Louis-Félix Dumoulin Student

Louis-Félix Dumoulin Student


  • Montréal

Phone number

(514) 878-5486


  • English
  • French


Law Student

Louis-Félix Dumoulin joined the Lavery team as a student in 2024 where he will complete his bar internship in 2026. He is currently completing his Bachelor of Civil Law at the University of Montreal.

Before joining the firm, Louis-Félix gained legal experience by working as an intern in the legal department of a transportation company. During his bachelor's degree, he combined his interests in law and technology by acting as Vice-President of Communications for the Law and Technology Committee at the University of Montreal. He also volunteered in a non-profit organization which promotes human rights. 


  • LL.B., University of Montreal, expected to graduate in 2025 

Boards and Professional Affiliations

  • Law and Technology Committee at the University of Montreal, Vice-President of Communications