Expertise in Infrastructures and Major Projects


Our professionals have a 360-degree view of all aspects related to delivering, managing and operating infrastructures projects.


  • Negotiate and draft construction contracts (including EPC, EPCM, DBF, PPP)
  • Regulatory compliance (CNESST, CCQ, RBQ, AMP and BSDQ)
  • Contractual follow-up during construction


  • Implement mechanisms to ensure compliance with applicable legislation
  • Implement mechanisms to anticipate and avoid non-compliances
  • Develop shareholder and partnership agreements for the delivery of projects
  • Manage governance in a crisis or deadlock
  • Provide support during an inquiry process with the relevant authorities

PPP, procurement and tender management

  • Prepare and offer strategic advice in the drafting of call for tenders documents
  • Analyze tender compliance
  • Analyze and advise on applying legislation and regulations applicable to public body contracts
  • Conduct audit to determine and improve contract management compliance
  • Provide support in decision-making and organization to ensure sound contract management

Constitutional and Aboriginal law

  • Analyze and advise on projects in respect to federal and provincial division of powers
  • Provide support in project delivery and activities on territories covered by Aboriginal treaties, located near areas where traditional Aboriginal activities are practised or subject to Aboriginal claims
  • Evaluate issues related to the Crown’s obligation to consult with and accommodate Indigenous Peoples
  • Evaluate the Crown’s obligations and the government policies, directives and practices for consultation and accommodation
  • Negotiate impact and benefit agreements and other agreements of a socio-economic or environmental nature related to energy, mining, and infrastructure projects

Environment and municipal

  • Advise on environmental obligations and provide representation before the administrative tribunals and courts of law (civil and penal)
  • Expropriation
  • Land-use planning
  • Permits, certificates and authorizations
  • Brownfield redevelopment and project authorizations
  • Development and implementation of environmental policies
  • Investigations and inspections
  • Environmental assessment and permitting
  • Environmental audits
  • Environmental risk management
  • Wetlands and flood plains
  • Waste management


  • Real estate financing (including interim construction loan)
  • Infrastructure project financing
  • Taking security on all types of assets
  • Inter-creditor agreements
  • Debt, equity and mixed financing, syndicated, subordinated and mezzanine financing

 Real estate

  • Development and codevelopment of real estate projects
  • Real estate financing
  • Purchase and sale transactions
  • Commercial leases and leasing
  • Real estate title analysis
  • Opinions on the validity of real estate titles, encumbrances and other real rights


  • Road, bridge and railway running rights and maintenance
  • Constitutional and regulatory aspects
  • Acquisition and partnerships in transportation infrastructures, rail in particular

Energy and natural resources

  • Wind, hydroelectric, gas and other projects
  • Energy storage projects
  • Cogeneration projects and financing
  • Representation before Quebec’s Régie de l’énergie and other specialized tribunals

Dispute and dispute prevention

  • Crisis management and strategy development
  • Preparation and analysis of claims for damages, impact costs and delays
  • Class actions
  • Injunctions
  • Neighbourhood nuisances and disturbances
  • Commercial litigation (including commercial leases) and construction litigation (including construction defects and latent defects)
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and restructuring
  • Professional liability (architects, engineers, land surveyors)

Contact Person

David Tournier


514 878-5506