Katia Bégin Paralegal

Katia Bégin Paralegal


  • Sherbrooke

Phone number

(819) 346-4139


  • English
  • French



Katia Bégin has been a paralegal and corporate law practitioner since 2011. Her job is to provide annual corporate updates (statements , reports, resolutions, minutes, etc.) and update corporate data in the management system. She supports lawyers in mandates involving incorporation and organization of companies, amendments to articles, mergers, dissolutions and transactions. She is also involved in incorporating provincial and federal companies and drafting corporate organization documents.

She also prepares closing agendas, resolutions, agreements and other related documents for corporate reorganizations, shareholder integrations and commercial transactions, and reviews the corporate status of corporations.

She is also responsible for searching in various digital registers, including the Register of Personal and Movable Real Rights (RDPRM), the Land Register of Québec, the Registraire des entreprises du Québec, the Court Ledger and the Federal Court, as well as registers in various organizations.


  • DCS in Paralegal Studies, Séminaire de Sherbrooke, 1997