Ian Rose Counsel

Ian Rose Counsel


  • Montréal

Phone number

514 877-2947


514 871-8977

Bar Admission

  • Québec, 1973


  • English
  • French



Ian Rose is a senior litigator, arbitrator and mediator with experience in civil and commercial disputes in many areas including insurance coverage, construction matters, product liability, professional liability, directors' and officers' liability, and intellectual property. He specializes in complex matters involving multiple parties, and has also acted as monitoring counsel in litigation involving multiple jurisdictions.

He has extensive experience before all levels of Quebec’s civil courts and has also represented clients before the Supreme Court of Canada. He has been called as an expert witness on Quebec law before the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the High Court of Justice in London, England.

Mr. Rose is a member of the Quebec Bar, a certified mediator and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. He is also a Member and Chairman of the Insurance and Financial Services Table of the Quebec Mediation and Arbitration Institute of Quebec (IMAQ), as well as a member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Canada Arbitration Committee. Furthermore, in 2020 Mr. Rose taught Insurance Law as a Sessional Lecturer at McGill Faculty Law. 

Representative Mandates

  • Lead counsel for an industrial chemical products supplier named in a class action filed on behalf of the victims of a legionella outbreak in Quebec City
  • Lead counsel for several insurers involved in litigation concerning the application of Quebec law to the worldwide professional liability insurance program of Coopers & Lybrand in the context of the Castor Holdings litigation
  • Lead coverage counsel for the liability insurer of one of the central parties in litigation involving hundreds of claims totalling some half a billion dollars involving defective concrete
  • Lead counsel for a D&O insurer sued directly as defendant in a class action along with the directors and accountants of a company allegedly having included misleading information in its IPO prospectus
  • Lead counsel for the D&O insurer of the directors before the Quebec Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada in the landmark decision concerning duties of directors and officers in Canada, Peoples Department Stores v. Wise
  • Lead counsel before the Quebec Superior Court and the Quebec Court of Appeal defending a multinational industrial products manufacturer in a multimillion dollar lawsuit involving an allegedly defective recovery boiler
  • Counsel for a leading Canadian D&O insurer in a coverage dispute involving several million dollars in defence costs for multiple lawsuits instituted in the U.S. involving claims of hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars
  • Lead negotiator in achieving landmark agreement between Quebec authors and book publishers leading to the creation of the Quebec copyright collective COPIBEC – Société québecoise de gestion collective des droits de reproduction
  • Sole Arbitrator in a contract dispute between a French publisher and a Canadian licensee regarding royalties


  • DRI Compendium Writing a Reservation of Rights (co-author, Quebec section)
  • "Legal Developments for Directors and Officers in Canada" (co-authored) in Executive Risks: A Boardroom Guide 2012/13, by White Page in collaboration with Willis Finex Global
  • "Quelques réflexions sur la responsabilité du fabricant au Québec à la lumière de l’arrêt Domtar", AGRAQ, January 22, 2009
  • "Recent Developments in the Securities Class Action Field in Canada" in PLUS Magazine, February 2006
  • "Canada (& Quebec)" (co-authored with André Laurin & Isabelle Lamarre) in The Willis Worldwide Directory of Directors' and Officers' Liability, 3rd ed., London, 2005 


  • "Médiation dans le monde des affaires – Assurance", as part of the Rendez-vous 2018-2019 of the Clinique de médiation de l’Université de Montréal (CMUM), October 30, 2018
  • "Statutory civil liability remedies for investors in the secondary securities markets", F.P. publication, 4th Conference on the liability of directors and officers, February 2013
  • "Exploring Trends in D&O Liability – Certain Canadian Trends", Canadian Institute’s 12th Annual Forum of Directors’, Officers’ and Fiduciary Liability, Montreal, October 22-23, 2009
  • "The Canadian ABCP Experience: The Montreal Accord of 2007 and the Metcalfe & Mansfield CCAA Plan of Arrangement" as part of the PLUS conference "La crise mondiale du crédit : où en sommes-nous ? Où allons-nous?; D&O, E&O et autres types de responsabilité", PLUS Seminar, Montreal, May 6, 2009
  • "Directors' Duties: The Supreme Court Confirms that Directors Owe No Fiduciary Duty to the Company's Creditors", McGill University, Faculty of law, Montreal, February 8, 2006
  • "Current Developments in D & O Litigation: What You Need to Know in Light of Peoples v. Wise and other Recent Court Decisions", Canadian Institute, October 25, 2005
  • "When They Sneeze... Emerging Trends in Canadian Directors' & Officers' Claims", RIMS Canada, Montreal, September 19, 2005
  • "Peoples Department Stores Inc. v. Wise: Directors' Duties Defined", QRIMA, November 2004
  • "The Liability of Pension Plan Administrators in the Quebec and Canadian Context", QRIMA, Montreal, February 26, 2004
  • "Barbarians at the Gate? Corporate Disclosure and Securities Class Action Litigation in Canada", QRIMA, Montreal, February 15, 2001


  • The Best Lawyers in Canada in the field of Class Action Litigation, since 2024
  • Best Lawyers 2020 Global Business Edition 
  • The Best Lawyers in Canada in the field of Director's' and Officers' Liability, since 2011
  • The Best Lawyers in Canada in the field of Insurance Law, since 2008
  • The Canadian Legal LEXPERT® Directory in the field of Director's and Officer's Liability
  • Who’s Who Legal in the field of Insurance & Reinsurance, Narional Leader, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
  • Practical Law Company (PLC) Cross-Border Insurance Handbook
  • Fellow, Litigation Counsel of America (LCA)
Lexpert 2016 Martindale


  • B.C.L., McGill University, 1971
  • B.A., McGill University, 1968
  • Certified Mediator (Barreau du Québec and Arbitration and Mediation Institute of Quebec (IMAQ))
  • Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb)

Boards and Professional Affiliations

  • Governor of the Fondation du Barreau du Québec
  • Canadian Bar Association (Chairman of the Insurance Law Section (1990))
  • American Bar Association
  • International Bar Association
  • Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
  • ICC Canada Arbitration Committee
  • Arbitration and Mediation Institute of Quebec (IMAQ); Chairperson of IMAQ’s Insurance and Financial Services Sector Committee (Table Sectorielle en assurances et en services financiers)
  • ADR Institute of Canada (ADRIC)
  • Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS); Member of the Canadian Chapter National Steering Committee (1996-2007); Founding Chairman of the Quebec Sub-Section of the Canadian Chapter (2002-2014)
  • Defence Research Institute
  • Canadian Defence Lawyers
  • Member of the Board of Directors and the Editorial Board of the Cahiers de propriété intellectuelle (1998-2008)


  • Arbitrator
  • Certified mediator
  1. Directors and Officers Liability

    The practice area of Directors and Officers Liability focuses on the liabilities of directors and officers arising out of their duties and responsibilities as directors and officers of business corporations and non-profit organizations. Much of modern society’s activities are carried out by such corporate entities, and as they act through their directors and officers, it is not surprising that there is a broad range of sources of liability for directors and officers when acting in their respective capacities for these corporations. 

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  2. Legal Developments for Directors and Officers in Canada dans le livre Executive Risks: A Boardroom Guide 2010/11

    Over the past few years, there have been significant developments in both legislation and case law which have had an impact on corporate governance and the obligations and liabilities of directors and officers in Canada. In Canada, directors’ and officers’ statutory liability arises generally from two principal sources: the applicable Canadian and provincial corporate statutes and the provincial securities statutes. Directors and officers may also incur liability arising from various other statutes which impose specific liabilities to ensure compliance with their dispositions. It is important to note that the federal Canadian crown, the ten provinces and the three territories each have their own set of statutes by which corporate entities can be created and regulated. Each of these is slightly different, although most of the provinces have based their statutes in large measure on the federal statute, the Canada Business Corporations Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. C-44, ‘the CBCA’).Securities statutes have been enacted by the provincial legislatures and securities matters are governed by these statutes which are enforced by provincial regulators. There is no central Canadian regulator and while many believe having one would be preferable, the issue has been hotly debated for some time without resolution. Other federal and provincial statutes provide for specific liabilities for directors and officers. Some of the more significant examples are found in tax and excise legislation, employment standards legislation and environmental protection legislation. This chapter is a summary of the significant recent developments in legislation and case law that have an impact on corporate governance and the duties, obligations and liabilities of directors and officers in Canada.

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  3. The Manufacturer-Seller's Warranty in Québec: Still "Distict"!

    In late November 2007, the Supreme Court rendered a judgment on the law of sale in Quebec in the case of ABB Inc. v. Domtar Inc. in which it pointed out important differences between Quebec law and the law of the other Canadian provinces regarding limitation of liability clauses. It also clarified its thinking on the scope of the presumption of knowledge of the defect and the defences available to the anufacturer/seller and it dealt with the manufacturer/seller’s duty to inform and the extent of the buyer’s duty to inform himself.This judgment is certainly a landmark decision, because it clarifies the Kravitz decision and older rulings concerning the rebuttability of the presumption of knowledge. It also makes a clear distinction between the rules applicable in the common law provinces and those applicable in Quebec. All manufacturers and professional sellers who sell products in Quebec will be affected by this decision. It will be difficult for them to invoke a clause excluding or limiting liability unless they have succeeded in establishing that the presumption of knowledge and bad faith applicable to them has been rebutted by the rare admissible defences. These are the buyer’s own fault, the fault of a third person, an event of force majeure (superior force), or the existing state of technical knowledge at the time the good was manufactured. One may now have to consider the potential impact that a detailed disclosure of a product’s characteristics may have on establishing the state of technical knowledge at the time of manufacture.

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  1. The Best Lawyers in Canada 2025 recognize 88 lawyers of Lavery

    Lavery is pleased to announce that 88 of its lawyers have been recognized as leaders in their respective fields of expertise by The Best Lawyers in Canada 2025. The ranking is based entirely on peer recognition and rewards the professional performance of the country's top lawyers. The following lawyers also received the Lawyer of the Year award in the 2025 edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada: Isabelle Jomphe: Intellectual Property Law Myriam Lavallée : Labour and Employment Law Consult the complete list of Lavery's lawyers and their fields of expertise: Geneviève Beaudin : Employee Benefits Law Josianne Beaudry : Mergers and Acquisitions Law / Mining Law / Securities Law Geneviève Bergeron : Intellectual Property Law Laurence Bich-Carrière : Class Action Litigation / Contruction Law / Corporate and Commercial Litigation / Product Liability Law Dominic Boivert : Insurance Law Luc R. Borduas : Corporate Law / Mergers and Acquisitions Law Daniel Bouchard : Environmental Law René Branchaud : Mining Law / Natural Resources Law / Securities Law Étienne Brassard : Equipment Finance Law / Mergers and Acquisitions Law / Project Finance Law / Real Estate Law Jules Brière : Aboriginal Law / Indigenous Practice / Administrative and Public Law / Health Care Law Myriam Brixi : Class Action Litigation / Product Liability Law Benoit Brouillette : Labour and Employment Law Marie-Claude Cantin : Construction Law / Insurance Law Brittany Carson : Labour and Employment Law André Champagne : Corporate Law / Mergers and Acquisitions Law Chantal Desjardins : Intellectual Property Law Jean-Sébastien Desroches : Corporate Law / Mergers and Acquisitions Law Raymond Doray : Administrative and Public Law / Defamation and Media Law / Privacy and Data Security Law Christian Dumoulin : Mergers and Acquisitions Law Alain Y. Dussault : Intellectual Property Law Isabelle Duval : Family Law Ali El Haskouri : Banking and Finance Law Philippe Frère : Administrative and Public Law Simon Gagné : Labour and Employment Law Nicolas Gagnon : Construction Law Richard Gaudreault : Labour and Employment Law Julie Gauvreau : Biotechnology and Life Sciences Practice / Intellectual Property Law Marc-André Godin : Commercial Leasing Law / Real Estate Law Caroline Harnois : Family Law / Family Law Mediation / Trusts and Estates Marie-Josée Hétu : Labour and Employment Law Édith Jacques : Corporate Law / Energy Law / Natural Resources Law Marie-Hélène Jolicoeur : Labour and Employment Law Isabelle Jomphe : Advertising and Marketing Law / Intellectual Property Law Nicolas Joubert : Labour and Employment Law Guillaume Laberge : Administrative and Public Law Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin : Insurance Law Awatif Lakhdar : Family Law Marc-André Landry : Alternative Dispute Resolution / Class Action Litigation / Construction Law / Corporate and Commercial Litigation / Product Liability Law Éric Lavallée : Technology Law Myriam Lavallée : Labour and Employment Law Guy Lavoie : Labour and Employment Law / Workers' Compensation Law Jean Legault : Banking and Finance Law / Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Law Carl Lessard : Labour and Employment Law / Workers' Compensation Law Josiane L'Heureux : Labour and Employment Law Hugh Mansfield : Intellectual Property Law Zeïneb Mellouli : Labour and Employment Law / Workers' Compensation Law Isabelle P. Mercure : Trusts and Estates / Tax Law Patrick A. Molinari : Health Care Law Luc Pariseau : Tax Law / Trusts and Estates Ariane Pasquier : Labour and Employment Law Hubert Pepin : Labour and Employment Law Martin Pichette : Insurance Law / Professional Malpractice Law / Corporate and Commercial Litigation Élisabeth Pinard : Family Law / Family Law Mediation François Renaud : Banking and Finance Law / Structured Finance Law Marc Rochefort : Securities Law Yves Rocheleau : Corporate Law Judith Rochette : Alternative Dispute Resolution / Insurance Law / Professional Malpractice Law Ian Rose FCIArb : Class Action Litigation / Director and Officer Liability Practice / Insurance Law Ouassim Tadlaoui : Construction Law / Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Law David Tournier : Banking and Finance Law Vincent Towner : Commercial Leasing Law André Vautour : Corporate Governance Practice / Corporate Law / Energy Law / Information Technology Law / Intellectual Property Law / Private Funds Law / Technology Law / Venture Capital Law Bruno Verdon : Corporate and Commercial Litigation Sébastien Vézina : Mergers and Acquisitions Law / Mining Law / Sports Law Yanick Vlasak :  Banking and Finance Law / Corporate and Commercial Litigation / Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Law Jonathan Warin : Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Law   We are pleased to highlight our rising stars, who also distinguished themselves in this directory in the Ones To Watch category: Romeo Aguilar Perez : Labour and Employment Law (Ones To Watch) Anne-Marie Asselin : Labour and Employment Law (Ones To Watch) Rosemarie Bhérer Bouffard : Labour and Employment Law (Ones To Watch) Marc-André Bouchard : Construction Law (Ones To Watch) Céleste Brouillard-Ross : Construction Law / Corporate and Commercial Litigation (Ones To Watch) Karl Chabot : Construction Law / Corporate and Commercial Litigation (Ones To Watch) Justine Chaput : Labour and Employment Law (Ones To Watch) Julien Ducharme : Corporate Law / Mergers and Acquisitions Law (Ones To Watch) James Duffy : Intellectual Property Law (Ones To Watch) Joseph Gualdieri : Mergers and Acquisitions Law (Ones To Watch) Katerina Kostopoulos : Corporate Law (Ones To Watch) Joël Larouche : Corporate and Commercial Litigation (Ones To Watch) Despina Mandilaras : Construction Law / Corporate and Commercial Litigation (Ones To Watch) Jean-François Maurice : Corporate Law (Ones To Watch) Jessica Parent : Labour and Employment Law (Ones To Watch) Audrey Pelletier : Tax Law (Ones To Watch) Alexandre Pinard : Labour and Employment Law (Ones To Watch) Camille Rioux : Labour and Employment Law (Ones To Watch) Sophie Roy : Insurance Law (Ones To Watch) Chantal Saint-Onge : Corporate and Commercial Litigation (Ones To Watch) Bernard Trang : Banking and Finance Law / Project Finance Law (Ones To Watch) Mylène Vallières : Mergers and Acquisitions Law / Securities Law (Ones To Watch) These recognitions are further demonstration of the expertise and quality of legal services that characterize Lavery’s professionals.  

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  2. The Best Lawyers in Canada 2024 recognize 68 lawyers of Lavery

    Lavery is pleased to announce that 68 of its lawyers have been recognized as leaders in their respective fields of expertise by The Best Lawyers in Canada 2024. The following lawyers also received the Lawyer of the Year award in the 2024 edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada: Josianne Beaudry : Mining Law Jules Brière : Administrative and Public Law Bernard Larocque : Professional Malpractice Law Carl Lessard : Workers' Compensation Law Consult the complete list of Lavery's lawyers and their fields of expertise: Josianne Beaudry : Mergers and Acquisitions Law / Mining Law Laurence Bich-Carrière : Class Action Litigation / Contruction Law / Corporate and Commercial Litigation / Product Liability Law Dominic Boivert : Insurance Law Luc R. Borduas : Corporate Law / Mergers and Acquisitions Law Daniel Bouchard : Environmental Law Elizabeth Bourgeois : Labour and Employment Law (Ones To Watch) René Branchaud : Mining Law / Natural Resources Law / Securities Law Étienne Brassard : Equipment Finance Law / Mergers and Acquisitions Law / Real Estate Law Jules Brière : Aboriginal Law / Indigenous Practice / Administrative and Public Law / Health Care Law Myriam Brixi : Class Action Litigation Benoit Brouillette : Labour and Employment Law Richard Burgos : Mergers and Acquisitions Law / Corporate Law / Commercial Leasing Law / Real Estate Law Marie-Claude Cantin : Insurance Law / Construction Law Brittany Carson : Labour and Employment Law Karl Chabot : Construction Law (Ones To Watch) Chantal Desjardins : Intellectual Property Law Jean-Sébastien Desroches : Corporate Law / Mergers and Acquisitions Law Raymond Doray : Privacy and Data Security Law / Administrative and Public Law / Defamation and Media Law Christian Dumoulin : Mergers and Acquisitions Law Alain Y. Dussault : Intellectual Property Law Isabelle Duval : Family Law Philippe Frère : Administrative and Public Law Simon Gagné : Labour and Employment Law Nicolas Gagnon : Construction Law Richard Gaudreault : Labour and Employment Law Julie Gauvreau : Intellectual Property Law / Biotechnology and Life Sciences Practice Audrey Gibeault : Trusts and Estates Caroline Harnois : Family Law / Family Law Mediation / Trusts and Estates Marie-Josée Hétu : Labour and Employment Law Édith Jacques : Energy Law / Corporate Law / Natural Resources Law Marie-Hélène Jolicoeur : Labour and Employment Law Isabelle Jomphe : Advertising and Marketing Law / Intellectual Property Law Guillaume Laberge : Administrative and Public Law Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin : Insurance Law Awatif Lakhdar : Family Law Bernard Larocque : Professional Malpractice Law / Class Action Litigation / Insurance Law / Legal Malpractice Law Éric Lavallée : Technology Law Myriam Lavallée : Labour and Employment Law Guy Lavoie : Labour and Employment Law / Workers' Compensation Law Jean Legault : Banking and Finance Law / Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Law Carl Lessard : Workers' Compensation Law / Labour and Employment Law Josiane L'Heureux : Labour and Employment Law Despina Mandilaras : Construction Law / Corporate and Commercial Litigation (Ones To Watch) Hugh Mansfield : Intellectual Property Law Zeïneb Mellouli : Labour and Employment Law / Workers' Compensation Law Isabelle P. Mercure : Trusts and Estates Patrick A. Molinari : Health Care Law Jessica Parent : Labour and Employment Law (Ones To Watch) Luc Pariseau : Tax Law / Trusts and Estates Ariane Pasquier : Labour and Employment Law Jacques Paul-Hus : Mergers and Acquisitions Law Audrey Pelletier : Tax Law (Ones To Watch) Hubert Pepin : Labour and Employment Law Martin Pichette : Insurance Law / Professional Malpractice Law / Corporate and Commercial Litigation Élisabeth Pinard : Family Law François Renaud : Banking and Finance Law / Structured Finance Law Judith Rochette : Insurance Law / Professional Malpractice Law Ian Rose FCIArb : Director and Officer Liability Practice / Insurance Law / Class Action Litigation Sophie Roy : Insurance Law (Ones To Watch) Chantal Saint-Onge : Corporate and Commercial Litigation (Ones To Watch) Ouassim Tadlaoui : Construction Law / Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Law Bernard Trang : Banking and Finance Law / Project Finance Law (Ones To Watch) Mylène Vallières : Mergers and Acquisitions Law / Securities Law (Ones To Watch) André Vautour : Corporate Governance Practice / Corporate Law / Information Technology Law / Intellectual Property Law / Technology Law / Energy Law Bruno Verdon : Corporate and Commercial Litigation Sébastien Vézina : Mergers and Acquisitions Law / Mining Law Yanick Vlasak : Corporate and Commercial Litigation / Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Law Jonathan Warin : Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Law These recognitions are further demonstration of the expertise and quality of legal services that characterize Lavery’s professionals. About Lavery Lavery is the leading independent law firm in Quebec. Its more than 200 professionals, based in Montréal, Quebec, Sherbrooke and Trois-Rivières, work every day to offer a full range of legal services to organizations doing business in Quebec. Recognized by the most prestigious legal directories, Lavery professionals are at the heart of what is happening in the business world and are actively involved in their communities. The firm’s expertise is frequently sought after by numerous national and international partners to provide support in cases under Quebec jurisdiction.

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  3. The Best Lawyers in Canada 2023 recognize 67 lawyers of Lavery

    Lavery is pleased to announce that 67 of its lawyers have been recognized as leaders in their respective fields of expertise by The Best Lawyers in Canada 2023. The following lawyers also received the Lawyer of the Year award in the 2023 edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada: René Branchaud : Natural Resources Law Chantal Desjardins : Intellectual Property Law Bernard Larocque : Legal Malpractice Law Patrick A. Molinari : Health Care Law   Consult the complete list of Lavery's lawyers and their fields of expertise: Josianne Beaudry : Mergers and Acquisitions Law / Mining Law Laurence Bich-Carrière : Class Action Litigation / Corporate and Commercial Litigation / Product Liability Law Dominic Boivert : Insurance Law (Ones To Watch) Luc R. Borduas : Corporate Law / Mergers and Acquisitions Law Daniel Bouchard : Environmental Law Laurence Bourgeois-Hatto : Workers' Compensation Law René Branchaud : Mining Law / Natural Resources Law / Securities Law Étienne Brassard : Equipment Finance Law / Mergers and Acquisitions Law / Real Estate Law Jules Brière : Aboriginal Law / Indigenous Practice / Administrative and Public Law / Health Care Law Myriam Brixi : Class Action Litigation Benoit Brouillette : Labour and Employment Law Richard Burgos : Mergers and Acquisitions Law / Corporate Law Marie-Claude Cantin : Insurance Law / Construction Law Brittany Carson : Labour and Employment Law Eugene Czolij : Corporate and Commercial Litigation France Camille De Mers : Mergers and Acquisitions Law (Ones To Watch) Chantal Desjardins : Intellectual Property Law Jean-Sébastien Desroches : Corporate Law / Mergers and Acquisitions Law Raymond Doray : Privacy and Data Security Law / Administrative and Public Law / Defamation and Media Law Christian Dumoulin : Mergers and Acquisitions Law Alain Y. Dussault : Intellectual Property Law Isabelle Duval : Family Law Chloé Fauchon : Municipal Law (Ones To Watch) Philippe Frère : Administrative and Public Law Simon Gagné : Labour and Employment Law Nicolas Gagnon : Construction Law Richard Gaudreault : Labour and Employment Law Danielle Gauthier : Labour and Employment Law Julie Gauvreau : Intellectual Property Law Michel Gélinas : Labour and Employment Law Caroline Harnois : Family Law / Family Law Mediation / Trusts and Estates Marie-Josée Hétu : Labour and Employment Law Alain Heyne : Banking and Finance Law Édith Jacques : Energy Law / Corporate Law Pierre Marc Johnson, Ad. E.  : International Arbitration Marie-Hélène Jolicoeur : Labour and Employment Law Isabelle Jomphe : Intellectual Property Law Guillaume Laberge : Administrative and Public Law Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin : Insurance Law Awatif Lakhdar : Family Law Bernard Larocque : Professional Malpractice Law / Class Action Litigation / Insurance Law / Legal Malpractice Law Myriam Lavallée : Labour and Employment Law Guy Lavoie : Labour and Employment Law / Workers' Compensation Law Jean Legault : Banking and Finance Law / Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Law Carl Lessard : Workers' Compensation Law / Labour and Employment Law Josiane L'Heureux : Labour and Employment Law Despina Mandilaras : Construction Law / Corporate and Commercial Litigation (Ones To Watch) Hugh Mansfield : Intellectual Property Law Zeïneb Mellouli : Labour and Employment Law Patrick A. Molinari : Health Care Law André Paquette : Mergers and Acquisitions Law Luc Pariseau : Tax Law Ariane Pasquier : Labour and Employment Law Jacques Paul-Hus : Mergers and Acquisitions Law Hubert Pepin : Labour and Employment Law Martin Pichette : Insurance Law / Professional Malpractice Law Élisabeth Pinard : Family Law François Renaud : Banking and Finance Law / Structured Finance Law Judith Rochette : Insurance Law / Professional Malpractice Law Ian Rose FCIArb : Director and Officer Liability Practice / Insurance Law Chantal Saint-Onge : Corporate and Commercial Litigation (Ones To Watch) Éric Thibaudeau : Workers' Compensation Law André Vautour : Corporate Governance Practice / Corporate Law / Information Technology Law / Intellectual Property Law / Technology Law Bruno Verdon : Corporate and Commercial Litigation Sébastien Vézina : Mergers and Acquisitions Law Yanick Vlasak : Corporate and Commercial Litigation Jonathan Warin : Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Law These recognitions are further demonstration of the expertise and quality of legal services that characterize Lavery’s professionals.

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  4. The Best Lawyers in Canada 2022 recognize 68 lawyers of Lavery

    Lavery is pleased to announce that 68 of its lawyers have been recognized as leaders in their respective fields of expertise by The Best Lawyers in Canada 2022. Lawyer of the Year   The following lawyers also received the Lawyer of the Year award in the 2022 edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada: Caroline Harnois: Family Law Mediation Bernard Larocque: Professional Malpractice Law   Consult the complete list of Lavery's lawyers and their fields of expertise: Josianne Beaudry : Mining Law / Mergers and Acquisitions Law Dominique Bélisle : Energy Law Laurence Bich-Carrière : Class Action Litigation René Branchaud : Mining Law / Natural Resources Law / Securities Law Étienne Brassard : Mergers and Acquisitions Law / Real Estate Law / Equipment Finance Law Dominic Boisvert: Insurance Law (Ones To Watch) Luc R. Borduas : Corporate Law Daniel Bouchard : Environmental Law Jules Brière : Administrative and Public Law / Health Care Law Myriam Brixi : Class Action Litigation Benoit Brouillette : Labour and Employment Law Richard Burgos : Corporate Law / Mergers and Acquisitions Law Marie-Claude Cantin : Construction Law / Insurance Law Charles Ceelen-Brasseur : Corporate Law (Ones To Watch) Eugène Czolij : Corporate and Commercial Litigation / Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Law Chantal Desjardins : Intellectual Property Law Jean-Sébastien Desroches : Corporate Law / Mergers and Acquisitions Law Michel Desrosiers : Labour and Employment Law Raymond Doray, Ad. E : Administrative and Public Law / Defamation and Media Law / Privacy and Data Security Law Christian Dumoulin : Mergers and Acquisitions Law Alain Y. Dussault : Intellectual Property Law Isabelle Duval : Family Law Chloé Fauchon: Municipal Law (Ones To Watch) Philippe Frère : Administrative and Public Law Simon Gagné : Labour and Employment Law Nicolas Gagnon : Construction Law Richard Gaudreault : Labour and Employment Law Danielle Gauthier : Labour and Employment Law Julie Gauvreau : Intellectual Property Law Michel Gélinas : Labour and Employment Law Caroline Harnois : Family Law / Family Law Mediation / Trusts and Estates Marie-Josée Hétu : Labour and Employment Law Alain Heyne : Banking and Finance Law Édith Jacques : Corporate Law / Energy Law Pierre Marc Johnson, Ad. E., G.O.Q., MSRC : International Arbitration Marie-Hélène Jolicoeur : Labour and Employment Law Isabelle Jomphe : Intellectual Property Law Guillaume Laberge: Administrative and Public Law Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin: Insurance Law Awatif Lakhdar: Family Law Bernard Larocque: Class Action Litigation / Insurance Law / Professional Malpractice Law Myriam Lavallée: Labour and Employment Law Guy Lavoie: Labour and Employment Law / Workers’ Compensation Law Jean Legault: Banking and Finance Law / Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Law Carl Lessard: Labour and Employment Law / Workers' Compensation Law Josiane L'Heureux: Labour and Employment Law Hugh Mansfield : Intellectual Property Law Zeïneb Mellouli : Labour and Employment Law Patrick A. Molinari, Ad.E., MSRC : Health Care Law André Paquette: Mergers and Acquisitions Law Luc Pariseau : Tax Law Jacques Paul-Hus : Mergers & Acquisitions Law Ariane Pasquier : Labour and Employment Law Hubert Pepin : Labour and Employment Law Martin Pichette : Insurance Law / Professional Malpractice Law Élisabeth Pinard : Family Law François Renaud : Banking and Finance Law Marc Rochefort : Securities Law Judith Rochette : Professional Malpractice Law Ian Rose : Director and Officer Liability Practice / Insurance Law Éric Thibaudeau: Workers' Compensation Law Philippe Tremblay : Construction Law / Corporate and Commercial Litigation Jean-Philippe Turgeon : Franchise Law André Vautour : Corporate Law / Energy Law / Information Technology Law / Intellectual Property Law / Private Funds Law / Technology Law Bruno Verdon : Corporate and Commercial Litigation Sébastien Vézina : Mergers and Acquisitions Law Yanick Vlasak : Corporate and Commercial Litigation Jonathan Warin : Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Law

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