Pamela Cifola Lawyer

Pamela Cifola Lawyer


  • Montréal

Phone number

514 878-5489

Bar Admission

  • Québec, 2022


  • English
  • French



Pamela Cifola is a member of the Business Law group and practices mainly in transactional law and commercial law.

Ms. Cifola supports our partners and experienced members primarily with commercial transactions, such as business sales and acquisitions, mergers and corporate reorganizations.

In additions to her practice in transactional law, Pamela drafts and revises commercial agreements of all kinds, including share purchase agreements, shareholders' agreements, partnership agreements, confidentiality undertakings, service contracts and private company stock option plans.

As part of her university studies, Pamela completed an internship with the judiciary of the Superior Court of Quebec, under the supervision of the Honorable Marie-Claude Armstrong and Babak Barin. As part of her legal interpretation course, she participated in the drafting of Bill 197, namely, An Act to amend the Consumer Protection Act to fight planned obsolescence and assert the right to repair goods, Bill no 197 (introduction - April 9,2019), 1st sess., 42nd Legislature (Qc).

Professional and community activities

  • Articled student, Superior Court of Québec, Montréal, 2019-2020


  • Mention of excellence - Faculty awards - 1st, 2nd and 3rd year
  • Bâtonnier of the Province of Québec Cup and scholarship (best team), Pierre-Basile Mignault Competition, 2020
  • SOQUIJ Cup and scholarship (2nd best brief - respondent), Pierre-Basile Mignault Competition, 2020


  • LL.B, Université de Sherbrooke, 2020
  1. Requirements to Prevent and Reduce the Risk of Forced Labour or Child Labour: What Businesses Need to Know to Comply

    On May 11, 2023, the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act, S.C. 2023, c. 9 (the “Act”) was passed. The purpose of this Act is to implement Canada’s international commitment to contribute to the fight against forced labour and child labour, and to require certain entities to report on the measures they have taken to reduce the use of forced labour and child labour. The Act came into force on January 1, 2024, and reporting entities and federal institutions were required to submit their first report under the Act by May 31, 2024. In addition, Public Safety Canada (the “Government”) released the Guidance for reporting entities.  Scope of the Act The Act applies to government institutions and to any corporation, partnership, trust or other unincorporated organization that (i) is listed on a stock exchange in Canada or (ii) has a place of business in Canada, does business in Canada or has assets in Canada and that, based on its consolidated financial statements, meets at least two of the following conditions for at least one of its two most recent financial years: (a) it has at least $20 million in assets (b) it has generated at least $40 million in revenue (c) it employs an average of at least 250 employees (collectively, the “entities”) Or (iii) is prescribed by regulations. The obligation to report applies to any entity (a) producing, selling or distributing goods in Canada or elsewhere; (b) importing into Canada goods produced outside Canada; or (c) controlling an entity engaged in any of these activities. Entities are considered to be operating in Canada if they produce, sell or distribute goods in Canada. They may also be considered to be operating in Canada if they have employees, if they make deliveries, purchases or payments in Canada, or if they have bank accounts in Canada. It is important to note that doing business in Canada does not require having a place of business in Canada. Forced Labour vs. Child Labour For the purposes of this Act, child labour is defined as labour provided by minors that (i) is provided or offered to be provided in Canada under circumstances that are contrary to the laws applicable in Canada; (ii) is provided or offered to be provided under circumstances that are physically, socially or morally dangerous to them; (iii) interferes with their schooling; or (iv) constitutes the worst forms of child labour, as defined in article 3 of the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention.1 Forced labour is labour provided by a person (i) in circumstances in which it would be reasonable to believe that their safety or that of a person known to them would be threatened if they failed to provide such labour; or (ii) in circumstances which constitute forced or compulsory labour, as defined in article 2 of the Forced Labour Convention.2 Entities With Reporting Obligations Any entity required to report annually to the Government under the Act must include in its report the steps taken during its previous financial year to prevent and reduce the risk of forced labour and child labour. In order to comply with the obligations imposed by the Act, the entity must also include in its report information on its structure, its activities relating to the production, sale, distribution or importation of goods, as well as the type of goods and place of operation, and the countries or regions involved in its supply chains. Lastly, the report must include a brief explanation of the entity’s due diligence policies and processes regarding forced labour and child labour, information on the training provided to employees, and the parts of its business that carry a risk of forced labour or child labour. Given that the steps taken to prevent and reduce forced labour and child labour can result in a loss of income for vulnerable families, the Act requires entities to identify the measures taken to mitigate such impact on these families. Publication of Reports Entities must not only comply with the format, approval and attestation requirements for their report before submitting it to the Government but also make it available to the public by publishing it on a prominent place on their website. They can submit their report in one of the two official languages, although the Government recommends that reports be published in both English and French. In addition, the Act requires entities incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act or any other federal law to provide a copy of the report to each shareholder at the same time as their annual financial statements. Offences and Fines Reporting entities that fail to submit their report or make it available to the public are liable to a fine of not more than $250,000 per offence.3 The senior executives, directors and employees of an entity are also liable to fines and criminal prosecution should the entity contravene the Act.4 Any offence committed by an entity may also entail reputational risk. Our Advice Introducing policies, procedures, audit tools and other rules—or improving existing ones—to prevent and reduce modern slavery is essential. Such policies and rules may include procedures for reporting and an investigation process to address concerns, as well as a whistleblower protection system (whistleblower policy or similar measures). Businesses should think about how they select suppliers and whether they should adopt rules for monitoring the activities of their suppliers and partners. They should also consider updating their agreements with existing suppliers or partners to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Act, in particular by including provisions prohibiting the use of forced labour or child labour in suppliers’ business activities. Other measures may include raising awareness and training staff, directors and officers on how to implement company policies and procedures aimed at identifying and preventing forced labour and child labour. Our team has developed tools to help reporting entities identify the parts of their business that carry a risk of forced labour or child labour. We will be monitoring upcoming government publications in response to the first reports that reporting entities submit and, if need be, we will release another article to clarify reporting obligations. For any questions or advice relating to your obligations under the Act, do not hesitate to contact our team. Section 1 of the Act; see also the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, adopted in Geneva on June 17, 1999, article 3: Link Section 1 of the Act; see also the Forced Labour Convention, adopted in Geneva on June 28, 1930, article 2: Link Section 19 of the Act. Section 20 of the Act.

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  1. Lavery helps Cultures Gen V become Quebec’s largest greenhouse grower

    On July 4, 2023, Cultures Gen V, one of Quebec’s leading greenhouse growers, announced the acquisition of Serres Royales. The acquisition furthers Cultures Gen V’s business strategy, which aims to improve Quebec’s food self-sufficiency by expanding sustainable greenhouse growing and offering consumers a wider variety of superior quality products. This transaction makes Cultures Gen V the largest diversified greenhouse grower in Quebec, adding 9 hectares of tomatoes to its current acreage, for a total of 36 hectares. Lavery was privileged to represent Cultures Gen V in the transaction. Not only did the firm implement the group’s pre-transaction refinancing, it also negotiated and closed the transaction. The Lavery team was led by Étienne Brassard with the assistance of Gabrielle Ahélo and France Camille De Mers and the collaboration of Béatrice Bull, Pamela Cifola, Éric Gélinas, Jessica Parent, Chantal Desjardins, James Duffy, Valérie Belle-Isle, Sonia Guérin, Joseph Lauzon-Potts, Arielle Supino, Bernard Trang, Katerina Kostopoulos, Charlotte Dangoisse, David Tournier, Ana Cristina Nascimento, Joëlle Montpetit and Nadine Giguère.

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  2. Lavery helps NorthStar to close an investment round worth approximately CA$ 47 million

    On December 23, 2022, NorthStar Earth & Space Inc. closed a Series C investment round worth approximately CA$ 47 million, with Cartesian Capital Group, LLC, as lead investor through its fund, Pangaea Three Acquisition Holdings III, LLC, Telesystem Space Inc., Luxembourg Future Fund – Co-Investments SA, the Québec Government through its mandatary Investissement Québec, and the Luxembourg Space Sector Development SCSp funded by the world’s leading connectivity solutions provider, SES, and the Luxembourg Government. With this investment, NorthStar will be able to fully finance its Space Situational Awareness (SSA) development project and the launch of its first three monitoring satellites scheduled for mid-2023. Lavery was privileged to represent NorthStar in this important mandate. Our partner, Ms. France Camille De Mers, led the transaction with the support of Mr. Philippe Brassard and Ms. Pamela Cifola, in particular. Our partners Mr. Ali El Haskouri and Mr. André Vautour also helped make the transaction a success. — NorthStar Earth & Space Inc. is the first commercial enterprise to monitor all near-Earth orbits from space and combine data from a variety of ground-based sensors to provide more extensive coverage. Its suite of high-speed information services accurately tracks and predicts the position of space objects to enable safety in spaceflight. With a head office in Montréal, Canada, European subsidiary in Luxembourg and an American subsidiary in McLean, Virginia, NorthStar is solving the ever-growing threat of space collisions, and, ultimately empowering humanity to preserve our planet.

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  3. Lavery supports the development of local e-commerce

    On June 20, 2022, the Government of Québec and Plateforme Agora (now doing business as Le Panier Bleu) announced that Le Panier Bleu is transitioning to a private enterprise with the support of Quebec industry leaders. During the announcement, it was also confirmed that Le Panier Bleu will soon develop a transactional e-commerce platform making it possible to buy products from local merchants online. Lavery had the privilege of assisting Plateforme Agora in this round of financing and in Le Panier Bleu’s transition by providing advice on corporate financing, mergers and acquisitions, corporate law, intellectual property, commercial law in the field of technology and labour law. The Lavery team led by Étienne Brassard was composed of Jean-François Maurice, Isabelle Jomphe, Guillaume Laberge, Jessica Parent, Béatrice Bull, Isabelle Normand and Pamela Cifola.

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  4. Two new members join Lavery’s ranks

    Lavery is pleased to welcome two new members to its Montréal office and Business Law group: Christian Chidiac and Pamela Cifola. Christian Chidiac Christian joins the Business Law group. He will be supporting our partners and experienced members, working primarily in the areas of mergers and acquisitions and commercial law. “From a professional standpoint, I wanted to work on major and complex cases, and the firm’s Business Law group seems to be very diverse. From a more personal and relational standpoint, my exchanges with each member of the firm have always been very cordial, and it seems to me that Lavery values the well-being of its employees. I think it’s a great place to learn and work” says Christian Chidiac, lawyer. Pamela Cifola Pamela was recently sworn in after completing her articling program at the firm. She joins the Business Law group. Pamela practices primarily in securities law and will be providing our clients and business partners with her expertise. Prior to joining Lavery, Pamela also completed an internship with the judiciary of the Superior Court of Québec. “As soon as I joined Lavery, I had the opportunity to work with passionate and competent professionals on all kinds of cases! During my articling program, I was fortunate to have outstanding mentors who took the time to share their knowledge with me and who invested in my professional development, including my articling supervisor Jean-Sébastien Desroches and my mentor Jean-François Maurice. I'm blessed to be part of the Lavery family and I couldn’t be in a better place to start my business law practice,” says Pamela Cifola, lawyer.

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