Felix Chen Student

Felix Chen Student


  • Montréal

Phone number

514 877-2915


  • English
  • French


Law Student

Felix Chen joined the team at Lavery as a student in 2024 and will be articling with the firm in 2026.

He is currently completing his bachelor's degree in law at the University of Montreal. During his studies, Felix is involved in the fight against homelessness at Accueil Bonneau and the Mobile Legal Clinic. He also serves as treasurer for the Law and Technology Committee of the University of Montreal.


  • LL.B., Université de Montréal, expected graduation in 2025

Boards and Professional Affiliations

  • Jeunes Alliés de l’Accueil Bonneau, 2023-present, Founder
  • Mobile Legal Clinic, 2023-present, Volunteer clinician
  • Technology and Law Committee, 2023-present, VP Sponsorships and Treasurer
  • TEDxMontréal, 2022-2023, Organizer