Château Laurier Québec.Since 2009, the Maestria is awarded to groups of employees working in a corporation or an institution who take part in a Centraide Campaign that helps generate high levels of participation. Ms. Cossette’s active involvement enabled our office to more than double the previous year’s total donations. As a result of the hard work of our Quebec City office employees, Lavery ranked among the top two or three law firms in the region with the most significant number of major donors.

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  4. Eugene Czolij on the front page of the daily KyivPost

    Mr. Eugene Czolij, a partner in the Litigation Group at Lavery, was on the front page of the February 19, 2013 issue of KyivPost, Ukraine’s leading English-language newspaper. As President of the Ukrainian World Congress, an international coordinating body for Ukrainian communities in the diaspora representing the interests of over 20 million Ukrainians, Mr. Czolij spoke in favour of Ukraine becoming a member of the European Union.He pointed out that he will be in Brussels during the week of February 25, 2013 on the occasion of the European Union-Ukraine Summit, where he intends to promote Ukraine’s European integration. According to the President of the Ukrainian World Congress, Ukraine’s Euro-integration will give Ukrainians the opportunity to live in harmony within a European community that shares their values and respects the principles of the inviolability of state borders, democracy, fundamental freedoms and human rights. It will also give them access to the largest economy in the world.To read the article published in KyivPost, click here.

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  5. Gérard Coulombe at the Awards Gala for Excellence in Corporate Governance

    Mr. Gérard Coulombe, Q.C., a Business Law partner at Lavery, took part in the 11th edition of the Korn/Ferry – Les Affaires Awards Gala for Excellence in Corporate Governance in Montreal on February 13, 2013. Mr. Coulombe was one of the four "directors with experience" invited by event organizers to join with six young directors to stimulate discussion. Mr. Coulombe’s long-standing experience in corporate governance has enabled him to advise many businesses on a wide range of important issues. He is also a member of the boards of directors of several corporations, including Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust, CH Group Inc. and Club de Hockey Canadien, Inc. and National Bank of Canada. He currently acts as Chairman of the Bank’s Conduct Review and Corporate Governance Committee.

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  6. Valérie Boucher, author of a text published in the Thema Collection

    Ms. Valérie Boucher, a Business Law partner at Lavery, is the author of a text regarding the trust under Quebec Law which was published in December 2012 in the Thema Collection. Thema includes thematic publications that are drawn from encyclopedia JurisClasseur Québec, published by LexisNexis. Ms. Boucher’s publication presents a synthesis of the current substantive law on the subject of trusts in Quebec civil law and is meant to be a practical tool for those who are interested in the subject or have questions on particular aspects of it. Ms. Boucher’s text was previously released in JurisClasseur Québec’s Civil Law Collection.

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  7. Lavery welcomes six new lawyers

    Lavery is pleased to announce that six lawyers have joined the firm in the last few weeks. The new lawyers will be members of three of Lavery’s practice groups. Business Law Mr. Louis Thibault-Germain 2009 Mr. Simon Lacerte-Lamontagne 2007 Mr. Jean-Philippe Latreille 2010 LitigationMs. Laure Bonnave* 2012Ms. Émilie Laplante Paquin* 2012 Administrative LawMr. Guillaume Laberge* 2012 *Articling student at Lavery.The year of call to the Quebec Bar appears after each name. "The addition of these lawyers shows Lavery’s desire to attract young talent who will reinforce our practice groups. Three of these lawyers completed their articling with the firm, demonstrating our continued commitment to the development of professional skills within the firm, which is part of Lavery’s forward-looking business philosophy", said Don McCarty, Managing Partner of the firm.

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  8. Benjamin David Gross gives a presentation at the Advanced Conference on Financing and Security Interests

    Mr. Benjamin David Gross, a Business Law partner at Lavery, was a speaker/lecturer at the Advanced Conference on Financing and Security Interests that was held in Montreal on January 30-31, 2013. This event drew about 50 people and was very successful. Mr. Gross gave a presentation on “Naviguer les zones grises associées aux outils de financement des équipements (bail, crédit-bail et VAT)”, which was well attended.Many topics with regard to financing and security interests were discussed during the Conference, which was hosted by the Canadian Institute, including the laws and regulations that govern security interests, the revision of financing and security interest agreements, equipment financing, project financing issues, cross-border financings, and the tax-related aspects of financial agreements.For more information about the Conference (in French only), click here.

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  9. Élodie Brunet, author of an article in Premières en affaires magazine

    Ms. Élodie Brunet, lawyer at Lavery, wrote an article entitled “Un employeur peut-il interdire l’enregistrement par ses employés de conversations au moyen d’un téléphone cellulaire ?” (Can an employer forbid the recording of cell phone conversations by his employees?) in Premières en affaires magazine. Ms. Brunet’s article focuses on an employer’s managerial rights and his powers to forbid recordings for legitimate reasons in the context of labour relations, based on current case law.The article (in French only) is available by clicking here.

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  10. Chantal Joubert, author of an article in the Revue Industrie & Commerce

    Ms. Chantal Joubert, partner at Lavery, wrote an article entitled “Vérification diligente et baux commerciaux” (Due diligence and commercial leases), which was published in the December 2012 issue of the Revue Industrie & Commerce. Ms. Joubert seeks to demonstrate that the due diligence process for commercial leases should not only apply to the provisions set out in a lease document but also extend to the provisions that are not included in the document.To read this article (in french only), click here.

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  11. A New Lavery Management Team

    Lavery is pleased to announce the following changes to its management team. Following the appointment of André Vautour as Chairman of the Board of Directors in December 2012, Don McCarty became the firm’s new Managing Partner on January 1st, 2013. For Lavery, 2013 begins with new leaders who successfully combine decades of legal practice with long-standing management experience. An acknowledged expert in business law and in commercial and mass tort product liability litigation, Don previously practised law at Lavery from 1979 to 1997, before joining Imperial Tobacco Canada as Vice President, Law and General Counsel, a position he occupied from 1997 to 2012. Lavery and its clientele will benefit from his outstanding business law expertise, comprehensive knowledge of the legal services industry and senior corporate executive experience. André Vautour joined Lavery’s Business Law Group in October 2007. Prior to that, he practised law for almost 25 years at Desjardins Ducharme and he played a key role in the integration to Lavery of 34 lawyers from that firm. In addition to organizing and directing the work of the firm’s board of directors, as Chairman, André will team up with the new Managing Partner to help optimize and implement the firm’s vision and strategic direction."2013 marks Lavery’s 100th anniversary. I am delighted to rejoin my old firm, which has been servicing business in Quebec and Canada for so long. I want to thank our predecessors, Élise Poisson and Richard Dolan, for their contribution to the firm’s growth. Building on Lavery’s record of success as Quebec’s leading independent law firm, André and I will strive over the coming years to reinforce and expand Lavery’s value proposition", stated Don McCarty.

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